Husband Is Mad I Am Fat



  • jasminemars01
    Yeah, I know, you're right. I am asking for marriage counseling on a fitness website. How absurd. The original angst was mostly about overweightedness, but the thread twisted a little.
  • jasminemars01
    You probably hit the nail on the head, love2run2. Thank you for replying to my post! :)
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I work a full time job (overtime and on call included), take 17 credit hours at College, cook, clean, take care of 3 dogs (1 being a young puppy) and still have time to work out.

    Yeah, because it takes just as much time and effort to care for a dog as it does for a kid. Holy crap is that funny!

    Time for work, so just leave your 1 year old child with a bowl of food and water and a chew toy while you’re gone for 8+ hours. If he makes a mess on the floor while you’re gone, swat him on the behind with a newspaper and chain him outside for a bit. Parenting is a cinch…
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ok, I had a fight with my husband tonight. The jist of it is he is sick of having a fat wife that doesn't take care of herself. I think he is exaggerating a little bit. I was supermodel thin and attractive when he met me 15 years ago. I have had a pretty rough time the past several years, working two jobs and taking care of two kids. I have zero time to myself. He says it is just an excuse and I could make time. When? Quit one of my jobs? Not feed our kids? My husband works away from home and is gone five nights a week, so he is no help. He gives me no credit for what I do to keep the house hold running, and makes me feel bad on top of it that I am not maintaining a svelte figure and keeping my nails done. WT heck. I am so ripping mad I could scream. He happened to be home tonight, and watched sports all night while I did our taxes. And then he has the nerve to complain we are all slobs and don't take care of the house when he is gone (not true).
    I want to lose weight and take better care of myself, but now I don't want him to think I am doing it to appease him. I have this rebellious streak in me now. He says I won't lose weight because it is just too hard ... and I am not capable of hard work. So now I don't feel like making any effort at all.
    I am so beside myself I can't sleep tonight. Of course, he is snoring away upstairs.

    I honestly think if you let some of those duties fall by the wayside and did your nails and got to the gym or did your hair or some other super obvious thing, he'd perceive it as "trying" and would get off your back. Serious. Let the chips fall where they may.

    Final answer.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    He sounds like he wants you to feel bad about yourself. Don't let him have that power. Figure out when you can get in a workout and do it for you. Maybe he's not the right person for your life partner?

    this is a long tentative version of "just break up". ..own it.