Question for the single ladies of MFP



  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    This whole dating thing still baffles me. Well, I think I have seen enough English speaking movies depicting dates, but I always thought most of it was an exaggeration and not actually real.

    I hope I don't sound like an idiot for asking this, but I hope someone can answer this: Is it true that people set up dates with other people they don't really know in order to see how compatible they are? Do you guys actually interview each other and test chemistry for a few hours in a pre-arranged meeting? I'm not judging or anything, but reading this thread made me aware of how different romance / romantic relationships are in different places. Where I live, people don't go on dates and interview each other. They usually start off by being friends, feel attracted and they fall in love. Some take it to the next level and plan their life together. That's it. :embarassed:
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    This whole dating thing still baffles me. Well, I think I have seen enough English speaking movies depicting dates, but I always thought most of it was an exaggeration and not actually real.

    I hope I don't sound like an idiot for asking this, but I hope someone can answer this: Is it true that people set up dates with other people they don't really know in order to see how compatible they are? Do you guys actually interview each other and test chemistry for a few hours in a pre-arranged meeting? I'm not judging or anything, but reading this thread made me aware of how different romance / romantic relationships are in different places. Where I live, people don't go on dates and interview each other. They usually start off by being friends, feel attracted and they fall in love. Some take it to the next level and plan their life together. That's it. :embarassed:

    Yes. We do. All the time. It's hilarious.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    lmao. so true.

    I'm absolutely fine with being expected to make great money, have a strong career path planned, great place to live, nice car, retirement savings. I'm more than willing to completely cover whatever expenses she has or needs. Want to stay at home and raise children? fine by me.

    My expectation? Look good, don't nag too much, engage in stimulating conversation with me at least once a day, keep fit. Help feed me and clean because I hate household chores.

    That's a fair trade. Maybe I'm shallow. I really don't care, at all.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Generally I go on online dating sites, so a lot of those questions are already answered in peoples' profiles. If they're not or if I go out with someone I met offline, I wouldn't think to ask those kinds of questions off the bat... they just kind of naturally happen within conversation. Not just with prospective boyfriends, but with people in general I feel like people tend to ask "so what do you do for a living?" Once you get to a certain age, anway.

    There are plenty of reasons why someone might be out of work ... but unless it's a really temporary unemployment, it's a deal breaker for me. Also having a place to stay is a must, though I couldn't care less where they're living - I still live @ home with my parents, so I really have no judgement to pass if they still do too. I'm just looking for stability within a relationship with someone, and for me that includes being able to hold down a job and afford their bills and food. I grew up very poor, so the lux life isn't what I'm looking for, I just like being comfortable.

    The car thing is really hit and miss for me ... I don't really care if they have a car or what kind of car they do have, but I've dated guys who didn't have cars and once it turned out to be because it got repoed because he was living outside of his means and didn't care to get his crap together (which is a definite dealbreaker) and two other times I just kind of turned into their taxi service / they mostly just wanted me to drive them around and pick them up from places and considered that our "hang out" time. (also a dealbreaker).

    I feel like these are all things you eventually find out about someone one way or another, so yeah no ... wouldn't just straight up and ask unless I felt like something was wrong.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member

    Ladies who cannot read is #2.

    it was my stubbornness and sarcasm that first got my boyfriends attention, and the fact that since first grade I've always read above my grade level that really pulled him in. :laugh:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    Ladies who cannot read is #2.

    it was my stubbornness and sarcasm that first got my boyfriends attention, and the fact that since first grade I've always read above my grade level that really pulled him in. :laugh:

    Did you meet him in grade school?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    This whole dating thing still baffles me. Well, I think I have seen enough English speaking movies depicting dates, but I always thought most of it was an exaggeration and not actually real.

    I hope I don't sound like an idiot for asking this, but I hope someone can answer this: Is it true that people set up dates with other people they don't really know in order to see how compatible they are? Do you guys actually interview each other and test chemistry for a few hours in a pre-arranged meeting? I'm not judging or anything, but reading this thread made me aware of how different romance / romantic relationships are in different places. Where I live, people don't go on dates and interview each other. They usually start off by being friends, feel attracted and they fall in love. Some take it to the next level and plan their life together. That's it. :embarassed:

    If you want to see how it's really done where we live, please watch the English-speaking movie, "American Pie." Pay attention to any reference to "band camp."
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?


    Kidding. :tongue:
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member

    Ladies who cannot read is #2.

    it was my stubbornness and sarcasm that first got my boyfriends attention, and the fact that since first grade I've always read above my grade level that really pulled him in. :laugh:

    Did you meet him in grade school?

    lol! no- that would be interesting though, wouldnt it?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    Ladies who cannot read is #2.

    it was my stubbornness and sarcasm that first got my boyfriends attention, and the fact that since first grade I've always read above my grade level that really pulled him in. :laugh:

    Did you meet him in grade school?

    lol! no- that would be interesting though, wouldnt it?

    Then what does your grade school reading level have to do with anything? :tongue:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?

    Your interpretation skills need a little work.

    He's saying if a guy said that he wouldn't date a fat chick, he'd be burned at the stake, but women are allowed to have any and all kinds of stipulations.
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    I'm not single nor a "lady", but I don't like that this is only for single ladies because rules are stooopid.

    I don't think I would ever ask these questions. It seems offensive to ask something that everyone should already have. I think they would reveal themselves quickly if they didn't have any of these things, but I could be wrong.

    Whew, I'm glad I'm married and don't have to deal with this crap. Oh, and he has a car, job and a place to live. He just doesn't know how to use our washing machine yet. I should have asked that question.

    In his defence it is women's work. Do you expect him to learn to cook too?

    My head just exploded. You just set women back about 50 years right there.

    I don't know why you're mad after we let you gals vote after your incessant nagging.
    You menz are so sweet and deserve ALL the cookies and sex for allowing us to vote!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member

    Ladies who cannot read is #2.

    it was my stubbornness and sarcasm that first got my boyfriends attention, and the fact that since first grade I've always read above my grade level that really pulled him in. :laugh:

    Did you meet him in grade school?

    lol! no- that would be interesting though, wouldnt it?

    Then what does your grade school reading level have to do with anything? :tongue:

    oh, and I'M the one who cant read, huh? i said SINCE first grade, silly! so it was starting foundation.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    Ladies who cannot read is #2.

    it was my stubbornness and sarcasm that first got my boyfriends attention, and the fact that since first grade I've always read above my grade level that really pulled him in. :laugh:

    Did you meet him in grade school?

    lol! no- that would be interesting though, wouldnt it?

    Then what does your grade school reading level have to do with anything? :tongue:

    oh, and I'M the one who cant read, huh? i said SINCE first grade, silly! so it was starting foundation.

    Nvm, missing my point. :laugh:
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?

    Your interpretation skills need a little work.

    He's saying if a guy said that he wouldn't date a fat chick, he'd be burned at the stake, but women are allowed to have any and all kinds of stipulations.

    we have to remember where we came from when it comes with this. back in the cave men days, thats how men and women picked their family. the women looked for a man who knew how to build a fire, who could protect the family, wrestle a bear, etc etc. and the men looked for big chest because thats what fed the baby. wide hips, because the chances of carrying full term were a bit more slim back then. it was more about survival, and deep down we still have those instincts. things are just way different when it comes to survival, women dont need wide hips anymore and men dont have to wrestle a bear.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Just curious, when dating, how many of you need to ask your potential suitor if they have a job/car/place to live?

    Are any of those a deal breaker?

    I would ask at some point- but as general conversation.

    I don't think I would make them like a stock list of questions I had to ask- but it usually comes out- I'm a nosy person- I ask questions.

    And yes- job- car- place to live- these are all important. I would never date someone drifitng with no job- my BF had lost his job- was collecting part time and working part time when I met him- after we started dating he moved to full time at the part time job (shtty job but bishes be expensive!!!)

    Speed bumps- were a massive issue over summer when I told him to get his chit together- needed to move out of mom's house and get a real job and start stepping up. 2 years in and I wasn't seeing enough drive to move forward. We were going no where if he didn't get his life together- fortunately he did when he realized I was serious about that.

    These things matter- he may be wonderful but if he can't pull his weight around the house- then he's got to go.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?

    Your interpretation skills need a little work.

    He's saying if a guy said that he wouldn't date a fat chick, he'd be burned at the stake, but women are allowed to have any and all kinds of stipulations.

    we have to remember where we came from when it comes with this. back in the cave men days, thats how men and women picked their family. the women looked for a man who knew how to build a fire, who could protect the family, wrestle a bear, etc etc. and the men looked for big chest because thats what fed the baby. wide hips, because the chances of carrying full term were a bit more slim back then. it was more about survival, and deep down we still have those instincts. things are just way different when it comes to survival, women dont need wide hips anymore and men dont have to wrestle a bear.


    Yes, we do!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?

    Your interpretation skills need a little work.

    He's saying if a guy said that he wouldn't date a fat chick, he'd be burned at the stake, but women are allowed to have any and all kinds of stipulations.

    we have to remember where we came from when it comes with this. back in the cave men days, thats how men and women picked their family. the women looked for a man who knew how to build a fire, who could protect the family, wrestle a bear, etc etc. and the men looked for big chest because thats what fed the baby. wide hips, because the chances of carrying full term were a bit more slim back then. it was more about survival, and deep down we still have those instincts. things are just way different when it comes to survival, women dont need wide hips anymore and men dont have to wrestle a bear.
    I don't have to wrestle a bear, but that doesn't mean it's still good fun.

  • brabbit42069
    brabbit42069 Posts: 120 Member
    Woman - I have certain standards and I expect the man I'm with to live up to them. He had best have a decent job, I ain't supporting no bums. And he'd better have his own car and his own place. If he doesn't have a 401K he better get one. I have a certain lifestyle and I expect to be taken care of.

    Man - I don't date fat chicks.

    Woman - WHY ARE MEN SO SHALLOW?!?!?!

    oh really? all men don't date fat chicks? wow how did I manage to date when I was fat ...they must of all just felt bad for me or were really desperate eh?

    basically, or there are some chubby chasers out there.

    but I can gurantee these phaggots you dated were unaesthetic betas. real talk. no way would I ever even talk to a fat or ugly chick.

    I've literally left countless restraunts, stores etc.....because the waiter or check out girl was fat and ugly. ummmmmm no thanks. I find it offensive.