any 40 plus want to travel this journey with me?



  • Darcy011
    Darcy011 Posts: 43 Member
    Happy b-day grillnchill
  • radimage
    radimage Posts: 99
    I'm 51, and trying to get fit...anyone brave enough...can add me! LOL!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    47 years young! feel free to add :)
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    north of 40 too!
    halfway to my goal so far.all feel free to diary.
  • KappaMarc
    KappaMarc Posts: 67 Member
    40+ here too. Was at my goal weight two years ago and trying to get back to it. Would love to connect with you all so we can motivate each other. Feel free to add me! Im also a Fitbit user so we can motivate each other on there too!
  • 00Allie00
    00Allie00 Posts: 243 Member
    43 here with 15-20 more pounds to lose. New friends welcome :)
  • KappaMarc
    KappaMarc Posts: 67 Member
    hello everyone. feel free to add me! :-)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    It looks like you have plenty of friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck on your journey!! I started a 40+ group back in 2008 for the same reason. I couldnt relate to the younger crowd. 40+ folks struggle with different issues. I am now 50, soon to be 51. Take care everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me.I'm 43 and have 31 pounds to lose. I'm on daily
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Hi All! I'm 43 for 10 more days. I'm just getting refocused on this journey and need lots of support. Please add me.
  • zenabby
    zenabby Posts: 24 Member
    wow! You are an inspiration. How did you do it in less than a year?
  • makphisto
    makphisto Posts: 2 Member
    How about "will be 40 in December"? Feel free to add me!
  • I just turned 45 this past Friday, and I'm new to MFP also. Feel free to add me!
  • Just joined a few days ago but just starting today. I am 52 , would love some friends. I kept 40 lbs off I took off last year.
  • lore2810
    lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
    41, feel free to add me :)
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    As of next Wednesday I'll be 42, I'm nearing the end of my weighloss journey now but plan on continuing using MFP I'm full of useful tips if anyone wants them just add me.
  • KevinPsalm23v4
    KevinPsalm23v4 Posts: 208 Member
    I am 41 (Years) and 40+ overweight - I want to loose double that - so - any friends would be great and advice on how would be great!
  • MC_JC
    MC_JC Posts: 91 Member
    At 47 I need all the friends and support I can get, feel free to add me
  • I'm always down for extra support! I'm still clinging to my 40's and have been on here for a few months. I want to be a fabulous healthy dynamo by the time I hit 50!! Feel free to add me! :drinker:
  • TusTus
    TusTus Posts: 14 Member
    Sure! I'm down for extra support. Feel free to add me.