I want to cut gluten...



  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    Uh one reason not to get blood tested it's super expensive? I would recommend trying to go at least one month GF before determining anything.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Im not getting tested. Just cutting it out for 2 weeks. if it works and i feel better, adios gluten. If it doesnt, hello gluten. Not eating gluten isnt a big deal, there are other things to eat and it will help me not eat junk, since gluten makes up all junk food.

    You must not be too concerned and the symptoms you are experiencing must not be THAT bad if you are so reluctant about having a simple blood test performed……

    Hence why so many are quick to dismiss people who think they need to cut gluten.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "talk to your doctor" :laugh: . Why, so you can get put on peptobismol? Why don't you just cut out gluten for 6 weeks and see if the bloating goes away? I'm sure you'll feel 100% better. People on this site are so anti-fad that they've created their own fad which is being anti-GF fad. Going gluten free for many people feels amazing celiacs, sensitivity, or whatEVER. Just try it out. What can it hurt?

    What can trying random fads out with no evidence to support their validity in your circumstance hurt? I don't know, perhaps think on that for a bit and you can answer your own question.

    What could getting a blood test hurt? At least then you would know something.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Who is gluten and why do you need to cut her?
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    If you truly think you have Celiac Disease, it is important to get the blood test and intestinal biopsy while still eating gluten.

    Yes, OP, you should get tested for Celiac. It's a simple blood test.

    DO NOT STOP EATING GLUTEN BEFORE GETTING BLOOD WORK. If you stop eating gluten before test, you will test negative.

    Eh, no, takes like 3 months to get it out of your system. Garuntee it would still pick it up if she got it any time in the near future.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Uh one reason not to get blood tested it's super expensive? I would recommend trying to go at least one month GF before determining anything.

    Do you even know how much it costs honestly?

    What do you think costs more. A blood test or 6 weeks of eating only gluten-free foods?
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    If you truly think you have Celiac Disease, it is important to get the blood test and intestinal biopsy while still eating gluten.

    Yes, OP, you should get tested for Celiac. It's a simple blood test.

    DO NOT STOP EATING GLUTEN BEFORE GETTING BLOOD WORK. If you stop eating gluten before test, you will test negative.

    Eh, no, takes like 3 months to get it out of your system. Garuntee it would still pick it up if she got it any time in the near future.

    Considering I've been tested for Celiac multiple times and EACH time my doctor told me not to stop eating gluten prior to having the blood work because it can give a false negative, I'm 99.9% sure you are wrong.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    You may not need to go completely gluten-free. I use to get the same symptoms as you, really bloated and gassy after eating. I cut out anything with white and whole wheat flour, I use quinoa or kamut (which yes has gluten) pasta, I rarely eat bread and if I do it is always again gluten free or quinoa and I rarely get the bloating anymore unless I am out and eat these products. I do not worry about it being in things like salad dressing and other things as they don't seem to bother me. You may just have a sensitivity, in which case you could try cutting out the main products with gluten like bread, pasta, cake type sweets etc and see how you feel.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you truly think you have Celiac Disease, it is important to get the blood test and intestinal biopsy while still eating gluten.

    Yes, OP, you should get tested for Celiac. It's a simple blood test.

    DO NOT STOP EATING GLUTEN BEFORE GETTING BLOOD WORK. If you stop eating gluten before test, you will test negative.

    Eh, no, takes like 3 months to get it out of your system. Garuntee it would still pick it up if she got it any time in the near future.

    Considering I've been tested for Celiac multiple times and EACH time my doctor told me not to stop eating gluten prior to having the blood work because it can give a false negative, I'm 99.9% sure you are wrong.

    But itz sooper 'spensive to go 2 a 4real dokter!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    If you truly think you have Celiac Disease, it is important to get the blood test and intestinal biopsy while still eating gluten.

    Yes, OP, you should get tested for Celiac. It's a simple blood test.

    DO NOT STOP EATING GLUTEN BEFORE GETTING BLOOD WORK. If you stop eating gluten before test, you will test negative.

    Eh, no, takes like 3 months to get it out of your system. Garuntee it would still pick it up if she got it any time in the near future.

    Considering I've been tested for Celiac multiple times and EACH time my doctor told me not to stop eating gluten prior to having the blood work because it can give a false negative, I'm 99.9% sure you are wrong.

    The DAMAGE done by gluten can take 3 months to repair, but gluten doesn't stay in your system for 3 months...
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Uh one reason not to get blood tested it's super expensive? I would recommend trying to go at least one month GF before determining anything.

    Uh, eating one month GF is going to be A LOT more expensive than having one blood test.

    Assuming OP has decent health insurance, she'd pay close to nothing.
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    Before you do, educate yourself on everything that gluten is in. Then I would do an elimination diet of the specific types of gluten. Wheat first then oats, barley, spelt etc. Otherwise your getting rid of a ton of foods you might not have a problem with. People rarely understand that gluten is in so many things in a trace amount and eat them anyway, but since they're avoiding the big stuff they feel better. This is great of course, but you're misnaming a problem. You might have difficulty digesting only oats, for example, and the other stuff is still ok to eat.

    See, one of the problems with eliminating gluten for a non-diagnosed reason is it creates problems for people with celiac disease who need things to be gluten sterile. Restaurants are starting to not taking gf eaters seriously and not be as careful, and that makes people sick.

    So, definitely cut it out if you think you ought to, just be educated and conscious that it's a bigger deal than you might think.

    And good luck! XO.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    If you truly think you have Celiac Disease, it is important to get the blood test and intestinal biopsy while still eating gluten.

    Yes, OP, you should get tested for Celiac. It's a simple blood test.

    DO NOT STOP EATING GLUTEN BEFORE GETTING BLOOD WORK. If you stop eating gluten before test, you will test negative.

    Eh, no, takes like 3 months to get it out of your system. Garuntee it would still pick it up if she got it any time in the near future.

    Considering I've been tested for Celiac multiple times and EACH time my doctor told me not to stop eating gluten prior to having the blood work because it can give a false negative, I'm 99.9% sure you are wrong.

  • kimiejo76
    kimiejo76 Posts: 24
    People... im not going to start eating small children to see if that helps my digestive issues. cutting something out that i dont need. There is no need in my diet for gluten. Except a filler.. it's fluff.

    and why dont i want to go to the dr? Because i would end up going to 14 different doctors, missing out on work, just to be put on zantac or some other reflux med. Ive been to the dr for it.. and they tell me to cut alcohol and caffeine. Do i want blood work taken, sure... why not. Do i want a camera stuck up my butt... nottttttttt really. I dont want to take off work and pay 14 copays just to get told i should cut gluten.

    So.. ill cut gluten. Ill eat potatoes, and veggies, and fruit, and the gluten free girl scout cookies i have in my kitchen (kidding). It's not a big deal. I really didnt realize gluten was such a controversial topic.

    Again.. im not going to hunt you down and switch to a diet consisting of your children... thanks for the advice from everyone.
  • youjustwatchmechange
    youjustwatchmechange Posts: 3 Member
    Some folks have not been the nicest in this thread and I am not sure why it bugs people so much, this question of gluten?

    I have fibromyalgia and heard for years that cutting gluten out of my diet could possibly help. I decided to give it a try and after 4-5 days of abstaining I accidently glutened myself and within half an hour I was on my back with a fibro flare-up the likes of which I hadn't seen in a long time. So even though I didn't expect it to work with helping pain, it did! Which in the long run I am happy about but sometimes grumble about because gluten is in just about every damn thing and can be a pain in the *kitten* to watch out for.

    Anyway, it has been over a year and my pain level is so consistently low I've actually been able to get over my fear of exercise and am doing it fairly regularly for the last few weeks. I also cut out aspartame and I recommend that to everyone, no matter what, it is just too friggin sketchy and the week after I stopped putting it in my body was HELL. PURE HELL. Anyway, that is another topic.

    It may be a simple blood test to find out if you have celiac but there are SO MANY people who do not get properly diagnosed if they just go by the blood test because it gets missed. It sounds like your swelling is severe though, so I can see going to get the test anyway and no matter what the answer, talking to the doc about trying an elimination diet. Also, people who have a reaction to gluten tend to also have a reaction (though maybe not the same reaction, or a lesser degree) to soy and diary as well.

    I am confused about the special k bars thing though, the are loaded with gluten and sugar...if you have such a bad reaction, why keep eating them?
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Uh one reason not to get blood tested it's super expensive? I would recommend trying to go at least one month GF before determining anything.

    Uh, eating one month GF is going to be A LOT more expensive than having one blood test.

    Assuming OP has decent health insurance, she'd pay close to nothing.

    Plus I doubt the OP will cut out all gluten. She'll cut out the obvious gluten. She won't check every ingredient label and use a different toaster and chopping board to avoid cross contamination which, if she has celiac, is very important. Which is why people stress getting tested. 'Cutting out' gluten and living with celiac are two very different diets.
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    To people wondering about cost: First of all, why are you all so damn defensive? I eat GF and I grantee I spend less on food than you. I eat brown rice, veggies, protein, oatmeal...it isn't the end of the world. Also yes, I had a blood test done, it cost me $200.00 and my health insurance didn't cover it.
  • youjustwatchmechange
    youjustwatchmechange Posts: 3 Member
    Again.. im not going to hunt you down and switch to a diet consisting of your children... thanks for the advice from everyone.

    Wait, I wasn't supposed to replace gluten with human flesh? ;)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Again.. im not going to hunt you down and switch to a diet consisting of your children... thanks for the advice from everyone.

    Wait, I wasn't supposed to replace gluten with human flesh? ;)

    Talk about a leap! I can only wonder if she had thought about doing some sort of cannibalistic fad diet before!!!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Uh one reason not to get blood tested it's super expensive? I would recommend trying to go at least one month GF before determining anything.

    Uh, eating one month GF is going to be A LOT more expensive than having one blood test.

    Assuming OP has decent health insurance, she'd pay close to nothing.

    Plus I doubt the OP will cut out all gluten. She'll cut out the obvious gluten. She won't check every ingredient label and use a different toaster and chopping board to avoid cross contamination which, if she has celiac, is very important. Which is why people stress getting tested. 'Cutting out' gluten and living with celiac are two very different diets.

    Exactly! If OP is going to go completely gluten free, she needs new kitchen countertop appliances. A person isn't entirely gluten free unless they have separate countertop appliances.