Out of interest - howmuch exercise do you do in a week?



  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I usually go 5 days a week for an hour
    Leg day x2
    Upper body x2
    Cardio/ Abs x1 (or two if I choose to go an extra day)
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    75 minutes Ashtanga Yoga every day
    Pullups twice a week
    Swim once or twice a week
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SL 5x5 3x a week usually 75mins for each session that is on M/W/F, on Tu/Th I do some HIIT or a walk and once my bike is ready I will be biking.

    Once the pool is opened I will be swimming on the weekends but still lifting, HIIT/walking/biking.
  • cfl68
    cfl68 Posts: 48 Member
    3- 4 days lifting
    2-3 days cardio
    1 day off
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Define exercise.

    I lift 3 times a week, including gymnastics/calisthenics.
    I play tennis.
    I play dodgeball
    I do martial arts.

    I don't consider any of it exercise - it comes under the category "fun" and/or "interesting" and/or "hobby". :)

    Exercise to me would be something tedious like... running or star jumps for an hour.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    Stronglifts plus some additional weight training 3 times per week, about 40 minutes each time. Run intervals 2 times at about 45 minutes. Additional cardio/running pretty much every day, generally an hour each time. I figure on average about 1-1.5 hours of exercise per day, every day.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Mine varies greatly from 15-90 minutes a day 5 days a week. Occasionally 6 days. But on average I'd say 30-45 mins 5x a week
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Each workday I walk 20 minutes (approx. 1.25 miles) during my lunch break.
    MWF I do 30 minutes on our elliptical-ish bike immediately after getting home from work before I eat dinner.
    Tues, Thurs, Sun I do 30 minutes of weights using our home gym.
    Saturdays I do a 2 mile walk, weather permitting.

    The rest of the time I try to stay active - take the stairs, lots of lugging and carrying stuff. For me this is a sustainable routine since I am not a gym person nor a runner. You have to find what works for you, as what is fun for one is torture for another.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    3 sessions of weights. Typically one hour each. One push routine, one pull routine, one full body.

    3 sessions of "cardio". But that can be one hour session in the gym (Spinning, rowing, elliptical...), or it could be playing squash, but mostly at this time of year I'm cycling on the roads - anything from one hour to four hours.

    1 rest day.
    How do you guys fit it all in?
    Kids are grown up so I have more "me time".
    Also have a gym at my office so I can fit exercise into my lunch break.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Boot camp 3x a week for an hour
    Yoga 2x a week for 90 minutes
    Run 4 or 5 times a week ... 45 minutes to an hour most days, with a longer run on the weekend: 90 minutes or more.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    Lifting: 2-3 hours a week
    Bike Riding/Hiking/Walking: 2 hours a week
    Yoga: 2 hours a week
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    30 min/every morning for 5 days. (cardio/light strength training- depends on video)
    40-60 min/every night for 5 days. (cardio)
    30-60 min/every Sat (stretching/cardio)

    My goal is to workout for at least 60 minutes a day (except for Sunday, that's rest day).
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    3x Lifting at 25min each = 1hr 15min
    6x 1mi walk or run at 20min = 2hr (or playing wii if it's raining)
    1x 2-4mi run at 30m-1hr = 1 hr

    So... less than 5hrs/week.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I do about 30-45 min a day. MWF Weights, and TThSa Cardio.
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    40 mins of cardio 3x per week
    25 mins of strength training or HIIT 2x week
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    lifting 3 X week ( Wendler 5/3/1). I usually so 2 x 45 min 5 times a week. Cardio part suspension straps, aquafit. kettle bell, gliders, walking with weight vest. Following my Polar FT80 HRM built in trainer which tells me how many cals to burn in a week & what HR categories they have to be in. It adapts to me so it keeps changing. The program I have it set to is 'maximize fitness'.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    I am going to start with - I am not nor will I ever be a gym rat. I go in do my thing and get out. That being said, I tend to work out 4-5 times a week between 45 and 60 minutes. I try to vary my workouts so I don't get bored. One day I may do a water aerobics class (which is 45min at my gym) and the next day I may do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training. Then my next work out would be a yoga class. So my suggestion to you is to make a plan and make sure to keep changing things up - this is good for both your body and your state of mind.

    ^^ this ^^
  • J_Cuso
    J_Cuso Posts: 9
    How do you guys fit it all in?

    I work out at home. I have built up a pretty decent home gym over the years. I don't like going to gyms they just aren't for me. Plus I have no kids so aside from work All my time is mine.
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    Bump because I'm curious!

    about 1.5 hours of weights.
    1-2 hours HIIT
    4-5 hours Cardio
    Hiking on the weekends 1-3 hours depending
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    How do you guys fit it all in?

    Lift in the a.m.

    Cardio training in the p.m.