Artificial Sweetener Demonizing



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Btw, I got the post off yahoo. The only thing that was mine was "what are your thoughts?" lol

    When you quote other people, it is proper to use quotation marks and attribute the original source.

    It's also not proper to call people "dumbass" or "*kitten*." Consider this thread your Introduction To Talking To Other People With Some Degree Of Humanity.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Btw, I got the post off yahoo. The only thing that was mine was "what are your thoughts?" lol

    Oh, well that makes it . . . better?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Artificial sweeteners have become a necessity for many people to make their food palatable. They need sweetness, but they don’t want the calories. Artificial sweeteners mean they can have their cake and eat it too. But don’t tell people it’s bad for them. They actually already know this, but they don’t care. Sugar is addicting, and like most addictions, people don’t want pleasure to be taken from them. What are your thoughts??

    My thoughts are that your OP may be the dumbest thing that I have read all day. Possibly all week. I will let you know on Saturday.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I've already written an article with my thoughts

    I get people telling me all the time that I should stop drinking my diet drinks. I can't even be bothered arguing anymore. At least when I die of cancer, I will be lean :wink:
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    water's not man made :wink:

    You come in to decry the use of artificial sweeteners, but then argue that water's not man made. Water, artificial sweeteners, and every other thing we put in our mouths are chemicals, because they have a chemical makeup. If you don't want to eat artificial sweeteners, then don't.

    Troll much?

    Nobody twisting your arm to respond. You don't like the post feel free to find one more suited to you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Btw, I got the post off yahoo. The only thing that was mine was "what are your thoughts?" lol

    Oh, well that makes it . . . better?

    I wonder if she would have admitted that if people didn't argue against it.

    BTW love the new pic!
  • pghfitgirl

    Nobody twisting your arm to respond. You don't like the post feel free to find one more suited to you.

    Um, but didn't you ask for peoples "thoughts"?

  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Artificial sweeteners have become a necessity for many people to make their food palatable. They need sweetness, but they don’t want the calories. Artificial sweeteners mean they can have their cake and eat it too. But don’t tell people it’s bad for them. They actually already know this, but they don’t care. Sugar is addicting, and like most addictions, people don’t want pleasure to be taken from them. What are your thoughts??

    Food can be palatable without sweetening it and there are all kinds of natural sweeteners available to meet any sweetening need so there is no real need for artificial sweeteners. At least we know how the body responds to natural sweeteners.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Anyhow, in...

    ...this flame-baiting post.
  • 424a57
    424a57 Posts: 140 Member
    I think it's none of my damn business what other people put in their food, and if the thought even enters my head to tell someone else a food is bad for them or lecture them on eating habits in general then it is probably time to re-evaluate my priorities and get a hobby.
    Someone should mention this to the Sunrider Corporate indoctrinators (or whatever they are called).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Btw, I got the post off yahoo. The only thing that was mine was "what are your thoughts?" lol

    Oh, well that makes it . . . better?

    I wonder if she would have admitted that if people didn't argue against it.

    BTW love the new pic!

    Thanks! :heart:

    And probably not.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    At least we know how the body responds to natural sweeteners.

    Indeed we do. It pretty much doesn't.
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    Absolutely ;) Don't get what the big deal is anyway? Opinions vary, a lot of people getting all pissy for what? Cause somebody didn't share their opinion?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Absolutely ;) Don't get what the big deal is anyway? Opinions vary, a lot of people getting all pissy for what? Cause somebody didn't share their opinion?

    You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    Never said I was
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I eliminated a lot of pain in my hands and feet when I switched to all natural; agave nectar.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Absolutely ;) Don't get what the big deal is anyway? Opinions vary, a lot of people getting all pissy for what? Cause somebody didn't share their opinion?

    You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.

    You mean we can't go with "I reject your reality and substitute my own?"

    darn. :cry:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Never said I was

    Indeed, indeed. No one got pissy, except maybe you, who started calling people names.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member

    Anyhow, in...

    ...this flame-baiting post.

    Yep, it will be gone before morning.
This discussion has been closed.