3 Day Military Diet (Cardiac Diet)



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Set your food diary to public if you would like detailed feedback.
    Are you using a food scale?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    When doing it the right way is too hard or takes too long ... look for the laughable shortcut. I guess it's a way to go through life.
  • awesome_inferno
    awesome_inferno Posts: 58 Member
    My daughter hit a plateau eating 1200 calories. She bumped it up to 1500-1600 for a month, still worked out the same, and didn't gain. Then when she went back down to 1200 she lost again! IDK Why but sometimes it works! She got the idea from other people who had done the same with the same results.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    if it is only 3 days and not a gimmick u have to pay for, involves eating real foods and not pills, I say give it a try. Three days of change wont make or break you.

    It also won't teach her anything when she gets stuck next time.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'll say this - none of the most successful people here on MFP got to where they are by doing stuff like this "diet". They do it by knowing their calorie deficit, weighing & measuring their food, working out, and reevaluating when plateaus hit.

    Read this. Good info!

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Your problem is your under 1200 caloric intake.

    I'm amazed at the sheer number of people coming on here complaining about weight loss and wanting to only consume minimal calories... if you "work your butt off in the gym" you need a lot more calories than 1200 for your stats.


    workout 3x a week (I'm assuming)

    You should be taking in 1600 at least.


    though if you'e really eating so little you should be losing weight. do you weigh and measure everything?
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    My usual calorie intake is typically under 1200 anyways. So this wouldn't be horrible for me.

    Maybe you're stuck in the 160s because you aren't eating enough. Especially if you've been eating under 1,200 cals for two years!
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    No offense, but that sounds terrible for many reasons. I'm 5'3", net 1400 calories a day, eat back my 6 day a week exercise calories, and I had dark chocolate just last night. I also precisely weigh and measure almost everything that goes in my mouth, use my HR to calculate all cardio and log low numbers for my strength training. Your diary is not open, but I have a feeling you are doing none of that. There's no "jump start" in dieting. Ask yourself, can I sustain this for ever? If not, it's most likely going to fail.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,234 Member
    So your weight is not changing, but do you measure anything else to gauge your progress? Weight is only one measurement, and not a particularly helpful one as there are various factors that can make weight stop changing while you are still losing fat. If you are not taking body measurements start doing so now. Often peoples measurements will improve while their weight will stay the same. Also, some people will lose fat, but the weight will not come off for long periods of time, then suddenly they will drop several pounds in a couple of days.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    The first thing you need to do is accurately log your food:


    Then set reasonable goals and eat at a reasonable deficit:




    Then if you still are not losing weight after a month see your doctor and get a blood panel done to have your thyroid checked.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Having actually served in military, I can tell you 100% that this is misnamed and a load of bovine feces. Having eaten in chow halls and out of the MRE bag, I don't know how this has been associated with the military outside of it being a sales tactic to make it seem all "hard core".

    Even a week of this would drive me mad, and probably land me in the hospital (I'm only 5'2" and 137 lbs, but I support my activity by eating close to 1800cal/day and still lose fat). So no, I do not think this would be your best way to start losing weight again.

    Re: the stalling at 1200 or less calories:

    the second is a casual interview with Alan Aragon so the language is a little less than professional, but gives another look at the ideas behind the first link.

    Not saying this is for sure it, but the insight can be used by anyone eating at a major deficit and exercising a lot as to why they have "stalls" in weight loss.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    My usual calorie intake is typically under 1200 anyways. So this wouldn't be horrible for me. The 1500 calorie plan isn't part of the original military diet plan, that was added by whomever made the site, therefore ignore that part. Just the three day diet plan is what I am talking about. I would stick to my under 1200 calories a day after the three days.
    The breakfast sounds filling to me, I usually eat very little for breakfast anyways.
    I need something to boost my system though because I can't handle not losing anything while I'm working my butt off in the gym and eatign healthy stuff while everyone else eats pizza, cookies, and soda. lol.

    If you're concerned about health and nutrition at all, do not follow that diet. It's not going to adequately cover your micros or your macros if protein intake is important to you at all (and it should be).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    if it is only 3 days and not a gimmick u have to pay for, involves eating real foods and not pills, I say give it a try. Three days of change wont make or break you.

    It also won't teach her anything when she gets stuck next time.

  • sesnow1s
    sesnow1s Posts: 7 Member
    I appreciate the advice I got from those of you whom were actually decent. I went ahead and talked to my doctor and he said I could do this for three days, and that it would in fact be beneficial as the combination of the foods actually does speed up your metabolism. I also will be taking the advice in upping my calories. I actually have where I intake 1340 but after exercise, it shows less than 1200, this is where I got confused. However, I will be upping my calories to 1140. Thank you for that info ;)

    I do not need to " Learn" how to be healthy, I simply am unmotivated at times. And the only 12 lbs in two years is due to an illness which resulted in harsh medications and an inability to move out of a bed for quite sometime. So I hope you sleep good tonight whoever it was that made that extremely rude comment.

    As much as I appreciate the helpful comments that were made, whether they are what I was hoping to hear or not, I will never make a post again on here.

    I was under the impression this wasn't a "bash your neighbor" social networking site and was used for advice and support with fitness and nutrition. I am impressed by what those of you can say behind a keyboard, especially the guy with a picture that includes his hand being down his gym pants...yes, that thing you are searching for is missing, a common side affect of steroids ;)

    Thank you again for the helpful advice give, it is greatly appreciated.

    Best wishes!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    My usual calorie intake is typically under 1200 anyways. So this wouldn't be horrible for me. The 1500 calorie plan isn't part of the original military diet plan, that was added by whomever made the site, therefore ignore that part. Just the three day diet plan is what I am talking about. I would stick to my under 1200 calories a day after the three days.
    The breakfast sounds filling to me, I usually eat very little for breakfast anyways.
    I need something to boost my system though because I can't handle not losing anything while I'm working my butt off in the gym and eatign healthy stuff while everyone else eats pizza, cookies, and soda. lol.

    There's your problem right there.
  • sesnow1s
    sesnow1s Posts: 7 Member
    Oh and the measuring thing, It has been about 6 months since I have measured myself. I know I need to do this lol. "The scale is the enemy," says my doctor. lol.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    The name of the diet is irrelevant. Thus, me putting in parenthesis Cardiact Diet.
    I go to a doctor for my weight loss and he recommended 1200-1500. He said as long as I eat healthy snacks throughout the day it will not matter. I could just make an appointment, but I do not feel like making the payment for it :) lol
    I am sure he would snub his nose at this, or any diet. However, my body needs a kick. Something has to change. "Living a healthy lifestyle" takes a long time to show weight loss. I will continue with it of course, but I am looking for a kick.

    can you explain precisely what you mean by "give your body a kick"......... and what results you expect to get from it?

    what signs have you noticed in yourself that indicate that your body "needs a kick"?

    "a kick" isn't a biological or medical concept, and unfortunately a lot of fad diets are peddled under terms like "kick start your metabolism" which is biologically impossible, but sounds good so it sells. But if you say what *you* understand by these terms, then maybe someone can advise you what steps to take to get better results... which is what you want, right?

    If you want to speed up your metabolism, you need to do exercise (preferably lifting heavy weights) and eat more food.... I've seen this 3 day military diet before, and it's not going to speed up anyone's metabolism. If anything, it'll slow it down. If you want to speed up fat loss, then you need to understand that the human body burns fat slowly, and that fast weight loss mostly isn't fat that's being lost, and you set yourself up for rebound weight gain (sometimes ending up fatter than you were before you started). Fat loss is a slow process, you have to do it the healthy and sustainable way and be patient.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Having actually served in military, I can tell you 100% that this is misnamed and a load of bovine feces. Having eaten in chow halls and out of the MRE bag, I don't know how this has been associated with the military outside of it being a sales tactic to make it seem all "hard core".

    Even a week of this would drive me mad, and probably land me in the hospital (I'm only 5'2" and 137 lbs, but I support my activity by eating close to 1800cal/day and still lose fat). So no, I do not think this would be your best way to start losing weight again.

    Re: the stalling at 1200 or less calories:

    the second is a casual interview with Alan Aragon so the language is a little less than professional, but gives another look at the ideas behind the first link.

    Not saying this is for sure it, but the insight can be used by anyone eating at a major deficit and exercising a lot as to why they have "stalls" in weight loss.

    ^^^^ this is good advice
  • Minouche1922
    Minouche1922 Posts: 23 Member
    I am you there - i have often done this - and usually lose 5 lbs. Food is pretty basic and a part frankfurters and ice cream is quite healthy. This is not forever so 3 days is perfectly acceptable to me.