Cubicle Hell



  • erickbrian
    erickbrian Posts: 53 Member


    Yeah...but it pays the bills. (And for more bikes.)
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I do, farms and farms of cubibles, sucking the life out of everyone who works in them.

    Yep :noway:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I work in a cubicle, but I like it because I work with an awesome bunch of people who make my work fun. Also, I'm a copy editor at a newspaper, so I get to be nosy for a living and I know all the stuff that's going on before my friends. Also, nobody cares that I keep dumbbells in my cubicle and randomly do squats while waiting for the microwave.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My own personal cubicle hell, complete with the endless buzzing from the flickering fluorescent lights, layers of dust that fall every night from our out-dated air system, and a fantastic location right by the elevators where people like to congregate and chit chat loudly. Oh and endless overheard conversations about child birth and other stuff I'd rather not think about. Thank goodness for spotify.

    Love my job though- just taking a quick minute to whine a bit, haha.

    Sounds a lot like the office I'm in. Three of us in office with our own little cubicles. Which, most days, isn't bad, However, the office is right next to the elevators, the vending machines, and just a few doors down from the cafeteria. So the noise is always there when the cafeteria is open because apparently people walking from the elevator to the cafeteria forget they are still inside an office building with people trying to work.

    And I once had to go to the vending machine area to tell the lady on her cell phone that she was speaking directly under a vent that made her conversation clearly audible in our office. At least she had the grace to blush (the stuff she was talking about was very personal) and run off.
  • miniimuscles
    miniimuscles Posts: 89 Member
    Me! Me! 3 days a week anyway. The other 2 I get to work from home.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    My own personal cubicle hell, complete with the endless buzzing from the flickering fluorescent lights, layers of dust that fall every night from our out-dated air system, and a fantastic location right by the elevators where people like to congregate and chit chat loudly. Oh and endless overheard conversations about child birth and other stuff I'd rather not think about. Thank goodness for spotify.

    Love my job though- just taking a quick minute to whine a bit, haha.

    Do what some of my co-workers do. Decorate your cubicle to the max. Some have a lot of family photos or plants. One woman has the best decoration. She has a pink and zebra print theme complete with a mini chandelier over her cubicle. I don't know how she got that put in, but her cube is in a private room and only two other people are in there with her plus her boss likes her. I should take a picture of it and PM it to you. :laugh:

    As for the noise, are you allowed to listen to music while you work? I don't. Others here wear headphones while they're at their computers.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I work in a lab, so there's not even a wall between me and the other students/postdocs
  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    Yep, small office of cubicles 50 hrs a week
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    Me! Me! 3 days a week anyway. The other 2 I get to work from home.

    lucky i have 5 days a week
  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    Today I played on MFP, finished my budget for what bills I need to pay, paid two bills, wrote my grocery list, and did some Sodoku.
    I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one who does this!