Week 8, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I have a feeling my weigh-in isn't going to be good. I'm nearing the end of TOM and was confident for the upcoming week 'cause I weighed in on Saturday morning at 183.4. Yesterday the Wii said I had gained 2 pounds. Today my scale told me something along the lines of 185.

    I really am genuinely happy for my progress so far, and my inches are down so I KNOW I am making a difference. But dammit, I wanted to be in the 170's by Halloween, and last week, it seemed SO doable.

    Suppose I should stop whining and save my blabbering for Wednesday when it is time to put the scale where my feet are. *dun dun dunnnnnn*

    Pinky, youre doing great even if you dont hit where you wanted to be by halloween,. Just keep up the work. Remember sometimes inches come off instead of pounds.. <3 Keep your chin up. No use getting all stressed and bent outta shape. It will only make it harder for the weight to come off... <3
  • cnp8942
    cnp8942 Posts: 37
    hey everyone, I'm new to MFP but reading these posts really helped me decide on my weight loss goals, so thank you!
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    hey everyone!!
    wow!! week 7!!
    anywhoo,I have had a few backsteps but now back on the track.
    my total loss is 13.5.
    soooooooooo....am in for the next challenge.
    WTG everyone!!
    see you all on faceboook!!
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    I want to join in too.....my goal is to loose 20 lbs by christmas...
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I want to join in too.....my goal is to loose 20 lbs by christmas...

    Welcome.,.. Feel free to join at anytime.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    hey everyone, I'm new to MFP but reading these posts really helped me decide on my weight loss goals, so thank you!

    Welcome to MFP & Welcome to H20.. Hope to see you in the posts more often. Feel free to join in at anytime. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I finally weighed myself, since I didn't on Saturday, and I just now thought about it.. I am down to 288! Woo hoo.. A pound less than I was before I got sick.. Ive lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in..

    H20 Starting weight: 291
    H20 Current weight: 288

    Not much weight loss but i went way up in weight a few weeks ago.. So I feel great.. I know Ive lost inches but I havent been measuring.. I need to get a measure tape so I can start measuring.. :) I feel great!! Thank you all for your on going support.. SO.. for WEEK 7, I lost 4 pounds.. Heres to week 8!! Might not be soo good.. I know Week 9 will be bad.. Lots of celebration! Not going to be close to 20 pounds but Im still gonna keep working hard!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    ARGH TOM weigh in and I am the same.


    Next week im doing this lol
  • tiffnday
    tiffnday Posts: 27 Member
    HI, I'm new what are you guys doing exactly?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Placemarker :)

    I'm not expecting good things this week. We had Thanksgiving up here this past weekend and I had a Turkey Dinner and Birthday cake on Saturday, Turkey Dinner and Pecan Pie on Sunday and the Turkey Dinner and Birthday cake on Monday.......Managed to only go over one day (Sunday). But on top of that my water intake was abysmal!!! Max was 3 glasses a day. I wasn't even supplementing it with pop, just drank nothing. So now it's Tueday and I have a massive headache...oh AND I've been waiting for TOM for like 2 weeks now. Called the docs to medicate, probably go for my tests on Thursday first - so I hope I don't have to wait for them to kick in...That's like another 15 days of getting nowhere......LOL

    Yep - not expecting good things AT all
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    Im Canadian too. Had 2 Thanksgiving dinners, didnt behave myself. Showed up as 4lbs extra even though thats a little blown up right now I expect to spend the rest of this week working it off.

    SW 291
    CW 282

    Doubt I will make it now unless I spend 24 hours in a steam room.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I like it all!! I do weekly challenges for my mfp friends on my status every Monday and it runs til that following Sunday. We've done things such as 3min planks for the week, walk or jog for at least 30min 5 days this week, do 50 jumping jacks 3x this week, etc, so if you need ideas, I have a list of everything we've done so far :) I can message you with them April if you want :)

    That would work if youd like.. :) Would anyone like to Alter starting out the week thru the holidays? I know sometimes I am late.. lol Id be more than happy to share it with everyone... Those who are extremely active in here.. Id appreciate the help.

    Would totally like to be a part of the weekly challenges/start ups. I've already got a couple ideas that are a different than challenges one might expect. :) Can I call dibs on Week 2 (Nov 6th), Week 4 (Nov 20th) and Week 6 (Dec 4th)?
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    hey everyone, I'm new to MFP but reading these posts really helped me decide on my weight loss goals, so thank you!

    It makes me so happy to hear that you've found some direction! Please join our group, either as we finish out H20 or when we start our next challenge, we'd love to have you!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I want to join in too.....my goal is to loose 20 lbs by christmas...

    Welcome to the group, Anna!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    So tomorrow is my weigh in day. I am afraid it will not be good. I have been sick the last few weeks and sleeping a lot and not eating well. Then I gained at last week's weigh in. Monday morning however, I was down those lbs I had gained the week before. Then I had my 2nd Thanksgiving dinner of the weekend, so I am afraid I will be right back up again. I also cannot eat till noon as I have bloodwork scheduled tomorrow mid morning.

    Alas, I will not have made my goal weight of 190 by Oct 21 which is my birthday :sad: I have spent most of this month going up and down it seems.

    It doesn't look good for tomorrow. Just sayin' :grumble: I did go wayy over on the first Thanksgiving dinner but not by much on the 2nd but didn't excercise and I feel like crap. I will figure out a goal for christmas by the end of the week.

    My original goal was 170 by New Year's eve!! Don't think that is gonna happen now.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    SW: 206
    CW: 189.8

    3.8 lbs to go!!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I really like the idea of having a challenge that goes till Christmas time. 15 pounds sounds good too. I mean just being realistic because the holidays and weight loss aren't exactly best friends haha. Maybe we could have mini challenges within the Christmas challenge? For instance when we start the new thread each week we can designate a mini goal for that week like everybody complete x number of sit-ups, etc. Just a suggestion!

    Ooh! Idea! We can make the Christmas mini-challenges like the 12 Days of Christmas song. Only for us it'll be the 8 weeks of Christmas (did I calculate that correctly? If so, 15 pounds seems a bit daunting to me and I'm ready to downgrade to 10 pounds. :laugh: ). So, "on the 1st week of Christmas MFP gave to me...1 minute planks" or something like that. Tie in the number of the week to that week's challenge.

    What does everyone think?
    I love this idea! I can sing to myself as I workout!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I'm in for whatever challenge people want to do for Christmas!10-15-20. The weekly challenges seem like an awesome idea too! Starting on the 30th makes sense to me. My dad's birthday is Halloween and his party is the 30th. Definite motivator to be good!

    Congrats April and Bru on you're upcoming anniversaries! Hope you both have a great time celebrating. (April that hairstyle is beautiful!)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    SW: 206
    CW: 189.8

    3.8 lbs to go!!!

    Awesome job! You got this!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    So tomorrow is my weigh in day. I am afraid it will not be good. I have been sick the last few weeks and sleeping a lot and not eating well. Then I gained at last week's weigh in. Monday morning however, I was down those lbs I had gained the week before. Then I had my 2nd Thanksgiving dinner of the weekend, so I am afraid I will be right back up again. I also cannot eat till noon as I have bloodwork scheduled tomorrow mid morning.

    Alas, I will not have made my goal weight of 190 by Oct 21 which is my birthday :sad: I have spent most of this month going up and down it seems.

    It doesn't look good for tomorrow. Just sayin' :grumble: I did go wayy over on the first Thanksgiving dinner but not by much on the 2nd but didn't excercise and I feel like crap. I will figure out a goal for christmas by the end of the week.

    My original goal was 170 by New Year's eve!! Don't think that is gonna happen now.

    I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well *hugs* Don't beat yourself up though. You're on the right track and are doing great. Sometimes we all slip up. (I ate an entire pizza the other day 0_0,). Keep at it and you'll definitely get where you want to be.
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