I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    bump. You look amazing and I want to read this all the way through when I have time. No questions yet... :flowerforyou:
  • Carolynn43
    Carolynn43 Posts: 11 Member
    good job way to go
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thankyou for your reply.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    That is simply amazing. I'm trying to do exactly what you're doing. I started at 342lbs and have gotten down to 201.

    I would like to know how much you were eating every day (total calories) when you were say, around 15% and also at the shredded level in your pic.

    I'm 6'2 and find that if I don't eat 1900 or so at 201lbs I really don't lose anything...and it's getting harder for me to only eat 1900 calories a day. For me it's soo little, and I have a binging problem (why i got so big to begin with).

    You are an inspiration man. I hope I get to post the same before/after pic soon.
    I pretty much lose weight eating around 2500 calories a day with a moderate amount of activity. I did this at 15% and am still doing this now. I've have been having some stalling as of late but is visually look leaner so I'm attributing it water retention. The leaner you get, the longer you can go without a scale moving before you need to adjust.
    I have a question:

    (I apologize if you already answered this... I will be reading all your pages but have only gotten to the first 6 so far and I also work nights and need to get to bed...)

    Did or do you use any supplements of any kind?

    (Also, a friend just was telling me that weights are better for cardio and after seeing your advice and results I'm a sudden believer! Thank you for all the wonderful advice and inspiration!!!)
    As far as supplements I probably tried over 9000. At this point I only recommend a few. A one a day multivitamin (I realize the research has yet to prove it's worth but it's cheap enough to take anyway), an additional 5000 units of vitamin D (there is research supporting this), 1 triple strength fish oil, and 5mg creatine monohydrate a day. That's it! I take protein powders/bar as well but I treat them as food, not as a supplement. I simply log them just like I would eggs or a chicken breast.
    I need to cut 40 lbs. What advice do you have for me nutrition/workout routine. I've started following iifym and am still playing around with my numbers to see what will work for me. I keep gaining and losing and its getting frustrating! PS- NICE WORK! Cheers to a healthier, happier you!
    For workouts I recommend the "ice cream fitness 5x5". To set up macros and calories I made a youtube video showing how I do it: http://youtu.be/7cc18wLJW3k
    As far as types of foods, I eat what I want so long as it fits my goals.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Well I guess there's still some abs in the zoomed out profile pic :wink:
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Well I guess there's still some abs in the zoomed out profile pic :wink:
    That was for flex friday! :)
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I am a 5'1", 45 yrs and currently weigh 128lbs. I weigh and measure everything (I'm from the UK so don't know what serving size a 'cup' is), even if means going over my cals allowance of 1200, though this is mainly on a Friday or Saturday night (I like my wine) - but not every week.

    Anyway, 12+ months ago I weighed 14lbs less than I do now, did no exercise, and didn't eat as healthily as I do now. Unfortunately the weight gradually crept up due to a lot of stressful situations which caused me to comfort eat, not on chocolate, crisps etc, just larger portion sizes of everything, still with no exercise. I re-joined MFP a month or so ago, started eating healthier and exercising, just about to start 4th week of T25 (tried Insanity but didn't last a week!).

    One of my questions is - my weight has stayed the same for 6 wks now, despite eating healthier (and recording it accurately), nearly every day I'm in deficit (sometimes might go over on the odd weekend), drinking more water and exercising (cardio) 5/6 days a week. However despite this I haven't lost a lb and I don't understand why. Some people say up your cals, some say eat back your exercise cals, some say don't etc, etc. What's your opinion of where I could be going wrong?

    The other question is - I have lots of loose skin everywhere from previous weight loss/gains which obviously I want to get rid of (I'm aware that you can't spot reduce) and I want to start using weights to help with this. I don't live anywhere near a gym but have at home a kettlebell, 3lb and 2kg dumbells that could help with this, but I don't know what sort of programme I should follow. From what I've read from previous posts, it's seems to be a case of which do you prefer - to lose weight or gain muscle? I've now decided that it's now really the inches I'm more bothered with. Is there any programme you could advise me to follow and which would be more beneficial - dumbells or kettlebell?

    Oh and I wish I had your calves - you said yours are 17.5inches - mine are 22inches!

    Thanks in advance and apologies for going on a bit - just wasn't sure how much info to give you.
    First things first, at 128 lbs you simply cannot have 22 inch calves. Maybe we're getting lost in the conversion but 22 inches is 55.9 centimeters. As to your questions, eating more rarely causes weight loss to increase in the long run. Generally eating less is the key to dropping more weight. If you are eating at or around 1200 calories consistently, and weighing you food on a scale to the gram, I would think you would see weight loss. You are petite so you have a lower calorie requirement, but again, 1200 should be low enough. How much weight are you looking to lose? You can't have all that much fat on you. Sometimes losing the last couple of lbs takes what seems like an eternity. On the days you do go over, by how much do you think you go over?

    As far as a kettle bell workout I cannot really recommend one. I've never really used them and I don't generally like to recommend anything I haven't at least tried for myself. If one of the other people following along wants to chime in on this one that would be wonderful!

    Regarding thighs, my mistake, it's my thighs that are 22", my calves are just under 15".

    Anyway regarding what you said I've checked and the average amount of cals I go over (not on a regular basis though, sometimes I don't even reach 1200) is 300 cals, but after exercising it can sometimes take me under 1200 - I have even been as low as 168 on one occasion, but the average is between 600 and 1100 cals under.

    I'm ideally looking to lose between 10-14 lbs, though I read that just to lose body fat, I shouldn't lose more than 10lbs cos then I'll start to lose muscle too. My LBM is 94, BFW is 33, BF% is 26 and BMI is 24. Another thing I've been wondering is what's the ideal BFW and BF% for someone my height?

    Thanks in advance.
  • mary_xo
    mary_xo Posts: 4
    Just wanted to say: YOU HAVE DONE AWESOME!!!

    I started in about May 2011 at 376...had a rough year last year, and am now back on track. Sucks that if I hadn't gotten off track, I could be closer to where you look!! JEALOUS!! :)

    Very inspirational!! YOU ROCK!!
    I'm glad that you are back on track. We all get distracted from our goals, but the important thing is to refocus and keep moving forward!
    First off let me say you made an amazing transformation. Can I ask you for help on making a basic home gym routine? or know of a site that can help me build one? Someone has given me access to the equipment listed below. I'm new to lifting weights and building strength. I am on day 8 of 30day shred. I am looking for something to build on to the fitness I gain from the dvd or willing to stop it if there is a better way of doing this. I also go out for a walk or do the biggest loser power walk video every day. My over all fitness goal is to loose a large amount of fat and build endurance, not bruit force. I do have the money to buy a few more hand weights but I don't really have the money for barbells or other expensive equipments.

    Equipment: Vibration machine platform (t-zone without handles), weider home gym(like the one in the link below), a reflex punching bag, exercise wheel, 1lb to 5lb ankle weights, 2-3lb 1-5lb and 2-10lb dumbbell.

    I don't really have a workout for that particular machine. The key to a total body workout is to hit every major muscle group at least once. You want to do something for traps, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, back, abs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. Compound exercises allow you to hit several of those groups in 1 move. I would see if the manufacturer of the home gym also has some kind of total body workout.
    I need help!

    I'm 5"6 and around 14 stone. I don't have a very high calorie intake normally, and I want to lose 3 stone by november. I don't know how to reach this goal as I don't know how I can restrict my calories further. I also dance 2 days a week and walk for a bit daily.
    I eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

    Any help would be greatly appriciated!

    - I'm a student therefore I can't afford to attend the gym, and I attend college daily.
    I would need a bit more information. I can't see your diary so how many calories are you getting in a day and for how long? Have you been losing any weight at all? Does your college have a gym or fitness facility that you can access?

    On a daily basis I eat less than 1,200, but rarely can be more. My college doesn't have any facilities that I can access unfortunately. I only lost weight (around 10lbs) due to being ill, but then I gained them back and more once I recovered.
  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    Completely off topic but I keep coming back to this thread to check all your answers to people's questions and every single time I see your pics I think you visually belong in some Greek or Roman epic as one of the warriors. They wouldn't even have to paint on your abs.

    OMG they PAINT those abs on....I'm so...discombobulated! Are my heartthrobs really just fakes??? ...Walks away swooning...
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member

    On a daily basis I eat less than 1,200, but rarely can be more. My college doesn't have any facilities that I can access unfortunately. I only lost weight (around 10lbs) due to being ill, but then I gained them back and more once I recovered.
    At your height and weight you should easily be losing weight at 1200 calories. Anytime someone isn't losing weight at a caloric intake that almost certainly is low enough to cause weight loss I ask the same kinds of questions: Do you have regular cheat meals/days if so how bad are they? Do you count absolutely everything you eat or drink that has calories? Do you weigh your food on a scale or estimate or measure solid foods in things meant for liquids like tablespoons, or cups. Are you eating back exercise calories? Do you have lots of days where you just don't log food and simply assume you are under or around your calorie goal? All of those variables can lead someone to overeat by a ton! If you are really being super strict and not losing at 1200 calories a day, then I would get checked out by a physician and have some blood work drawn. 9 times out of 10 though, it's not a medical problem, its a food tracking problem. This guide I wrote can help with accurate calorie tracking: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1296011-calorie-counting-101
    Completely off topic but I keep coming back to this thread to check all your answers to people's questions and every single time I see your pics I think you visually belong in some Greek or Roman epic as one of the warriors. They wouldn't even have to paint on your abs.

    OMG they PAINT those abs on....I'm so...discombobulated! Are my heartthrobs really just fakes??? ...Walks away swooning...
    So much of what you see in Hollywood is fake to one degree or another. Through the use of digital enhancement, perfect lighting, and some prescription only "supplements", Seth Rogan could have a 6 pack if they wanted him too.
  • KarenE86
    KarenE86 Posts: 75 Member
    Amazing transformation!! Thanks for posting this, helps keep me motivated. Often I get stuck thinking that I might lose some weight but will never look that amazing. It's motivating to know its possible
  • mr_mitch
    mr_mitch Posts: 176 Member
    hey just to say thanks OP. I've learned a lot from you, I've read the whole thread! and you've done so well.

    ive mainly learned the importance of being really accurate and measuring when logging food intake - I have to say I'm guilty of this myself (I often just tick "one portion") or whatever.

    I've got my calorie limit set to 1200 which I know is probably too low for me - and I usually come under it - but I am losing (at least) 2lbs a week as mfp suggests I will - and I don't really have a lot of weight to lose anyway - so I'm fairly happy just to have a rough indication of my calorie intake.

    well except for this weekend where I've had an extremely boozy weekend... so ill forget about that and carry on from tomorrow!

    I've also learned that I'm gonna need to start doing some weight training asap, so that needs looking into - because I am probably losing muscle at the minute.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    congrats first off!!!!!

    Secondly, I don't have any questions.
  • TeaTimeJess
    TeaTimeJess Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, congrats!!
    What tips would you give to someone who hates working out? Or some methods to ease yourself into it?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Wow, congrats!!
    What tips would you give to someone who hates working out? Or some methods to ease yourself into it?
    You need to try a variety of things until you find something you like, or at least can tolerate. I find that if you really hate cardio based workouts, sometimes weight lifting will be more suited to you. I personally hate cardio and only do it as a means to an end. I get great enjoyment from weights though. If you simply can't find anything you like you just need to find out what you hate the least and make yourself do it. You may grow to really enjoy something once you start getting good at it. When I first started losing weight I really didn't enjoy lifting. It was because I was bad at it and slightly embarrassed to do it in front of others. This quickly goes away if you just force yourself to do it.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    I've always wanted to do an AMA so I thought I'd set one up here. The basics about my story are that I went from 315lbs to 195 and have been making small gains in muscles/losses to fat ever since. Ask me anything, anything at all!

    Add me as a friend on here too!

    For maintaining, how much are you working out? Do you do 5-6 days a week or just take care of your diet and work out 2-3 times a week?
    How did you modify your diet to lose as much fat as possible, and not as much muscle or other things?
  • liamkilbride
    liamkilbride Posts: 1 Member
    Hi mate, absolutely awesome thread and having read it all, I feel like I learnt loads. Just a couple of questions for you;

    How many bulk and cuts did you do to transform yourself from your middle picture to the one on the far right?

    What would you say is a good point to start your first bulk? (I've got a long way to go 5'8" and 175lbs approx 25% bf but diets going well thanks to you and calorie counting).

    Thanks for taking the time out to answer all the questions (and posting all the videos on youtube, they're really usefull).
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yeah, I'm in for part 2 of this also.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Can I eat junk food and still get a 6 pack? I mean, in.
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