what foods to you AVOID/LIVE BY??



  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    If I don't like it, I don't eat it but that is all for limitations. I try to find a way to fit all foods I like into my food calendar. I eat almonds almost every day. They help keep me full in between meals.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I found a good high caloric solid-protein breakfast of protein pancakes, butter, whole eggs, Walden Syrup helps me achieve a fabulous start towards a long biking session. I also found that about mile 24-27 a 20gm protein bar coupled with a Peanut Butter Snickers candy bar kicks an extra 20-30 miles out of me without too much suffering.

    If I really want to kick up the mileage after the above food, chowing down on a Arby's Beef & Cheddar or a foot-long Subway Meatball sub is the ticket.

    The best thing is I don't feel one bit sad for any of it. One day I ate a 410cal King Size candy bar along with a protein bar and had one of my fastest times on several segments, lol.

    The food I avoid is what I wouldn't eat anyway because well... it's just gross.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I don't it red foods on Sundays because as is well known if you eat red foods on that day they immediately turn to fat
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I avoid anything that I don't like or makes me sick (lactose intolerant, insulin issues)

    I live by all foods that I like and don't make me sick :wink:
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    stef, I take it you have willpower then if you dont restrict yourself? (lend me some!!)

    I guess it's called that...I just stay within my goal (most of the time) so I can finally get this weight off and hit maintenance.

    But knowing I can eat what I want (just in smaller portions) makes it easier for me to stick to a lower calorie goal without feel deprived. It also means I make different choices as well tho...if I want chicken strips (IE fast food) I make sure I get a salad with it instead of French fries so I can eat them all...or if I don't have the space I can put it off for one day...

    If I felt I couldn't eat Pizza or ice cream or chocolate that would be what I would want all the time but since I eat it when I am really craving it...I find I don't crave it as much.

    Exactly this! I feel I can stay like this pretty comfortable until I hit my goal. Sometimes I check the labels and think: do I really want to use my calories for that? And if I actually do I eat it. Most of the time I don't think it's worth it...

    But I avoid bananas because I hate them with all my heart
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Foods I avoid altogether:
    - all red meat and chicken because I am a pescetarian (reasoning: I don't eat animals I love)
    - mayonnaise because it is disgusting and makes me think of congealed semen
    - Shapes (flavoured cracker biscuit) because they tend to trigger binges

    Foods I prefer not to eat but will eat on occasion or depending on circumstances:
    - donuts (totally overrated in my opinion; I much prefer cake or muffins)
    - aubergine

    Stuff I eat frequently (all because of deliciousness)
    - my home-made muesli
    - fruit of any and all varieties
    - Vogel's bread with marmite and butter
    - falafels
    - nuts (especially walnuts, almonds, cashew nuts and brazil nuts)
    - cheese
    - peanut butter
    - milk
    - yoghurt
    - eggs
    - corn chips
    - cottage cheese

    Otherwise I eat a general mix of everything else.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Avoid: cake, cookies, muffins, donuts, cupcakes, chips, candy, soda, caffeine, tomatoes, chocolate, citrus fruits. I don't drink alcohol either.

    Live by: I'm gluten free and dairy free (with the exception of greek yogurt).

    For protein: eggs, chicken, steak, ground beef, ground turkey, greek yogurt, salmon.
    For carbs: Udi's bread, gluten free pretzels, rice cakes, brown rice, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, Chex cereal, veggies, and fruits.
    Fats: Earth balance dairy free butter, olive oil, nuts, avocado.

    *I avoid the things I do because I'm insulin resistant and hypoglycemic. Those foods aren't good for me. And I avoid caffeine, tomatoes, chocolate, and citrus fruits because I have severe acid reflux.*

    Do you cope ok without all these foods?x

    I personally cope fine but I don't think many people can say they'd be fine without eating those treats. I just don't have any desire to. They make me feel terrible and I know there's better choices FOR ME.

    Unless you have medical issues that require avoiding certain foods, there's no reason to. It's important to incorporate foods you like into your diet. In moderation of course. If you restrict yourself too much, you will binge, have a difficult time losing weight, and end up gaining more weight.
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member

    Pop/Diet Pop
    Fruit Juice
    Fast food burger/fries/pizza

    Live By:

    Yogurt (greek & normal kinds)
    Part skim Cheese
    Fibre 1 snack bars/brownies
    Frozen fish fillets
    Frozen chicken

    I admit to having processed chicken nuggets/strips or breaded fish fillets a couple times a week. I'm on a high enough calorie limit that I can get away with it for now. It's not so hard when you can keep some familiar foods around while you begin cutting things.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I eat Greek Yogurt most days. I prefer the full fat, but I recently switched to non-fat to hit my fat and protein macros more easily. The only things I avoid are things that I don't like. Which is really very little. . . Miller Lite? I refuse to drink Miller Lite and most other pee-colored beers. They're so gross to me! And caramel. I'm not a fan unless it's super gooey and wrapped up in chocolate. Then I will eat it! I also eat some kind of chocolate at least half of the days in a week. I love candy bars.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I choose to not eat a number of things habitually - only for special treats. Those include cake, pie, cookies, candy, ice cream, chips, juice, soda pop, pretty much dessert stuff and typical snack food. I couldn't control myself around them :) I started my 'journey' by choosing not to eat anything processed. I cut a number of things to help control my blood glucose (I'm type 2 diabetic). After a month or so, I didn't crave these things anymore. I found out that there were other things I COULD and SHOULD eat that taste great so I didn't miss the junk.

    My favorite every day things are apples - or pretty much any fruit. YUM! And I now love roasted veggies!

    That said, at this point in my journey, if I want to eat any of the things I originally cut I do it. I have learned how to stop myself from overdoing it. And they don't taste quite like they used to. I had a delicious piece of coconut meringue pie for my birthday and had to stop before I ate half of it. It was really sweet. I saved the rest for later anyway.

    Whatever you do, just know it has to be something you can live with. Otherwise you'll quit trying and never lose the weight. I know - it has taken me 30 years to finally make this attitude change. I can live with the way I eat now - forever!
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'm another in the "eat what I want in moderation" camp- many nights I have Girl Scout cookies for dessert :) But I portion the box out right away so that I can't eat an entire sleeve at once!

    That said, the only food I truly avoid (that I actually enjoy) is tortilla chips. I cannot be trusted with them. Jar of salsa+bag of chips (and sour cream, or nacho cheese . . .) will be polished off in a matter of hours. Or hour, honestly. When I allow myself to have them, I go to the gas station and get a little bag from the nacho bar. Even with a thingy of cheese, it's only around 300 cals, and I know I can't have any more, because there aren't any more!

    Foods I live by: milk. I drink a few cups a day, and I make room in my calories for it.
    Monster Java energy drinks. Again, I make room in my calories. If I know I'm having a ligh workout that day, I'll have the light version.
    Laughing Cow cheese. I love cheese, and this is good enough for me in most applications.
    Propel water. I can't bring myself to drink plain water, and Propel (made by Gatorade) is the least nutritionally offensive option out there. It's even 0 cal.
    I also eat some sort of granola bar pretty much daily. I've actually started experimenting with making my own.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    you guys are right, so long I have tried to restrict myself...low fat, low carb etc etc...made me want it more
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member

    I don't avoid anything. Everything in moderation. However for some people should avoid foods if you can't eat just 1 serving. I have a friend who loves the fiber one products but will not eat any because he can't have just one. I love the fiber plus granola bars chocolately peanut butter before I work out.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    I avoid gluten because I am intolerant, soda because it is the devil in a can and msg because it makes my face swell.

    I eat fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit, green smoothies, curries, almond butter and avocados most days sometimes lentil dishes. Oh and wine. That is my down fall and probably eats up more calorie space than it should.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    For weight loss, none, everything in moderation!

    Of course there's foods I avoid but it's only because I don't like them.
  • enasab111
    instead of avoiding food i have foods i have at home and foods i will eat at a restaurant. I won't buy potatoes/starchy vegetables, soda or sweets but if i really want them i'll have to put out the extra effort.

    foods i live by? I love almond butter, almond milk, greek yogurt, tabbouleh, etc.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I avoid pineapple as it's evil

    I eat ice cream and drink lattes every day (and I also try to get lots of fruits, veggies and 'protein dense' foods).
  • RomulanWarbird
    I eat a lot of hummus, protein, bananas, apples, and yogurt. They're really filling and have a good amount of calories. I eat like 4 to 6 times a day instead of having meals usually, so I choose things with fiber and protein that are filling. For sweets I like Yasso frozen greek yogurt bars, because they're not terrible on sugar, they don't have a ton of calories, and they have protein.

    I avoid my binge foods, like licorice, chocolate candies, and turkey salad (weird, but it's my favorite.) I rarely ever have these things because it's easy for me to just stop caring and eat a whole bunch of it. I also don't eat much dairy because I love dairy products and will binge on them. I will drink several cups of milk because I love it so much, so I don't use dairy milk, but almond milk. The only thing that I don't binge on dairy wise is yogurt, so it's safe.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    i don't avoid anything, and i live by oatmeal - i've had it everyday for breakfast for a year. not because it's some super food or anything i just really love how it tastes and can't see myself eating anything else. i also always have to have at least a tablespoon of nut butter a day.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I avoid Kale - because it's a freakin' garnish, not food.

    You will have to pry my lattes from my cold, dead hands