Well, I'll just get big bulky man muscles then!



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    You sound like a great candidate for a FitBit or someother techie gizmo that you can SEE what your calorie intake/outtake looks like. I too adore toast slathered in butter especially at night. And milk & cookies. Oh ya and that little bit of 'sgetti from dinner too ...hmmmmm so I took to going outside and watering my flowers after kitchen's cleaned. Or taking a easy stroll. Or going outside and pulling weeds out of the grass or picking at the vegetable garden. Killing those dastardly bugs. There's something about the Big Bang Theory on TV that makes me want to snack. Maybe its cuz the actors are always doing their thing around food.......so ya....not alot of help for ya but I feel for ya! :flowerforyou:

    I've wanted a device like that for ages (sooo jealous of people who have been using BodyMedia!), but where I live they only sell the clip-on fitbits and I already had a clip-on pedometer. But I recently sweated my pedometer to death, so I need a new one. I'd be better with a band so that I couldn't sweat it to death, but they just don't sell them here (well, there might be one place, if I ever venture far enough on the metro to check it out). Don't have a yard, so I don't usually go putter around outside (live in a concrete jungle). These are such good ideas though. Like today, we had company, so it was a forced rest day and I had to have dinner with everyone else (because guests, and also was hungry). The combo of no exercise & early dinner means I'm totally screwed tonight. The kids just went to bed and I totally want a big bowl of yogurt. So, I could do some squats at least, right? I just need to suck it up and do it. Every little bit helps.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    what if you tricked your mind since you are so bad at eating less or hitting any eating goal.

    eat less

    move more

    what if you move more but estimate your workout and don't log it. that will force you to stay within 100 or 200 cals of your upper limit of your cal goal but a decent workout should have burned at least that much if not more?

    would that work?

    I'm not sure if I totally get what you mean, but right now my calorie goal has the deficit, as well as a fairly active lifestyle built into it (but not exercise built in). I have it set at a calorie goal that on a "sat at home, did nothing" day, if I ate at my calorie goal, I would at least maintain. But most days, I do lots of walking b/c I live in a city and don't have a car, so I walk to/from kids school, to/from bus stops (sometimes going to farther stops or getting off a stop early), to/from supermarket, to/from kids lessons, to/from DH's office, etc. Pretty much every little thing I do involves walking, plus we live on a hill, so we are always lugging stuff from the store up the hill, etc. But if one of my kids are sick or the weather's bad, then I might not even leave the house. Like the other poster said, I'd probably really benefit from an activity tracker, so I could see the difference my running around does.

    More good ideas! thanks!