What has changed for you with MFP?



  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    I can't sit still. Drives me absolutely nuts not to be active or doing something.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The biggest change for me, apart from being more active... I'm cooking. Never cooked before. Now I'm always looking for recipes (mostly of things I shouldn't make in the first place because I'm still learning moderation on baked goods). My husband is really happy about it, but has unfortunately gained weight while I lost mine.



    I don't glue myself to the recliner anymore, waiting for whatever frozen foods I had popped in the oven while I stare at the TV or Facebook. I buy mostly whole foods at the grocery store, quit buying pre-packaged stuff, learned how to cook things from scratch, AND began lifting weights.
  • chankanaab07
    chankanaab07 Posts: 48 Member
    I pay more attention to what I'm eating, drink a lot more water, and browse recipes online a lot more than I used to.

    I'm more willing to try new things, and do things I never would have before. The "old" me would have been too intimidated to try Insanity or Combat, but now I'm all "bring it on!" I've recently taken up running, and am easing my way into lifting. "Old" me would have been happy to just hang out and wish I could be more fit like other people are.

    I have a lot more confidence than I had before. I know that I can do stuff... it may not be pretty, but by golly, I can do it. If something happens at work, or I have a bad day, it's easier to shake it off because I know that I'm working on being amazing.

    My husband likes to pick me up more. I HATE getting picked up, so that's a not so fun change, haha

    Same here! These days I find I'm way more willing to put myself out there, meet new people, and try new things I would have previously been likely to shy away from.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Well, now I'm single.

    This. Officially lost 140 pounds last Wednesday.
  • sheskimtastic
    MFP has helped me with my snacking definitely. I now question if anything I put in my mouth is worth having to log. Definitely keeps me from eating random foods.
  • KristenMarieRuffles
    KristenMarieRuffles Posts: 25 Member
    I have become much more aware of serving sizes and stopped overindulging in things....I have rediscovered fruits and vegetables I had forgotten about and just loooove.....and I have learned to give myself more credit....I always credited myself as having no activity during the day....but when i started tracking the little things like walking my kids to school and daycare and taking them to the park and so on...i realized i burned more calories through even basic exercise like walking and cleaning my house (three story townhouse so loooots of stairs!) and my initial goal of 60 minutes of exercise a week (to start...baby steps - going from nothing to something to start) got blown out of the water and I have easily surpassed this goal! I am excited at the idea of getting active and the creative ways of getting in the exercise...also BIG change...i HATED water when I first started and within the first week I am up to 92oz of water a day and have completely cut out pop altogether...feels great!
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I've actually started to read labels, i've really cut back on snacking too.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Well, now I'm single.

    If he would stop being stubborn and sign he papers I could drop another 240
  • poohbear7673
    What has changed for me, is being aware of what I am eating and really how much I am eating. I have found that I am making better choices and I am feeling better. I am also working out now at least 3 times a week, and I feel so much better! I am so glad I found this amazing tool!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I realized that I can treat myself every day and not deprive myself of the foods I enjoy and STILL lose weight. I've lost weight plenty of times before, but it never lasts because depriving myself of the things i love cannot be a lasting change. Hopefully I can actually keep the weight off this time around!

    I'm also a happier mom! This is the best shape I've been in since before having kids, so I'm amazed when I bring my kids to the park how I can swing with them, climb with them, and actually want to run around with them.
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I have become more comfortable with my eating habits and no longer feel ashamed to eat around other people. Also, I have learned to control my portion size and make healthier choices.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member

    Realized today how much I just love cooking now. I hated it before, it was such a chore. Now I just pop some music and I could cook all day, seriously. So weird. I just need to start working on harder recipes now (long list of ingredients still scare me off :laugh: ).

    On a way too I think I just appreciate food more now. It's always a challenge to make the most delicious use of my calories as possible (except on days like last night when I have almost no calories left and end up eating some horrible soup to at least fill me up).

    And I can't stay in the house doing nothing anymore. I have to get moving. And I feel horribly guilty on the days I don't. We got a stationary bike and I'm always on it, whether I'm watching tv or playing some games on my tablet... I try to walk every day too and started running... I used to play online games all day and not do anything.

    And now I love clothes shopping.
  • rosa_weston77
    rosa_weston77 Posts: 5 Member
    I use it in conjunction with Weight Watchers and it is a no fail method so I've seen thus far. I just started back using this method and have already lost 6 lbs in one week.

    It is what works best for me.
