I hate eating healthy with a passion



  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Ultimately you will have to decide which discomfort you're willing to accept. The discomfort of changing your familiar and beloved eating patterns to tilt toward improved nutrition and health, or not changing your eating habits and instead accommodating the eventual discomfort of unwanted weight gain, sluggishness, aches, etc.

    You're grown now. You get to choose.

    The same passion with which you design your fitness plans can be channeled into designing your nutrition plans. If you're into fitness, add in some recipes and suggestions from fitness advocates like Jamie Eason. If you're not cooking, you could start by learning a recipe or two.

    But if you're not interested in change, and the certain discomfort that accompanies change, there's not going to be any external advice or support that will make a whit of difference for you.

    All change involves loss. Dealing with that loss is what makes even positive change uncomfortable.

    I love this.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    As a kid my mother never told me no to food. Never said "1 slice of cake is enough" I could be eating 5 bags of chips in front of her and she would not say a thing.
    And this has made you incapable of making your own decisions as an adult?


    If you love yourself and want to live a longer healthier life, you're going to have to suck it up and learn to eat it in moderation. I've never been able to understand how some people prefer candy over fruit? So good. I personally can't get past the side effects from all the gmo's, unpronounceable chemicals, msg, high fructose corn syrup and heaps of additives in processed, packaged/fast foods. Humans beings aren't meant to consume that stuff. Not to mention.. fast food = violent poops. That on a daily basis would be a terrible existence.

    Thanks for the mental image of you having a gigantic dump

    hahahaha i don't.. because i eat healthy. and you're welcome :happy: i hope you think of it every time you go for some fast food.

    That's kind of messed up that you want someone to think of you taking a dump when they eat. Each their own but realize pushing off a scat fetish on someone is uncool. Just EW.

    As for your unpronounceable "chemicals" deal...I can't pronounce most of what makes up food in general, so I guess I'll just starve?



    Seriously, it was a light hearted joke to avoid anyone from eating that junk. I don't know why you're taking everything so literally? You know exactly which kind of chemicals i was referring to... the ones made in a lab by man (not fit for consumption imo), not the ones made by nature. Scat? I could've passed on learning that was a thing, but thanks for teaching me so i can prevent my sheltered self from saying anymore innocent, immature jokes. I'm sorry if i offended you.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Didnt read some of this but this is what i have to say

    I've lost a lot of weight, and I eat basically whatever I want. I make sure I try to hit most of my macros, but if I'm over some of them I dont freak out. When I'm working .. which I am a TON right now, I dont have a chance to make my own food so I am destined to eat out on the road a lot.

    Still, even with that happening, I just use the mobile app and log what I eat and stay within my deficit. When you have the mindset of losing weight, and are aware of what you are taking into your body it helps a ton on making better choices of what you eat.

    Example ... I was at a hotel this day/night and there was a sheetz next door


    Last night

    Great example of making it work :bigsmile:
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    You have to give yourself the best chance to succeed, and that means having the right attitude and being willing to keep trying new healthy foods until you find things you do like. If you keep the mindset that you're doing something you hate, eventually you're probably going to give up.

    When I was starting out, I stopped eating some junk foods that I had trouble controlling portions of. I gave myself some time to focus on learning portion control/portion sizes and to make sure I understand what hunger really feels like and when I wanted to eat because I was bored. I let myself have treats now when they fit into my calories and macros, but if I feel like I'm going off course, I'll go back to focusing on lean proteins, complex carbs, and fruits and veggies. I agree with others that cooking is a major part of making healthy eating easier.

    You don't have to stop eating foods you once enjoyed. But if you're having trouble with how often you're eating those things or the portion size when you do eat them, then it's time to reevaluate your goals and be honest with yourself. If you're not ready to commit to making lifestyle changes, maybe you're not ready yet to try to lose weight .
  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    I am totally the opposite.
    Healthy foods are so delicious I couldn't get enough of them.
    It feels good eating them too, eat clean eat without guilt.
    The reason you came here to rant is because you feel bad after eating "junk food" and maybe weight problem.

    Start with something small, reduce the amount little by little and see if you really can't live without it.
    I don't think anyone can't live without a certain food, it's just willpower. You don't want to be a WEAK individual, do you?