Xmas 20lb Challenge!



  • harleymotivatedmama
    hi all i am down a total of 3.8 lbs sincw we started. I am so proud of everyone. It certainly keeps me motivated
  • cc_campbell81
    I am down 2lbs to 130.3. I ran my first 10 miles this week which was great but I made german chocolate cupcakes, ate too many of those and ate out too much. I hope to get back on track this week. I used to be so good at eating healthy and exercising but I've had a lot of problems with fatigue and migraines lately. I hope I can stick with it though. Good luck everyone.
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    Okay I'm a couple weeks late but what the heck. 200 today. 180 by Christmas Eve!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    is anyone else terrible with the scales? i stepped on them this morning and showning +1lb i know i shouldnt look until friday but still i cant help it lol!

    anyone else a serial scale stepper??
  • lornawalker
    Weigh in today, down by 4lbs, well pleased!!!
  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm down 2 Ibs - yey!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    is anyone else terrible with the scales? i stepped on them this morning and showning +1lb i know i shouldnt look until friday but still i cant help it lol!

    anyone else a serial scale stepper??

    Yep. I get on my wii daily. The fluctuations are emotionally taxing, but they seem to keep me motivated. Besides, it's worth it on days like today when I reached my first wii goal! When I get to the next one, I'll be within my healthy weight range.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    is anyone else terrible with the scales? i stepped on them this morning and showning +1lb i know i shouldnt look until friday but still i cant help it lol!

    anyone else a serial scale stepper??
    YES! I weigh myself every morning except on Thursdays and most weekends. My weigh in day is actually Fridays so I like to try and surprise myself by not weighing in on Thursdays. That 24hrs is torturous but I love my Friday weigh ins so far! The weekends are tough for me. We usually end up out with friends or ordering out or going to a restaurant. So I really don't want to step on the scale. (guilty Conscious)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Well, We out to our favourite steak house restaurant (The Keg) on Saturday and will power was not with me!!! After sour dough bread, goat cheese with almonds and nice fillet mignon I felt awful! (Although the food was amazing!) It was a rough night for my tummy! I'm definitely not used to eating like that anymore! On Sunday, I went for nice brisk walk for hour and half. Felt much better. I really don't even want any halloween candy this year. (That's really odd for me.)

    Have a great week everyone!!!

  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I stayed the same this week but usually gain about 3 pounds during this time of the month so am sure that next week will be a much better weigh in (I hardly exercised last week as it was too busy in my household but things are back to normal now and I have scheduled "me time" in this week!).
    Great work everyone on your weigh-ins!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    No loss this week!!!!

    CW- 173
    The reason that is so annoying is because I did excellent eating all week and I was down a good 4 lbs, but then I ordered out and ate alotttt over the weekend. Its self-sabotage. I want to have another great week this week, and ACTUALLY keep it up over the weekend. If so.... I should actually see the loss I need to see! Heres to a new week!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Down 1 lb this week!

  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    Lost a total of 2 lbs since last Monday! Great way to start the week.
  • deannarod
    I'm in!
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I lost 4.2 pounds this week, bringing my total to 7 pounds so far for the challenge. This week I want to try and increase my water intake. Good Luck everyone!!
  • camille45
    camille45 Posts: 106 Member
    im in
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I'll be away for a week starting tomorrow, so no weigh in this week from me. Good luck, everyone, and I'll see you next Tuesday.
  • I am also a serial stepper every morning I jump on...I am better about not beating myself up but ai do think it keeps me a little more honest to see it everydat
  • treed4
    treed4 Posts: 66
    Count me in! What day are we checking back w/our progress?
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Well, I'll be away for a week starting tomorrow, so no weigh in this week from me. Good luck, everyone, and I'll see you next Tuesday.
    Have a great time!!!