Cows milk vs almond milk

Forgive me if there has already been a post about this, but I'm new :)

I love almonds, and almond milk. But what is healthier?
I have oats for breakfast (fills me up for a few hours!)
And not sure if to use almond milk instead of cows milk?
Thanks x


  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    I like that almond milk is generally lower calorie than even skim milk. One thing to keep in mind is that nutritional content of almond milk varies a whole lot by brand (added sugar, how much the meal has been diluted, etc.) while cow's milk is generally standardized across most brands (in the US and Canada).
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I prefer cows milk for the high protein content, which you won't get from milk substitutes. But if you're meeting your protein goals elsewhere then use whichever milk you enjoy most.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Animal sources of protein, like cow's milk, have a much better amino acid profile, specifically branched chain amino acids which your body cannot produce and must be consumed, than non animal sources of protein. Branched chained amino acids make up 60% of your skeletal muscle tissue, so it's very important. I get almost all of my protein from animal sources, so I'll go with cow's milk every time.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I know it's a bit of a gross-factor thing, but if you look at what's in milk (... pus) it can be rather nice to switch to non-dairy alternatives.

    That said, almond milk is an acquired taste (still trying to like it) and soy milk increases mucus production and all kinds of nonsense like that.

    The best I've found is chocolate hazelnut milk. But also probably normal hazelnut milk is good too.
  • MadeandUnmade
    MadeandUnmade Posts: 9 Member
    Almond milk. Cow milk has more calories because of the saturated fat, and it has cholesterol. The purpose of cow milk is to put hundreds of pounds onto a calf. That''s why it is so calorie-dense. All of the milk substitutes are fortified, so don't worry about missing out on the calcium. If you want something with more protein, you can try unsweetened soy milk. You can also try oat milk if you're looking for something to fill you up longer because it has fiber in it.

    Also, don't worry about amino acids. They're found at nearly the same rate in plants like beans, spinach, and potatoes.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Also, don't worry about amino acids. They're found at nearly the same rate in plants like beans, spinach, and potatoes.

  • em_b2002
    em_b2002 Posts: 16
    Thanks for your replies.
    Think I will stick to cows milk, I don't have much of it anyway so it's not like I have loads!
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I know it's a bit of a gross-factor thing, but if you look at what's in milk (... pus) it can be rather nice to switch to non-dairy alternatives.

  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you for posting this, I also wondered if you can get the same amount of calcium, as I am allergic to cows milk but really need to boost calcium, don't trust soya milk and eating too much cheese is why I am on his site in the first place.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    I know it's a bit of a gross-factor thing, but if you look at what's in milk (... pus) it can be rather nice to switch to non-dairy alternatives.


    I think it is safe to say there is no pus in commercial cows milk - certainly not in developed countries with high food safety standards.

    I like cows milk and skim cows milk fits easily into my calorie allowance so I will stick with that.

    If you like almond milk and the lower calorie factor is important to you, drink that.
  • Telomin
    Telomin Posts: 45 Member
    The almond milk I have at home has added calcium. But actually, I have both cows milk and almond milk at home. Who said anyone has to choose? xD
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    Personally, nonfat/skim milk is my preference. But I think it is just a matter of taste. Only 50 calories difference per cup, so it shouldn't throw your calorie count *that* much.

    Nutritional info: (1 Cup)

    Unsweetened Almond Milk:
    •30 calories
    •2.5g Fat
    •1g Protein

    Nonfat Milk
    •86 Calories
    •4g Fat
    •8.4g Protein
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Animal sources of protein, like cow's milk, have a much better amino acid profile, specifically branched chain amino acids which your body cannot produce and must be consumed, than non animal sources of protein. Branched chained amino acids make up 60% of your skeletal muscle tissue, so it's very important. I get almost all of my protein from animal sources, so I'll go with cow's milk every time.

    almond milk has essentially no protein anyways... soo... there is no amino acid profile.

    To the OP - "healthy" is relative. It really depends on what your goals are and what is important to you. I would say that both cows milk and almond milk are healthy, but are very different from a nutrients standpoint. Almond milk (unsweetened) is very low in calories and just has a little bit of fat - that just so happens to be a "healthy" fat. Cows milk has a little of everything - carbs, protein, and fat - and is essentially a meal replacement (that is what it is designed to be if you think about it).

    So, if your goal is to save calories, drink almond milk. If you are trying to get nutrients from your milk, drink cows milk. They are both perfectly fine for different things. I drink both.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    the brand "so delicious" almond milk has 5g of protein, even in the 40 calorie per cup version. better than 1g at least
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I love Silk's 30 calorie per 8 ounce Unsweetened, Vanilla Almond Milk. (Yes, I am confused why it says unsweetened and vanilla...but whatever). Granted, if I was going to drink milk straight up...I would choose a regular almond milk (not the 30 calories) or a cow milk...preferably with chocolate added. But as it is, I generally use milk with other things...cereal, tea, mix with a bottled starbucks coffee drink, etc.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I know it's a bit of a gross-factor thing, but if you look at what's in milk (... pus) it can be rather nice to switch to non-dairy alternatives.


    I think it is safe to say there is no pus in commercial cows milk - certainly not in developed countries with high food safety standards.

    I like cows milk and skim cows milk fits easily into my calorie allowance so I will stick with that.

    If you like almond milk and the lower calorie factor is important to you, drink that.

    Food safety standards are only as good as the regulation that goes with them. I know that my in-laws owned a dairy farm for a long time and my father in law will not eat dairy products to this day. He witnessed a lot of very shady dairy farmers that only adhered to the standards when the inspectors were around.

    I still drink dairy after hearing his stories, I just try not to think about it much and assume that by the time is is bottled, it is mixed up with a bunch of clean milk. Diary aside, all food products have a published amount of acceptable "stuff" that can be included - maggots, bugs, dirt, etc. As long as you don't go above the limit, the impurities can be there.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Animal sources of protein, like cow's milk, have a much better amino acid profile, specifically branched chain amino acids which your body cannot produce and must be consumed, than non animal sources of protein. Branched chained amino acids make up 60% of your skeletal muscle tissue, so it's very important. I get almost all of my protein from animal sources, so I'll go with cow's milk every time.

    This ^^^^

    Almond milk has next to no nutritional value. Unless you have a medical condition where you should not consume dairy, I would take cows milk over other "milk" any day of the week. Especially if you like it.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I know it's a bit of a gross-factor thing, but if you look at what's in milk (... pus) it can be rather nice to switch to non-dairy alternatives.

    There is no pus in milk. All commercially sold milk is heavily tested and if any sample doesn't meet those standards, the whole tank is discarded.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Cow's milk is higher in protein
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    Animal sources of protein, like cow's milk, have a much better amino acid profile, specifically branched chain amino acids which your body cannot produce and must be consumed, than non animal sources of protein. Branched chained amino acids make up 60% of your skeletal muscle tissue, so it's very important. I get almost all of my protein from animal sources, so I'll go with cow's milk every time.

    This ^^^^

    Almond milk has next to no nutritional value. Unless you have a medical condition where you should not consume dairy, I would take cows milk over other "milk" any day of the week. Especially if you like it.

    almond milk does have calcium...which is why i drink it.

    also, many people have lactose intolerance or lactose irritation.