Weight loss FEARS?



  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    That it will change who I am. I think you can get a very different view on life if you lose significant weight, and I imagine (like any life change) it may be difficult to manage those changes in a positive way.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    All of the above !!!

    I didn't really worry about the skin thing, I guess I figured at my age it is just a given - but it actually it is not as bad as I thought it would be.

    Funny how I never really worried about keeping the weight off, originally my goal was to lose 55 pounds so I never thought it would be really noticeable - but now after 80 pounds I get those compliments that tell me how good I look but then ask do I think it will last ????

    I still have about 20 pounds to go and these are honestly the scariest - I really don't know how I will look and feel about myself at that point but I do intend to reach my goal regardless.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Just one... that my clothes will be too baggy. I have a large wardrobe of clothes I really like and cannot afford to replace. Seriously. I'm retired and have no income, so I can't spend any money on "myself".
  • Forever4me
    Forever4me Posts: 76 Member
    I've always been heavier (varying ranges, but this is about the lightest I've been in my adult life, and I'm about 25# lighter than I was when I was 12), so I've never felt deserving of a man I truly wanted (attractive, accomplished, funny, sweet, in-shape, loves his family etc). Even though I've been working on my head as much as my body and know I'm a great catch, I'm still afraid they won't view me that way even once I reach my goal. I won't have any more excuses about why they don't like me. . . Perhaps a bit irrational and insecure, but real nonetheless...
  • mrice1973
    mrice1973 Posts: 6 Member
    Oddly enough, my fear is that I won't be invisible anymore. Right now, I feel like I don't get noticed, and the introvert in me kinda loves that. I'm single, so I tell myself that my weight is the number one reason that I don't get asked out. I don't actually know that the weight is the reason, but it's something I can hide behind and not worry about getting hurt.
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    Getting pregnant and then gaining all my weight back.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    That no matter how much I lose, I'll want to lose more.
  • s_light
    s_light Posts: 58 Member
    I'm scared my husband won't be attracted to me, I was skinny when we got together but over time I gained weight and he has told me on several occasions that he like something to hold on to and squeeze.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    That I will have an excess amount of skin.

    YES! THIS!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've always been heavier (varying ranges, but this is about the lightest I've been in my adult life, and I'm about 25# lighter than I was when I was 12), so I've never felt deserving of a man I truly wanted (attractive, accomplished, funny, sweet, in-shape, loves his family etc). Even though I've been working on my head as much as my body and know I'm a great catch, I'm still afraid they won't view me that way even once I reach my goal. I won't have any more excuses about why they don't like me. . . Perhaps a bit irrational and insecure, but real nonetheless...

    I can relate to this...but there are men out there who see a good catch and you will find him, I found mine when I was much heavier than I am now....work on that head more it's about that to be honest...if you know and show you are a great catch someone worthy will chase that regardless of what you look like.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I guess my only fear is re-gaining. I've done this all my life. And all the "it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change" arguments in world don't help, because the problem is that life is full of lifestyle changes.

    I will only maintain my weight with exercise. And it's these lifestyle changes in routine that always throw me off track. It's very hard for me to fit exercise in my day, so whenever I have to change my routine, I gain weight until I can get back into an exercise routine. Once I do, I lose and maintain.

    Until the next lifestyle change comes along.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member

    I am a little excess skin (lost 60 pounds to date) & my breast are smaller which I am very happy about because I found it difficult to find clothes that fit properly).

    Because I've always seen the word 'diet' as a temporary fix to being overweight I changed my thinking and my lifestyle of eating and exercising. I enjoy whatever food I want by eating balanced & portion controlled meals along with yummy snacks and desserts WHEN I want them, not because they are there.

    Do not fear ...
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Getting pregnant and then gaining all my weight back.

    This!!! And I worry with the skin issues.

    This is a great post. Some of them lately haven't been super encouraging and this one, though sad, is. It is helpful to know we have the same fears. Good luck to everyone!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'm in the camp with people who don't want to be seen as "showing off." I've already bought some clothes that are way clingier than anything I would have worn pre-loss, and I like the way I look in them. But there are some critics in my office (we call them Stadler and Waldorf from the Muppets) that I know are making nasty comments behind my back, and it makes me paranoid. I don't have the best self-esteem to begin with, and if someone thinks that *I* think I'm "hot stuff" it really bothers me. I want to enjoy my new health and shape without someone criticizing me for it...then again I think you get criticized by someone no matter what you do; you just have to find the strength not to care.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I've always liked the composition of my body. Athletic, small chest, round butt, long strong legs. But, I sometimes fear that I've gained weight because I am avoiding the fact that I can't meet a good guy, that I'm not good enough regardless of what I look like.

    So, I'm afraid that I will have a smoking body again but still be alone becasue I'm insecure, a little older, kind of a cynical bi&ch and still not good enough.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Biggest fear is after I lose all my weight, I'll become one of those jerks who after its all over act like they are the bomb dot com..
    Please, PLEASE someone smack me upside the head if I do!!

    Thank you in advance! :flowerforyou:

    "If you see me getting mighty,
    if you see me getting high,
    knock me down.....I'm not bigger than life"

    Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  • basowner
    basowner Posts: 32 Member
    I fear I WON'T lose breast size, I have plenty to lose there. Also that I won't get rid of the excess skin
  • lsa40
    lsa40 Posts: 8 Member
    My fears are more emotional. I fear that people will relate to me differently. Also, I fear the response from people to my changing look. I don't like drawing attention based on my appearance. It feels shallow for people to focus on just my outward appearance and offends me in a way that feels discriminatory. I want people to notice me because I'm smart and a good person regardless if I'm thinner or heavier. The journey to be thin is mine and just for me.

    I agree. I am worried that people who blew me off when I gained weight will try to come back into my life after I lose weight. It's so insulting because I will be the same person. If I wasn't good enough for them before, a change in size shouldn't matter.

    Also, having lost a bunch of weight before (and gaining it all back, then some), I know that I attract unwanted attention when I am smaller. I'm an introvert and really don't like the attention, but I'm usually too nice to be direct, so people keep bugging me. Being overweight has some benefits for me, like keeping me relatively invisible.

    I am also afraid I'll gain it back, because I have already done that several times. I am hoping this time will be different because I am eating differently.
  • captainamerica52
    fear does not exist HOW DARES WINS
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    My biggest fear right now is quitting/gaining because I'm just starting out, but looking ahead to my future 150lb self, I agree that I worry about small things like loose skin (even looser and jigglier than it is now, post-baby). I also worry about people saying I looked like crap before (i.e now), even if they mean it in a nice way.

    I am mostly terrified that I will get to my goal weight and someone will say/imply that me being 218lbs was the reason my daughter was stillborn. I worry even more that a Doctor will say it. I know they won't (we already have theories/a diagnosis), so it's irrational, but it's really scary. I do not know what I would do.