Facial hair



  • Holly_belle
    Holly_belle Posts: 4,042 Member
    While I happen to like a beard on a guy, I agree that it could be trimmed and shaped a little. You can keep the length, but your wife may like it better it was shaped a little more. Just my suggestion.
  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    You should keep it if you want it - don't compromise!


  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Go home, tell her you are keeping the beard as it is. When she gets mad, follow this advice:

  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    To each their own. My husband has one but if it gets all scraggly he need not expect a lot of closeness. It gives me the heeby geebies
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I never understood the concept of shaving everyday... the face wants what the face wants... A BEARD!
  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    While I happen to like a beard on a guy, I agree that it could be trimmed and shaped a little. You can keep the length, but your wife may like it better it was shaped a little more. Just my suggestion.

    That's her complaint.....hobo scruff is her term for my facial hair status. She's never known me without a beard, and says I look lame without one in my pre-wife pictures......

  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    Go home, tell her you are keeping the beard as it is. When she gets mad, follow this advice:


    :laugh: Nice
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Love this! Let it grow!
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    While I happen to like a beard on a guy, I agree that it could be trimmed and shaped a little. You can keep the length, but your wife may like it better it was shaped a little more. Just my suggestion.

    That's her complaint.....hobo scruff is her term for my facial hair status. She's never known me without a beard, and says I look lame without one in my pre-wife pictures......


    keep your beard. Definitely keep your beard.

    My husband and I occasionally fight over this. I want him to grow his beard back. He wants to keep his job.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    I love beards (I married my husband 14 years ago for his beard... okay, not really, but it was one of the first things that drew me to him). I've also threatened divorce if he were to ever shave it off. I think it really does depend on who the beard is on, though. Some dudes just don't look right with a beard and some look awful without one.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    personally I like facial hair!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Personally, I prefer how you have it in your current profile pic - short beard/slightly grown out goatee. My hubs mostly goes for the clean shaven look but once in a while he'll grow a goatee for me because he knows I love the way it makes him look. He tried to grow out a beard a few years ago but it drove him crazy after a month or so - he says it gets too itchy. The only facial hair he tries to pull off that I'm not crazy about is the mustache only. Thankfully our friend's daughter shamed him into shaving it off by calling it a porn 'stache and saying he looked creepy. LOL!
  • dmarsh1018
    dmarsh1018 Posts: 70 Member
    I think all men should have beards. And not the trimmed kind, but the duck dynasty kind....
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    the red sox won the world series with beards. I say keep it.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    This post makes me sad... as you see in my profile pic 4, I had a great beard... till it caught on fire New Years Eve.. still mourning...
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    Personally, I prefer how you have it in your current profile pic - short beard/slightly grown out goatee. My hubs mostly goes for the clean shaven look but once in a while he'll grow a goatee for me because he knows I love the way it makes him look. He tried to grow out a beard a few years ago but it drove him crazy after a month or so - he says it gets too itchy. The only facial hair he tries to pull off that I'm not crazy about is the mustache only. Thankfully our friend's daughter shamed him into shaving it off by calling it a porn 'stache and saying he looked creepy. LOL!

    Funny thing about the profile picture. She didn't like that either. I had no sideburns what-so-ever there, and the beard parts just came to a point on either side my my jaw. She claimed they were "devil points" :laugh: Hair is a constant tug-o-war in our house...I like her hair long, she likes it short, I like her......well, best just leave it there.
  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    This post makes me sad... as you see in my profile pic 4, I had a great beard... till it caught on fire New Years Eve.. still mourning...

    A moment of silence for your loss, my friend.
  • Just_Bella
    Beards are sexy.
    my, my what I would do to this fine man!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I personally love beards and/or beards with mustaches, but I like them VERY neatly trimmed short. That is what my husband has.

    This. I don't mind it if it's short and clean looking.

    Eta: Some guys don't enough facial hair to have a beard so they let the beard hairs that DO grow get all all crazy long and freaky. It's like a comb over for their face. Or they try to do an epic shave on their very overweight face to try and draw themselves a jawline, overweight is fine... the fake jawline is NOT. Yuck.