
Hello Everyone,

So I started my weight loss journey (seriously started) a week ago yesterday. My doctor put me on a 1200 calorie a day diet and I also take phentermine 37.5. I bought Endotrim and 5HTP to take as supplements. I drink a spark in the mornings and run about 2 miles. I am not eating anywhere near my 1200 calories. I noticed this morning when I woke up that I am having trouble with my vision. Everything is blurry and hazy, almost like there is a film over my eyes. My husband keeps telling me it is because I am not eating enough, but I take a multivitamin to make sure I am getting the proper nutrition. I know some of you are going to tell me to talk to me doctor, but I am an NP and have never had a patient complain of these side effects with phen. Anyone have any experience with this? Maybe it is for over working and not eating enough? I am very concerned with this. Any advise would be great!



  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    ditch the phentermine.

    eat moar.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    ditch the phentermine.

    eat moar.

    This. And definitely EAT MORE. I honestly don't know how anybody can't eat 1200 calories a day. I can easily do that in one meal w/veggies, meat and rice.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Why aren't you eating the full 1200 calories? Call your doctor.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    A multi vitamin will not give you the nutrition your body needs, food will give your body the nutrition it needs.

    Vitamins are just that...they are not nutrition, they do not contain calories, they do not contain protein, carbs, fats.
  • cdavis3746
    I am just not hungry. I will eat a couple boiled eggs in the morning, Then some veggies and hummus in the afternoon then usually a chicken breast and broccoli at dinner.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When I do not eat enough food to fuel my body, I get those symptoms.

    Doesn't matter if I am taking 10 supps, the body needs fuel to run. IMHO your body needs more food..

    Ended up in ER on IV for this.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Your doctor put you on a diet with a set calorie am mount, eat it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am just not hungry. I will eat a couple boiled eggs in the morning, Then some veggies and hummus in the afternoon then usually a chicken breast and broccoli at dinner.

    I was on an antisiezure medication to reduce migraines. It also has the effect of reducing ( or for me eliminating) my hunger responders.

    Having no choice, I took the medication. I also set up an alarm to eat every 4 hours, and became much more vigilant on MFP in logging my food. Opened my diary so my friends could question if I was at 500 or 600 calories.

    I lost weight. My body is healthier now, and I am off the anti-seizure meds.

    You are an NP-you already know how important food is for your body. It is more than just nutrients, it is the fuel itself. Honestly IMHO you need to make yourself eat the 1200 + exercise calories each day.

    For me, I had pre planned eating and snacks. Nuts to bring up the fats/ calories. Protein at each meal.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    Come back after you at least do what your doctor tells you to do.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    What answers are you looking for ? for heavens sake are you a medical professional??? :huh:

    we'll lets see...NOT eating even 1200 calories daily(not hungry as your taking drugs), running daily and you are wondering about side effects???

    Phentermine is a stimulant similar to an amphetamine. It acts as an appetite suppressant by affecting the central nervous system.(HMM, maybe why your not hungry)

    Phen makes your blood pressure go up, causes increased and speed up blood circulation. This causes increased blood flow to your head, thus the headaches and weird vision…vision can be occasionally jumpy and hard to focus.Usually goes away after abt 2wks of being off the phen and getting your BP back to normal. Are your ears ringing??
  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    The Phentermine is what is making you not hungry. If you feel like you absolutely have to have some sort of aid with appetite control, half it. You are eating way less than you need to especially with your work out schedule. Supplements are great and all, but they don't provide you the caloric nutrition that you need just to keep functioning.

    Phentermine can also cause spikes in blood pressure which could also explain the vision problems.

    But you DEFINITELY need to eat more.
  • sperreaux
    sperreaux Posts: 8 Member
    First and foremost: If you are experiencing serious symptoms such as blurred vision, you NEED to see a Dr. immediately. It may be an unrelated condition or it could be linked to whatever you are taking/not eating. Best option is to see a Dr.
    That being said, your diet HAS to be addressed. My husband is a nutritionist, and he would tell you that those multivitamins are not filling in the gap of your nutritional and energy deficiencies. Your peeing out most of what's in those pills, ESPECIALLY, if you are not eating the right (or enough) foods to assist in proper absorption. YES. Listen to your husband! You need to eat more. Anything under 1250 as a daily calorie intake, is dangerous for a healthy person, especially if you are active. If you are concerned with weight gain, don't be. Just combat your fears by filling in those calories with nutrient rich foods. LOTS of fiber, particularly from beans and greens. And if your going to cut something out, cut out refined sugar all together. These steps will ensure that you maintain healthy body/diet balance and organ function as well as losing weight safely.
  • becky4m
    becky4m Posts: 61 Member
    You need to be taking in the full 1200 calories. Even if it is hard and your not hungry. Your Dr is going to say the same thing. When I was going to the doctor on the exact diet and pill he didn't want me working out. With the DR its all about the food you are consuming. They do not factor in the exercise calories. When I wouldn't eat enough I would get light headed, and blurry vision. Its your body telling you it needs more. Sometimes you can't listen to the weight loss doc, you need to listen to your body.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I am just not hungry. I will eat a couple boiled eggs in the morning, Then some veggies and hummus in the afternoon then usually a chicken breast and broccoli at dinner.

    Your mind is telling you no, but your body is telling another thing.
  • lolybear
    lolybear Posts: 8 Member
    Let's go back to the math.

    Your doctor said to eat about 1200 calories. Let's go on the average for a woman and say just in a normal day of "living" (breathing, digesting, pumping blood, etc) you burn around 2000.

    You're only eating 1200 calories, so you're already on a deficit of 800 calories.

    Then you go for a 2-mile run. Finger-in-the-air estimate, let's say that burns another 300 calories.

    So your total burn for the day is 2000+300=2300.

    Your total eaten for the day is... (rough estimation)
    2 eggs: 150
    Veg: 50
    2tbsp hummous: 50
    Chicken breast: 150
    100g Broccoli: 35
    Total calories: 450. Maybe.

    So you are burning 2300, and eating only 450, which means a deficit of a whopping 1850. That is insanely high.

    Vitamins are only meant to be a boost for nutrition, not a replacement, and, newsflash, they don't work very well if they aren't eaten with food. I take a Centrum multivitamin every day, but it says right on the label to take it with food. It's not a replacement, it's just a boost for a bit of extra.

    It's not recommended to go under 1200 calories a day simply because you need roughly 1200 of healthy eating to get the nutrients your body needs just to function. Add on the nutrients your body needs to sustain you after a run (rebuilding muscle, pumping your heart, etc)... sure you might be losing weight, but you are being SPECTACULARLY unhealthy about it.

    Eat more. Seriously.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    You know what you need to do, you're just looking for people to give you excuses so that you don't have to do it.

    If you're going to take the doctor's phen, take the doctor's advice. Eat what you've been told to eat and stop filling your body with supplements that the doctor did not tell you to take.

    Seriously. You get one body to get you through this life, take care if it willya?!

    I have no idea what an NP is but if you, in your capacity as one, believe that the multivitamin you're taking is a guarantee of adequate nutrition then yes you really need to go tell your doctor exactly what's happening, what you're taking, what you're eating and listen and follow the advice given.

    To clarify this is not to belittle or insult you, it is a raw expression of genuine concern at what you're doing to your body. It comes from a caring place.
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Well how tall are you? What do you weigh? What is your activity level?

    Find out what your BMR Basic Metabolic Rate is according to the above, and do not eat below this number. When you exercise a portion of your calories will be used and burned, whatever your Food you eat MINUS exercise calories total amount (net calories) must be above your BMR. Eat back exercise calories.

    1200 calories is the BASIC calories recommended for women.
    You might be different. An extra 100 calories will help fuel you.

    Even if you dont feel like it, its daunting to start eating more, cause we have been SO trained to starve yourself to lose weight.
    I love the results and I get to eat all the good things I can eat. (within range of my calorie goal) :smile:
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I am just not hungry. I will eat a couple boiled eggs in the morning, Then some veggies and hummus in the afternoon then usually a chicken breast and broccoli at dinner.

    It's pretty easy to take in more calories even if you're not hungry for more food. Try adding some cheese to your eggs in the morning, maybe turn your veggies and hummus into a wrap with a flour tortilla, put some sauce on your chicken or add a little butter to your broccoli.
  • cdavis3746
    I am 5'8 and my starting weight was 235. I need to be around 160 to be within healthy range. And for some of you being rude then dont comment. I am not looking for a pitty party, I was asking if anyone else has had this experience. The rude comments make people scared to ask for help/advise.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I am 5'8 and my starting weight was 235. I need to be around 160 to be within healthy range. And for some of you being rude then dont comment. I am not looking for a pitty party, I was asking if anyone else has had this experience. The rude comments make people scared to ask for help/advise.

    I don't think anyone means to be rude OP - some people are more direct than others it's true, but the overall messages I see here are that a) you need to eat more food because based on the information you have provided you are not getting adequate nutrition, and b) you should see a doctor for the blurry vision thing - this clearly isn't normal but you shouldn't assume that it's caused by the drugs you are taking either.