How did YOU determine your Goal Weight



  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    BMI chart. But 140 is an ideal number for me!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I picked a weight where I remember feeling healthy and happy when I weighed it before. Is it my ideal weight? Not necessarily. But anything over 60 pounds sounded way too overwhelming. Once I hit that goal, if I could lose an additional 10-15 pounds that would be awesome. But right now I am focusing on that 60 pound goal! Over halfway, woohoo!
  • newyorkmo
    newyorkmo Posts: 32 Member
    Initially I picked a number toward the upper range of what I thought from previous times I felt rok with. That seemed most attainable. Once I got there and found the loss to that point relatively easy, i moved it down by 5 pounds, and then by 5 more, and finally 5 more. Ultimately, I was looking for a "window" of give or take 5 pounds to stay within. If I start creeping up, I hope to catch it early and be able to deal with it before it feels "too much" or "too hard" (5 pounds so much easier to deal with than the 33 I just lost!). It may be that this final weight is a bit too low to reasonably sustain in the long run...if so I'll adjust upward slightly.
  • DaltonMom01
    I set little goals. So each milestone is a step toward the larger picture. It gives me something to celebrate along the way. I hadn't logged into Fitness Pal for awhile, so I actually weighed more than my last check in. So goal #1 - lose 6# so I can register a weight loss on MFP. Got that done. Next, lose 5# so I'm back to where I was a year ago. Almost there. The next goal is to be able to tighten my belt a notch. Silly, but effective. For me. Overall I want to lose another 28 pounds for a healthier happier me.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I have been 130 lbs before in my adult life, and I was healthy and happy at that weight.

    My first goal weight was to not be obese anymore, and I achieved that goal in my first 3 months on MFP.

    My second goal is to get to 145 lbs. This is where my body kinda gets stuck sometimes, even though I'm a shorty and can easily weight less than that.

    Then my next goal will be 130 lbs, and I'll reassess whether or not I want to go below 130 at that time.

    My ultimate goal weight is 122-125 lbs. This is based on the fact that I am only 5'3.5" and Body Mass Index says I should be between 115 lbs - 140 lbs. I've also seen a website that says 100 lbs for the first 5' and then 5 lbs for every inch after that. That would make my ideal weight 118. I think that's too low for my body type (I have a lot of muscle)

    I have no idea if I'll ever see 122, and it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that I keep losing weight and become in the "normal" range and am able to do all of the things physically (like running) that I want to be able to do - and no health problems!!
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I went with 1/2 my starting weight --it seemed as unattainable as any other number at the beginning...
    (guess who hit the "holy eff!" stage when I got there)

    the Normal BMI number would have put me at 20lbs lower and that was the high end of the range -- but I look and feel great here, so I am aiming to stay here right now even if I am still considered "overweight" by BMI standards
  • bwats33
    bwats33 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 6 ft tall and started out at 210 and arbitrarily decided 190 would be a much healthier weight. When I hit that goal, I evaluated myself in the mirror, and dropped my goal to 185. When I hit 185 and dropped my goal another 10 lbs. Once I hit 175, I may even drop it again. Goals are moving targets and it's important they're obtainable to keep up motivation! It's all about results in the mirror over weight anyway.

    Sometimes I can barely believe I've lost almost 30 lbs since the beginning of the year, and keep thinking I've made a math error.
  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    It's just about where I was when I graduated High School. I most certainly plan on fine tuning my goal as it gets nearer to achieve the look I want.
  • JDT2017
    JDT2017 Posts: 6 Member
    I went to a dietician years ago. Based on my height and weight I was given my goal. However I never made it. This time around I am going by my own instict. I think the first goal was pretty unrealistic. I'm trying to drop 60 pounds now instead of 85. I think 60 is doable for me given a one year time frame.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    Well... when i first started this diet it was all about reaching a level on my BMI chart that said you are not overweight anymore..

    However, now that i've started working out... it isn't about the BMI chart anymore it is about the Fat Index chart... i'm at 21% fat... I would like to see if i can reach 15%.... I am not looking to be super skinny...i want to feel good about myself... inwhich I do

  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    I picked my heaviest 'in shape' weight from my younger days (210#), but added a BF component of 15%-18%. So if that means I have to go below 210 in order to lose enough BF to get there or pack on LM and stay at 210, I'll be happy either way.
  • heathyreverson
    I choose mine from past
  • NicoleHJones
    NicoleHJones Posts: 19 Member
    I picked a weight that I remember looking and feeling my best at.
  • kurviekutie
    kurviekutie Posts: 26 Member
    The bottom weight for my height is supposed to be 93 pounds. That is a disgustingly low weight for me. At 120 I look like I just got released from a concentration camp. SO!!! I add ten pounds for each baby I have had to the high end of my "healthy weight" of 120ish. 120+40=160.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I pretty much never weighed myself in my life until 8 months ago, it was just never important. But my goal was based originally on the middle of the BMI scale and then later at a certain body fat %. The first goal is done .. the last one, not quite there but will be soon.
  • 1948sixty
    1948sixty Posts: 24 Member
    Why not simply start with losing 10 percent....that will give you an idea on how you feel and go from there.
  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    I had my BFI tested, which at the time was 34%. Being as I was 330 at the time....

    330 x .34 =112.2
    330- 112.2 = 217.8

    I want to reach 17% before I set a new goal so..
    From 217 figure out what 17% BFI will be, which in my case should be around 240. The problem lies in that body recomp can change your BFI quite randomly depending on your routine so when I hit 240 I'll figure it out from there.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    I picked my drivers license weight as my goal weight :smile: I havent really seen that number in 10 years!
  • captainamerica52
    you will know it when you see it
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    Roughly the weight of my favourite rugby player, because it means it's doable (he's taller than I am), and doable while being active and eating (because professional rugby players can't starve themselves). Silly but it's working.