

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Morning beautiful ladies. Hope you all are having a relaxing day. Boy! this weekend just flew by again. Did get alot of riding in and walking, over 10000 for me yesterday and that does not happened alot. On Saturday while out riding I change into my old glasses just in case and thought I was being so careful, but when we got home I realized I lost the nose piece on my good ones. So until they open on Tuesday I am wearing the old ones and having a time trying to read. Didn't realize how much stronger the new ones are. We tried riding to Omaha yesterday morning, but the weather did not look the best and they were talking storms so we went about 50 miles and dicided to turn around. Yesterday DH and I spent most the afternoon on yard work. Sure does look nice and glad to have it done. Sprayed weeds and hoping later this week I can work in the rock garden. I am hoping for a loss tomorrow at weigh in, but my eating has not been the best. But not giving up.
    I went over Friday after work and Cori colored my hair. It is strawberry blond and must say I do like it. I would of never picked it, but I can live with this.
    Tina--your vacation sounds like fun. Do you have to have a pass port to go into Canada? I have always wanted to go there and we have talked about going to a big CMA ralley they have every year.
    BJ--welcome back, you have been missed.
    Sylvia--loved the work joke and explains why I am so tired. I understand about not wanting to buy the plant, it is not bad to say NO sometimes. It took me along time to realize I could tell the grandbabies no and they still love me. Do get checked out and take care.

    Kim--glad you were not hurt bad in your fall. Hugs and so important not to give up. I agree that she did notice and just not sure what to say or maybe she has been trying to lose and not having much luck. Remember you feel better and that is the important thing. We are doing this for ourselves.
    Carol--good for you for standing your ground. Hope the new meds help and you are feeling better soon.
    got some strawberries and a watermelon at Sams the other day and got them cut up and ready to eat. Proud I got it done before they spoil. Be great for something sweet.

    Heather--so sorry to hear about the fire. Do they know how it started?

    Allison--I know what you mean, I seem to think about food alot more lately. Biggest deal is large twist cone from DQ at almost 500 calories not good. Doing alot of praying.
    Jane--I would of done the samething and have. Maybe when she has time to think about it she will understand your side better. Also I agree with Kim see if see will give you names and numbers of neighbors to call next time.

    Welcome back Vicki. I am also Vicki and I live in Nebraska.
    Robin--glad Bodi is home and I am sure things will get into a routine for both of them.
    yanniejannie-=-hugs! in the end all we can do is love them and be there. Thanks for sharing the numbers, really makes me relazie how lucky we are to live free.
    Michelle--enjoy your visit and know we will be here waiting to hear all about it.
    Rori--glad you were safe and were able to get the tickets changed. Weather this year is sure different. Seems the last couple years we have gotten alot more wind.
    Well ladies DH just got home so sure we will be going out riding. Have a good day and keep up the great work.
    Blessings. Vicki GI NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day didn't make any sense, so I'm substituting a couple I found online:


    Two snowmen are standing next to each other in a yard. One says to the other, “Funny, I smell carrots too.”

    :laugh: :laugh:


    Sandy and Norman were in despair. Their 3 year old son Timmy still had not learned how to talk. Not a word had escaped through those now 3 year old lips. One night at dinner, Timmy took a taste of his pie, and to their utter surprise and amazement, said: “You call this pie? It tastes like some tasteless mush!”. Sandy and Norman sat there in shock, for this was not just their son’s first sentence, but the first words he ever uttered! Once the initial shock had subsided, Norman asked “tell me Timmy, how come you never spoke until now?” “I never had any reason to” explained Timmy. “Until now everything was fine.”

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the "10 Minute Solution Pilates" DVD that I have, then held my plank for 2 min 20 sec, did 1 hr of "10 Pounds Down " DVD. Had to take Jess to drop her car off and then to the eye MD. You know something, the eye MD didn't open until 8 and it was 7:45 when we got there. do you know that old habits die hard. I sat in the car until they opened up and she went inside. Yes, she's 30 years old, but she's still my little girl.

    Ronnie and Beat (from Switzerland) should be here tonight, so I'm not sure what I'll have time to do tomorrow

    Kim - I'm sure your friend will notice your weight loss next time you see her. Wouldn't surprise me if she did notice today but was too embarassed to say anything (does she need to lose a few pounds?)

    Karen - welcome!

    yanniejannie - interesting facts, thanks for sharing

    Going to lay in the jpool right now.

    My girlfriend should be here in an hour or so, and I am stressing. Want to be sure I have everything done, all the food made. We had to go to the vet for Jessica and when we got home she decided to give Lance a bath. So that meant finding towels, I couldn't vacuum until she was done, then everything had to be washed, it's in the dryer right now.

    I'm sure everything will be fine.

    Thinking of you all.

    Michele in NC
  • CindyDrama
    CindyDrama Posts: 1
    I have used My Fitness Pal for several years, lost 40 pounts, and have managed to keep it off with the food journal and exercise - mostly walking -one hour daily. I also have 2 # weight cuffs I wear every day. I have talked friends into doing Fitness Pal, but they drop out over time. I need support and have done okay on my own, but it would be nice to have cheerleaders. I have watched my mother in law and mother slowly gain weight as they have aged and have stopped moving. Both have insurmountable health issues, especially osteoporosis. I almost have osteoporosis and use the forteo injections daily. My husband and I have 8 children and 17 grandkids (right now), and I want to be active enough to play with the grandkids as they grow. I think this is where I need the most support - exercising every day. My co-workers think I am a fanatic because if I haven't logged 10,000 steps, I will walk the halls during breaks between classes. During the summer, I try to lift weights - just can't seem to stay with that. I need support:happy::happy:
    This is my second post - 1 year between, so I am not sure what I'm doing. I lost my phone last year and forgot my log in info so I had to start over. I am really fitness pal illiterate. :blushing:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia I agree with you on everything you said about the loss of potential talent and resources. But I guess I think as a nurse and the sister of one who lost an arm from amputation/cancer. Look what robotics has done because of all these tragic amputations. Yes, there would have been amputations without the war but I would think that the vast amount have come from war injuries and The wounded warrior project has huge funding that has helped research and some of the artificial limbs they have now are miraculous. I read an article today of a man who lost all 4 limbs because of an IED and he is a very active man walking and completely using both arms and hands. So God has used it. That still does not justify the tragic loss through our wars though. It is a long lasting emotional hurt that no bandaide can cover.

    I think I finally mat be over this plateau. The scale did show a .2 loss this morning. I am not going to record it as such until I can feel like I can claim it.

    My legs feel awful today. I don't know if I walked to fast or not. My fitbit sure didn't think so. I walked a solid 33 minutes, 2 miles and it recorded 1 active minute. But Charlie says if I walked 2 miles in 1/2 hour then i am walking a lot faster than him. But my hips, shins, feet hurt. Of course I have spent a lot of time in the bathroom, not diarrhea just BIG stools. I think one was one years worth! That may be why I saw a change on the scales.

    Hope Bodi is OK today

    Really wanted to take a nap today but Charlie's oral surgeon appointment is 7:30 AM. My body does not know that time, it is foreign. So I can't risk not being able to go to sleep tonight. So that means no nap. It has been a long time since I felt this fatigue so I guess my MS is deciding to show its ugly face today.

    My sister bought a new car today. She has my Mom's back problems but is just 65 and has no hope for any kind of surgery that will help. She got a power chair several years ago but they got a poor quality hauler for the chair and it showed it. So her chair has pretty much stayed in her garage for several years since. So she said if she can't have surgery she will not lose her mobility and independence and would have to get a car that could lift the chair into her car for her. So she got the car today and will have our local mobility supplier tomorrow and they will fit it with this lift. We used to got o the mall, Hobby Lobby, consignment shops and other places together. Now about the only place we can go to now is if Target or Walmart has a power chair available. now we can again.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a nice day.Went to pool with DIL and Violet.Did some water walking.Came home and had a water fight with Violet with her pool toys.Now dinner and chilling.
    Good night all
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Yanniejannie thanks for the reminder of what Memorial Day is about honoring our fallen soldiers for their sacrifice. It is started with woman from the South decorating the graves of Civil War soldiers. It was called Decoration Day. I remember when it was always on May 30 regardless of the the day of the week. That was when outdoor swimming started and I loved it.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Heather - I am impressed I have tried to make ravioli a few times, and they look great, but never stay sealed when it is time to boil them – grr! All that work for nothing! I always do my pasta dough by hand, just because that is how I have always done it – but your post makes me sure I will not ever do it in my processor.
    Thanks for the tandoori recipe! I will be trying it.

    Vicki – strawberry blonde – what a great color for summer.

    All – I really don’t think my friend noticed; she doesn’t have weight to loose and she is pretty outspoken…

    CindyDrama – welcome, we are a supportive group

    Pulling myself out of the blues...which is good... i did have a junky treat today, but thinking it will fit in my log...

    N. California
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. This hasn't been a good day for us.Dh had mentioned being out of breath when he walked very far.Then the last couple days says he feels fine.This morn,he said he was almost too tired to get dressed.So ,I said get something on or not .......as we are going to get you checked out. He was admitted to the hospital.They have 3 tests scheduled for tomorrow.

    This is one Memorial Day we won't forget:noway: Very long & tiring day.We are just a mile from the hospital.Dd & her DH stayed too.
    They are so helpful.Then DD & DGD called him from Fl.We love talking to family.

    Not reading anything today. Hope everyone is doing good. I'm off to bed soon. Pat in Ohio
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: Thank you for your research! Memorial Day is so important to those who served in the armed forces and those who lost a service member. My dad served in WWII, and our family lost a much beloved cousin in the Viet Nam war. My son serves now.:flowerforyou:

    CindyDrama and newbies: Welcome! This is a great group of women who support one another’s efforts to improve our health. We’re here all the time, but our thread changes with the calendar and when we reach 500 posts. You an always find the new link at the end of the old thread. Please let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Hugs and patience going your way. Bodi couldn’t have a more loving family.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for the great remembrance of our veterans.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I called my daughter in CO and she is fine. She has been working so hard she didn’t even know about the weather problems. I hope you and your family stay safe and well.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Keep on keeping on. Your thighs will eventually get their act together because you’re doing healthy things with your whole body. We don't improve all at once, for some reason.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I loved the snowman joke and so did DH! I’ve heard versions of the Timmy joke in the past. I enjoyed them then and now.:flowerforyou:

    We went away for the weekend on the boat and just got home, so I didn’t respond to everyone. The weekend was good because DH and I discovered we can handle our boat together well and safely. Yay! Some of our friends were there and great company. Others who were there seem to be habitually over the line with their drinking. :noway: I worry about them. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Sorry to those I missed. This group is so important to me, every person is supportive and caring.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just finished filling two large plastic tubs - heaped up high, with shirts and pants to take to the Salvation Army in the morning. My poor closet looks so empty! I'm giving away every top that says 4x and every pair of pants or skirts that are above an 18. There's no going back now! Not counting my exercise clothes, I only have about five tshirts, two pairs of jeans and one set on Capri pants left to my name. Well, that's not completely true. I'm saving one pair of size 30 jeans and the suit I wore when we got married and the outfit I wore on our first date. Just because.

    I got my new blood pressure machine today and like it even better than the one I gave to my son. It's a wrist model and is very easy to use. It's the same model they use in my dentists office. It has settings for two different users. It was on sale at Walgreens plus I got to use $20 of my bonus points. So it wound up being $44. What a deal! So I've been taking my BP all day and the highest the bottom number has been is 53. The lowest has been 41. Tomorrow morning first thing I'm calling my doctors office. Any of you nurses out there know if those are low numbers? When it was 41 I was feeling pretty dizzy. In the 50s I feel ok. The upper number has been in the 110s to 140 range.

    Just cut a canteloupe and it is SOOOOOO sweet! Best one we've had in a long time. I think we've already eaten half of it, but I'm saving the rest for breakfast.

    I'm starting to hate the latest upgrade to the ipad operating system. Some of my favorite apps crash, including MFP. Anybody else have that problem? I can't even listen to my audiobooks from the library. The app crashes every time it tries to load a book. The library help desk says they are aware of the problem and trying to fix it, so I imagine other apps are doing the same.

    In case you can't tell, I'm bored. Hubby is in his office working on a students thesis so I'm trying to stay quiet. Speaking of hubby...the other day I got a new pair of jammies that are orange with bright colored dots all over them. Hubby has been making cracks about the circus every time I put them on. Last time I told him, I am going in the bedroom to put on my new jammies, and if don't want to hear a WORD about the circus! So when I came out I heard him softly singing "Send in the Clowns". I laughed so hard I nearly wet my pants. He's so funny! Between him and Bruno I spend a lot of time laughing.

    Well, good night ladies. Sleep well!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Pat - glad you got to the hospital and have DH in good hands. sending good thoughts your way!

    Sylvia - good job on cleaning out your closet; and very glad you are calling the Dr. in the am I love the clown vision!!! Glad you didn't find jammies with stripes and he'd think you broke out of jail!

    Take care -
    see everyone tomorrow.

    Kim; N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have just a regular closet in a spec home. The master closet is the same length but a little deeper so we did put one of the in store closet organizers in it. The bedroom I'm in now was at the time a catch all room and so no organizer in that closet. When my Mom died I got her old antique dresser so it is in my bed room and I put my ld dresser in the closet in order to have as sort of an organizer. Plus it separated my winter and summer clothes. Now it separates the can and can not wear clothes. In my can wear I have 2 pair exercise pants, 3 jeans, 3 dress pants, several sweaters and my collection of Old Navy flag tees, other short sleeve shirts I have gotten from C J Banks. That's it. Hardly need one of those huge walk in closets that women rave about. Oh, for those of you new guys here. My husband and I love each other and the reason we still do is that we sleep in separate rooms. He more than snores. He is up and down all night. I don't even know it. I am in my bedroom with my noise machine on pretty high and eye mask on. If e didn't have the cat I would even have the door closed but the cat likes free reign of my room to come in and out of. No telling what we will find misplaced the next day. Plus she eats huge amounts during the night. But my closest is pretty spare to. I had been giving away my clothes to a clothing bank that give their clothing away for free but with my oldest now loosing weight an will soon be in an 18 I am saving things for her. She said she is not wearing my Mom jeans but we shall see. I know what it costs to be continually having to replinish a size every couple of months.Plus I have some sweatshirts that have always been some of her favorites. So they do stay. I also have my jeans I was wearing when I started this grueling enlightening journey 18 months ago. There isn't anything else I feel I need to save. Gerbils ate my wedding dress so that's out. now the shelf above the closet is another thing. It's a mess.

    Early morning tomorrow. I did make it all day without a nap. I knew if I could make it until supper time I would be fine. The circadian rythm my body especially when I am having fatigue, which is rare now, somehow brings me back to life at 7 PM! So if I can make it to 7 then my day is fresh and I have my usual energy level. But I am used to going to bed around 1 or 2 and I am going to have to go to bed earlier tonight. I took my wild lettuce leaf but the last time I took it it didn't work.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Kim - I think the reason your friend didn't notice is because she is a slim person. They are much less conscious of other people's weight because it isn't important to them. I, as an ex large person who wanted to be thinner, always notice every 7 lbs, even on tv, and am always commenting.

    Katla - so glad you managed the boat well yourselves! What a blessing!:flowerforyou:
    I agree with you about the drinking. A lot of older, middle class people, are entirely oblivious to how much they driink every day. :ohwell: On holiday I was drinking more than usual, but that degree of consumption is entirely normal for a lot of people. Normally I try to limit myself to one unit apart from once at the weekend. This weekend I went over twice.:cry:

    Love Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone; hope that everyone had a good night. Mine was short, but maybe I can take a nap later.

    Robin: how is Bodi doing? I know what it’s like to be worried about our beloved pets. :heart:
    DeeDee: hope you enjoyed your pedicure. I need one too (ugliest feet ever), but can’t get in for two more weeks. Thanks as always for the water reminder! :drinker:
    Kim: I’m down about 30 pounds and am just starting to get comments. I think there are always people who do notice but are discreet and don’t talk about it.
    Vicki in NE: I’m awestruck every time I see your ticker. :flowerforyou:
    CindyDrama: sounds like you’re doing just fine and your “mindset” is good. You’ll get there.
    Joyce: I do the same as you: I don’t record a loss until I see it “sticks”. :smile:
    Pat in Ohio: good that you insisted on the hospital. Hope we can read a positive update today. :flowerforyou:
    Katla: Pretty new photo.
    Sylvia: Congrats on being able to donate so much clothing! Your ticker awes me too! :flowerforyou:

    I had a very active day yesterday, including a long session at the gym, plus some serious work on the bedding in the horse stall. (You remove the “solids” every day, but about once a week [depending on a lot of things] you remove a larger portion of the bedding and replace it with new. Yesterday was that day.) I’m a bit tired today, also because of a rather short night. Luckily I don’t have to do anything strenuous today, but I do need to do some housework and a bit of computer work, plus the usual grocery shopping, taking my dog out etc.

    Wishing everyone a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Was in such a rush this morning yhat I forgot to send Pat my very best wishes for your husband. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope the problem can be resolved with ease.

    Sylvia - best wishes for your Dr visit. :flowerforyou: Your post reminds me I must do a further clear out of my already much reduced closet. I am having trouble letting go of a few things, but there really is no point in having them hanging there. I now have quite a few jeans etc, and a few long sleeved t shirts, but I need to buy a couple of short sleeved ones. I rarely wear skirts so my one summer skirt that is only a little too big will have to do. I tend to wear the same things over snd over, like a uniform, so don't need a huge wardrobe. I slob about at home in track pants.

    Got to go to the supermarket this afternoon. We need lots of things we can only buy in a bigger place. I don't like going there at all, but we have run out of some important things, including good meat and seafood.
    Tonight we are eating up the trimmings of the pasta I made yesterday. With prawns, salmon and broadbeans in white wine. I will carefully measure my portion.:laugh: Kim, DH does the painting of the ravioli sheets with water. We blob on the filling, paint round it, and then manoeuvre the second sheet on top and carefully press down, trying to get all the sir bubbles out. Then I cut them out with a wheel, leaving a generous margin of pasta. They have never split.

    I too am wondering how Bodi is getting on.:flowerforyou:

    Love from Heather in damp Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Tuesday morning and back to work. I sure hope everone had a good week-end. We went and watched the Memorial Day parade and the ceromony at the cemetery. My father was a Korean war vet and so proud of America and of serving. We go every year to honor him even though he is no longer here. I miss him the most on our patriotic holidays.
    I have to admit that I didn't touch a computer this entire three day week-end. I'm very far behind on posts and didn't log food. I did however stay mindful of what I was eating. I so needed that break away. I did glance at facebook a few times.
    My brother and niece came down from Cleveleand Saturday to drop off a swing set to my youngest daughter so we had some time to catch up and went to dinner that evening before they headed back. Sunday I spent working out and working on the yard.I even got a bike ride in. Yesterday we went to the parade and then I went to a neighborhood picnic. I've lived in my house for seven years but don't know a lot of my neighbors. One house down and across the alley lives Charles and his girlfreind. Charles once stopped a guy from breaking in my car, he caught him red handed. Next to them is Mark and Mary, Mary is a scavenger, I see her going through peoples garbage for recycling stuff. She is very sweet though and she always picks up my garbage can and puts it in my yard after trash pick up. I also know the people who live right next door ro mee. Other than that I met a bunch I didn't know yesterday. I know several of my neighbors are retired or disabled so they are home in the day, they watch out for my house and for me because they know I live alone. It's nice of them.
    I have not read backwards on the posts. Welcome to the newbies, prayers for those struggling and I will try to catch up this evening.
    God Bless,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Good Morning,

    Heather love the new picture. Adorable.

    Sylvia thank for the jokes.:laugh: Congrats on the clean out! Love the pj story.

    Michele hope you are having fun with your visitors.

    Kim hope you are feeling better today.:flowerforyou:

    We did a trip to Wisconsin Dells to see DH sister and some cousins. His sister has a condo there and they have an annual picnic. Winding up the school year. Just working half days this week which is fine with me. Students get spring fever and anxious over the change to summer.

    Today I will drink eight glasses of water, so tomorrow I will feel better.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Congratulations on cleaning our your closet! :bigsmile: :drinker: I’ve done a bunch of that in the past and more lately. It feels great to have clothes in there I can actually wear, even if that only includes two pair of jeans that fit. I am keeping two pair that are once size up in case I need them for emergencies. They’re loose but would do in a pinch. I do have a collection of old blouses that needs to be purged. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m so glad to know your episodes of fatigue are getting to be rare. DH is so much more active than he was. The longer days are a help, too.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m not immune to drinking more than might be good on occasion, but one particular friend is drinking himself drunk nearly every time we seem him at a social event. :cry: I know his job is stressful, but that makes me worry more about his health, not less.:flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinnati: It sounds as though you live in a very nice neighborhood with caring, if a little bit eccentric, people. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: One of my surprises at Middle School level was how much the kids needed school in their lives. It was a place of safety where they could get food for more than a few students. All the holidays were stressful for them. Our neighborhood elementary school serves free lunches all summer long to those children who need them, even the older kids. I know about hunger in America, but it still catches me by surprise and saddens me when I see the evidence. Part of that evidence is childhood obesity. Poorer families eat a lot of low quality food in our town.:cry:

    Yoga this morning! Yay! And even better, my next-door neighbor is going with me for the first time. Our boating weekend left me stiff and sore. I know why—I started the outboard engine on our dinghy dozens of times to take the dog ashore for potty breaks.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I've skimmed to catch up--lots going on.

    Yanniejannie - Don't despair just yet. My daughter is not (yet) doing anything with her degree, but she acknowledged when she graduated that she has been in an extremely rigorous academic environment for eight years and needed a break. She graduated two years ago and is now in a Master's program and doing exceedingly well. I think, for many, it is a good thing to work a dead end job for a bit to make one appreciate how boring it is and how one really wants more than that!

    I know someone is having blood pressure issues--YES, the lower number is too low. Dehydration will make the blood pressure drop and dizziness occur. It might be that your meds need to be changed -- not just reduced.

    For the person whose husband is in the hospital - I hope you get some answers (and treatment) ASAP!

    My house cleaning plans did not go quite as well as I'd hoped. I lost Friday due to fatigue from the emergency appendectomy. However, we did get a lot done and my friend is there working even while I am at work. (I love her!) My handyman friend got the wallpaper stripped and a coat of primer in the hallway and one bathroom (he was using some he had left over from another job) and we bought more primer and paint last night.

    The most "fun" part of this process is that he took down my medicine cabinet and removed the cover for the light fixture. I have no mirror and one naked dangling light bulb in my bathroom. Guess who rubbed some gel into her hair and left it to do as it pleased! I also had to put on my makeup at work. I have just a very narrow little path in my bedroom because of moving stuff from the foyer and bathroom into my bedroom. Arrrggghhh! I need a full week off to finish what needs to be done. No rest or sleep for Carol for at least two weeks...

    My daughter is doing well. Her dad took her back to her apartment on Sunday. Scared the bejeezus out of me when I stopped by to check on her cats and she came walking out of her bedroom!

    Okay, I'm back to work now. I really don't want to be here. My OCD is screaming to be at my house getting stuff done!

    Carol in NC