3 Day Military Diet (Cardiac Diet)



  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    IN for metabolic jump-starting through food
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I don't understand why people torture themselves on restrictive diets with boring food when they could easily lose weight eating a sensible plan with foods they actually enjoy. There's no foods that magical burn fat off your body. You could get fat off of broccoli, but you'd sure have to eat a lot of it. Eating more nutritious foods helps a whole lot with satiety and health but in the end weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit.

    What kind of food is boring, and what makes you think that the food that some people eat is not what they actually enjoy?
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    have you tried eating MORE? Still good choice, high in protein? That's what broke my plateau. You may not be eating enough. Counter-intuitive, I know, but when I went from 1200 cals a day to 1500-1800, my plateau broke... still slow going but at least it's moving again. Great book to read: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    People should do what works for them. As I said, I'm not following the Military Diet exactly by any means - just using it as a guide.
    I've tried WW a few times with 0 results. This formula works for me (and others) so why ridicule ?
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    I don't understand why people torture themselves on restrictive diets with boring food when they could easily lose weight eating a sensible plan with foods they actually enjoy. There's no foods that magical burn fat off your body. You could get fat off of broccoli, but you'd sure have to eat a lot of it. Eating more nutritious foods helps a whole lot with satiety and health but in the end weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit.

    What kind of food is boring, and what makes you think that the food that some people eat is not what they actually enjoy?

    This ! I'm loving 1/2 grapefruit and toast n peanut butter some mornings, Other than the hot dog and ice cream choices, I think the military diet is pretty balanced. I don't believe the bit about the particular combos triggering fat burn, or anything like that. I have been enjoying everything I'm eating !
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't understand why people torture themselves on restrictive diets with boring food when they could easily lose weight eating a sensible plan with foods they actually enjoy. There's no foods that magical burn fat off your body. You could get fat off of broccoli, but you'd sure have to eat a lot of it. Eating more nutritious foods helps a whole lot with satiety and health but in the end weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit.

    What kind of food is boring, and what makes you think that the food that some people eat is not what they actually enjoy?

    This ! I'm loving 1/2 grapefruit and toast n peanut butter some mornings, Other than the hot dog and ice cream choices, I think the military diet is pretty balanced. I don't believe the bit about the particular combos triggering fat burn, or anything like that. I have been enjoying everything I'm eating !

    is there steak?

    unless there is steak in it- it's probably boring.

    I also find that anyone who says- my piece of fruit and toast is amazing every day... just doesn't know what breakfast should look like.

    Piece of fruit and toast just makes me sad.
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    is there steak?

    unless there is steak in it- it's probably boring.

    I also find that anyone who says- my piece of fruit and toast is amazing every day... just doesn't know what breakfast should look like.

    Piece of fruit and toast just makes me sad.

    You bet ! You can have a 3 oz. steak during the 3-day "on". Or whatever kind of steak you want on the 4-day "off".

    lol ... fruit and toast make you sad. Makes me happy.
  • cjcprincess
    cjcprincess Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh a lot more than you, and have a ton more to lose. My husband and I started the 3 Day Military diet two weeks ago, and have both seen amazing results thus far! I have lost 17 pounds, and he has lost 13 pounds. The diet is super easy to follow, and is really helping me overcome my binge eating disorder. I love that it tells you exactly what to eat on the three days, and gives you structure! On our "days off" we find ourselves making healthier choices. If I feel hungry, or get a craving, I exercise or drink water. I get that people think this diet is bogus, but honestly, I don't care. This works for me, and can work for others. I know someone who lost over 80 pounds on this diet, and has kept it off for two years! I have tried diet after diet after diet, and this is finally something I have been able to stick with past a week, and will continue to do so. Say what you want, but this does work, and I am living proof.

    Bottom line, if this works for you, and you are seeing results that you are happy with, then don't listen to what others are telling you. Regardless of what you choose to do, you will succeed :) Keep up that great work!!!!

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