Why still nothing? Help me!



  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    I only read the first page of comments, so please forgive me if this has already been said. You say you're logging correctly, and you want to lose 50 pounds, but you've stopped at 10. Could it be that you don't really need to lose 50 pounds? I know in the past for me, as much as I wanted to get down to 145, my body just refused to go lower than 175. It was like my body said, "nope, skinnier than that is unhealthy, that's all you get." So now that I've gained the weight back, 175 is my new goal. Good luck!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Just FYI. Food labeling laws in the US allow companies to label any food with less than 5 calories as zero calories. Pickles do have calories. And you should be logging them anyway to track the rest of the nutritional information (vitamins, carbs, sodium, etc) This is exactly the kind of thing people mean when they say you aren't logging 100% accurately.

    And some food companies have responded to this ruling (like the one on trans fats) to adjust their portion sizes down so they are still complying with the laws, but can still show the "calories per serving" (or nutrients, i.e. lack of trans fats) they want to make their foods look desirable.
  • sana1314
    sana1314 Posts: 17 Member
    Just FYI. Food labeling laws in the US allow companies to label any food with less than 5 calories as zero calories. Pickles do have calories. And you should be logging them anyway to track the rest of the nutritional information (vitamins, carbs, sodium, etc) This is exactly the kind of thing people mean when they say you aren't logging 100% accurately.

    And some food companies have responded to this ruling (like the one on trans fats) to adjust their portion sizes down so they are still complying with the laws, but can still show the "calories per serving" (or nutrients, i.e. lack of trans fats) they want to make their foods look desirable.

    You are right .... so true :(
    Look at the hershey's chocolate ingredients: they have partially hydrogenated mineral oil which is trans fat... but 0 trans fat on a label and I've seen a lot of chocolate like this...
  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
    No, I have lots of weight to lose. Im barely over five foot and in the 180s. It's sooo frustrating!
  • sana1314
    sana1314 Posts: 17 Member
    I've looked into your diary
    pastry, chocolate, coffee, cream and sugar.....
    And all this under 1000 cal + going to the gym every day

    You dont wanna lose weight, you wanna kill yourself! sorry I don't wanna be mean, I'm worried about your health...
    All those foods are "emty" carbs and it doesent matter how smart manufactures label them as "low fat", "sugar free" your body is not getting enought nutrients!

    And what about protein? Why are you going to the gym? Who's gonna build your muscles if there is not enough protein? Who's gonna burn your fat if there is not enough muscles?
  • sana1314
    sana1314 Posts: 17 Member
    You look very good on your picture, I thought that we are the same age ;)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Read this article: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/another-look-at-metabolic-damage.html#more-9313

    Read this discussion: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1254955-metabolic-damage-alan-aragon-interviews-lyle-mcdonald

    Weigh all your food, log everything you eat, and make sure calories in/out are as accurate as possible.

    If you diary is truly accurate of what you are eating, then eat more.

    Also, your exercise calories are WAY OVERESTIMATED. There is no way you burned almost 450 calories for 40 minutes of circuit training, 253 calorie for 20 minutes of eliptical, or 105 calories for 25 minutes of weight lifting. If you get these estimates from the MFP database, they are notorious for being overestimated, as are readouts from the exercise machines.

    The best of luck to you.
  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
    Yes, I just use the totals that mfp gives me, I realize they may be not so accurate but if I really counted I would probably freak out and make myself eat less!
    Been working on consuming more eggs and meat than I used to...for the protein.
    Again, thanks everyone.
  • sana1314
    sana1314 Posts: 17 Member

    Also, your exercise calories are WAY OVERESTIMATED. There is no way you burned almost 450 calories for 40 minutes of circuit training, 253 calorie for 20 minutes of eliptical, or 105 calories for 25 minutes of weight lifting. If you get these estimates from the MFP database, they are notorious for being overestimated, as are readouts from the exercise machines.

    Yeah, I can imagine how they created that database by taking data from muscular people with a low % of fat mass

    I don't really know, but that's the only explanation of such high calorie burn that I can think of :)
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    A quick glance tells me you aren't logging accurately. For example, there is a recent entry for "Homemade - Chicken Salad Sandwich With Grilled Chicken, 1 SANDWICH" for 270 calories. That seems like an underestimate for a sandwich. Two slices of bread can be 270 calories and that's not even counting the filling. Does the sandwich have any spreads or condiments? Are you weighing each ingredient with a digital scale? Are you entering each ingredient as a recipe in the recipe section? Or did you just find someone else's entry from the database? These sorts of things will make a big difference to your overall count.

    Secondly, your calorie goal is very low. You mention that obese people are sometimes put on 800 calorie diets, but this is only in done in extreme situations where the risk of drastic weight loss is secondary to the imminent risk of remaining obese. These are also done with strict medical supervision and always include nutritional supplements of some kind. For the majority of overweight people VLCD will cause significant harm and malnutrition.
  • ronitperman
    Only 1000 calories, its slow down your metabolism process and this decrease your weight loss process. Take some more calories in a form of green vegetables and fresh fruits it really helpful for fat loss.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You are not eating enough. What you are doing is crazy (not calling YOU crazy, just what you're doing) there's no other word for it. You clearly have access to the internet, which is full of free information. Please educate yourself on TDEE, and your calorie requirements. I bet you five thousand dollars it's a heck of a lot more than 1000 calories.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Yeah, eat more.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    As a mother, I would think you would want to set a better example for your kids.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    There is a diet for obese people where they restrict calories to under 800, guess I was just trying my own version. I function just fine, I work 2 jobs and raise my 2 kids and also care for my boyfriend who is disabled.
    It sounds lower than I think it is.

    Yes and those are done under doctor's supervision and usually because it must be done immediately. We're talking people who need to drop weight in order for it to be safe to perform surgery on them, not "I'm relatively healthy, ambulatory, and need to drop 50 pounds".

    You definitely need to log everything and NOT just the calories. Would you be okay if you're kids came to you and said that while they were away for the weekend at a friend's house the ONLY thing they ate was Twizzlers and Kool-Aid but it's okay because there was no fat and they came under their daily calories? You need to look at all your numbers (and remove your focus from your calories for a few days). Look at protein, health fats, fiber, calcium, iron. Your food is fuel for your engine. You need to see if you are putting together the right mix. Even log your multivitamin if you are taking one. Every thing you eat or drink, measure it and log it. Look and see if you are getting your full number of daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
    That's kinda low, bringing my kids into it. Again, I work 2 jobs so sometimes I am just making them dinner and serving it and leaving. They are woken up every morning with omelets or french toast and fruit and juice. You can't call my parenting into question when you don't know what kind of parent I am. Please don't do it again.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That's kinda low, bringing my kids into it. Again, I work 2 jobs so sometimes I am just making them dinner and serving it and leaving. They are woken up every morning with omelets or french toast and fruit and juice. You can't call my parenting into question when you don't know what kind of parent I am. Please don't do it again.

    i think the point was more that if you starve yourself and make yourself ill, how are you going to do the things you have just listed to look after your kids?

    do you want them to see you with bad skin and hair falling out because you only want to eat 1000 cals a day?
  • amieosia
    amieosia Posts: 20
    No, of course not. But I am so far from that, the thought doesn't even deter me! Right now all I am is fat and unhappy.

    Here's the honest to God truth- in junior high I wanted to lose weight so I took laxatives and ended up dehydrated and passing out in choir. As a teenager I tried to eat less and better but nothing worked so I joined a pro-ana site. With their advice (horrible, awful, yes) I lost all the weight. Fast forward 9 years and I have had kids and gained it back. I have tried and am still trying to do it the right way but it isn't working! This is like my last attempt of doing it the right way. It's in the back of my mind that I have a plan B that I already know works and I am trying to get help before I resort to the pro-ana sites again. I am extremely picky and won't eat 80% of the things people suggest I eat to lose weight so I just started eating less of what I do like and I can't figure out why that's not working. If I ate 200 calories a day I know I would lose because I've done it before. But I'd rather figure out how to do it with more.
    That's about as honest as I can be.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    You really should get some professional guidance. Of course you can lose weight and still eat healthy but there are specifics to your situation that a professional needs to help with, both with how you think about it as well as logistics of how to eat and exercise. This site is not equipped to provide that level of support.