I Hate my Gym/Confidence Issue



  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I've been at this for eight years and am bored out of my ****ing mind with all of it.

    Maybe it's time to find a new goal other than weight loss. I know for me, the goal of losing x amount of pounds doesn't do it for me anymore. I know you've said that you're not interested in becoming an endurance athlete, but maybe that's just because you've only done classes. I HATED running until my cousin convinced me to sign up for a warrior dash... now I'm hooked and I'm running my second half marathon in a week. I found out that I love obstacle course races the best, it's something different, no course is the same, and it gives me some focus for my training in the gym. I used to be a class junkie, but I've definitley lost the drive to go to classes, the politics of a lot of them make me tired.

    The other suggestion would be to change your attitude. Of course you hate it when you go in thinking that you hate it. If you keep doing what you've been doing, you're going to keep getting what you've been getting.
  • thatredheadedBAMF
    thatredheadedBAMF Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond. I appreciate the suggestions, ideas, and all the discussion.

    Normally I don't have anxiety about the gym or fear going into the gym, in general I know I kick *kitten*. I have a problem with the smug, snooty way many of the patrons interact with me and one of the instructors as well. I find this all very draining. My health has also been a presence lately and has contributed to a string of workouts that were much less than I usually can do, which has frustrated me. I may be bouncing back finally.

    I have a couple of gym buddies (people from classes) and one instructor that I really like. I'm not walking around with a frown on my face. This is my third gym since I started working out; I was at a different location of this same chain and had a very different, much more positive experience and before that, also had a very positive experience. I've always taken a sense of belonging from going to the gym too and that's also missing. It sounds so very high school, but I struggle with feeling like I don't belong. Again, being socialized as a fat girl in SoCal and being bullied contributes to all of that, even though I have had many years of therapy. I wouldn't have been able to lose the weight without having gone through therapy, no question.

    I am disillusioned by the "false premise of weight loss," absolutely. I'm trying to incorporate weight training now but I am a cardio addict. Since it has worked, I am afraid (terrified!) to do less. I'm pretty soft and squishy.

    I try to hike on the weekend a couple of times a month. Sometimes I just walk to the beach and then walk along the coast but that feels lightweight to me. Hell, if a hike is flat or less than 8 miles I consider it to be lightweight. I used to play tennis many years ago. I always loved it. I am so numbers-focused these days that I fear it wouldn't be enough, that I'd feel like I was losing a workout day. I wear my HRM for every single cardio workout and I don't walk away until that sucker says 800 calories burned (yes I know that's not entirely accurate).

    Btw, I live in South Bay- Redondo Beach area. The gym options here, oddly enough, not that varied. There are many studios that mainly offer classes, 24 Hour (nope), Spectrum, and Equinox. You can probably guess which of those last two I am a member of. I had a crappy experience last night with some "mean girls" in a class, so I guess I need to take a tour of some of those small places, or turn my dining room into my gym!