Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • little_seal
    little_seal Posts: 10 Member
    Hello!I'm 24, college student, 5'2, 128lb aiming for 110lb and to improve my fittness level.Feel free to add me!
  • donjay52780
    Feel free to add me. I am always interested in what everyone does to keep motivated.
  • eat_2_live_bp
    Bump for friends :smile: :drinker:
  • OregonGal1964
    I am 49 years old, new to the site(11 days), have over 100 lbs to lose, and looking for folks that log daily and want to help motivate as well as want help being motivated:)
  • karinmelanie
    I am always looking for new friends.

    Anyone, feel free to add me :) We can all do with a bit of extra motivation
  • lemonfix
    lemonfix Posts: 13 Member
    You could be me!
  • shibuyagoth
    shibuyagoth Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, I'm Kyou

    I'm 19, from London in the UK and I am a cosplayer. I want to get in shape to wear my costume for october. I'm not new to the site but I have never introduced myself, so feel free to add me! :)
  • DalalMutar
    DalalMutar Posts: 97
    Hey guys. I'm Dalal from Kuwait. I'm 26 years old. I was able to maintain and lose for a while without MFP and I thought that was a true success! It's been 2 years since I started this weight loss journey. Didn't reach my goal weight yet. But I was still losing weight and toning up very nicely. I went down from 233 lbs to 145 lbs. I was aiming at 135 lbs. But yesterday, only one day after my 2nd weight loss anniversary, I was diagnosed with an over-active parathyroid gland. One of the symptoms was weight gain unfortunately. I gained in the past two months and now I'm at 164 lbs. So I'm back here. I'm afraid that I'll over eat with the meds and gain even more. So I thought I better start counting my calories again.

    I really need friends to keep me motivated! ????
  • Dichotomy1976
    Dichotomy1976 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all, I'm Martin, a 38 year old male from the UK who would be happy to have some friends on this weight loss journey. I currently weight just over 17 stone and am aiming for around the 12 stone mark (so a loss of around 70lbs to go). I have already lost a little over 3.5 stone since New Year, but that weight loss had slowed down recently so I decided to try MFP to help motivate me.

    I quit my job as a postman several years ago to go to uni, but while my work was 1st class (pun intended), my healthy living went out the window (and going from plenty of physical labour to a more sedentary lifestyle didn't help) so I ended up in a rather unhealthy place. I now exercise at the gym 3+ times a week and try to stay active most other days as well as trying to get my calorie balance right so hope I could be as motivational to others as they could be to me :)
  • PaulFromBrighton
    Hi I'm Paul and I'd love some MFP friends, 'cos frankly I need all the help I can get ???? friends on here will also keep me inspired and motivated, as people "in the same boat" stop you feeling like you're the only one who's having to avoid the chocolate cake and ice cream

    Please feel free to add me, and I'll add back straight away. Start at my new gym tomorrow and the fridge is full of healthy food, so I mean business this time, lol
  • deyoun
    deyoun Posts: 96 Member
    Mom of three trying to loose 40 to 45 lbs. I just recently started off with my weight loss journey and I would love some support too ..
  • jayme23
    jayme23 Posts: 8 Member
    24 year old in NYC working on losing and keeping off the last few pounds. Trying to be more active and recently started C25K! I don't know anyone "in real life" who uses this site, so I'm looking for active, supportive MFP friends.
  • artistryrose
    artistryrose Posts: 84 Member
    26, battling losing weight for a few years now, but finally on the right track! I love to share tips and tricks and give advice!!! I eat a no carb/low carb diet, and try eating everything homemade!
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    I can has more friends? Friend me so I has more friends please. I ned more frens. ;)
  • anewstart1011
    anewstart1011 Posts: 72 Member
    Just started here lost 4 lbs in 10 days have ALOT to use just looking for more support and people to go along in this journey!
  • FallenAngel318
    FallenAngel318 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi im new here and Im currently trying to lose belly fat without raising suspicion from everyone. They wouldn't support me if I told them so im just trying to support myself here.. not going so good. Anyways feel free to add me(:
  • cwainwright12
    Hi all I'm looking to lose another 46lbs or there about.
    I'm new :-)
  • Fly737400
    Fly737400 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't post much, but I'm Doug, in Norcross GA. Feel free to add me. I've lost 20 pounds; looking to lose another 30.
  • meghanx308
    I'm Meghan. I'm 22. I lost 30 pounds about two years ago and have gained weight back. Trying to get back on my health game and get my body back to where I was/where I can feel good about myself! I love motivating other people and need people to relate to on here. ADD MEEEE
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    Anyone with similar goals feel free to add me!

    I'm 28, about to be 29 in a month, female living in the bible belt of the US. I started at 206 a while back, but didn't track until now a couple months ago, now I'm 183! I'd like to be between 130 -145 lbs. I started gaining weight at 21 (at 145 lbs) for bad eating, then continued to gain weight slowly over the years. After I became depressed I packed the weight on FAST! Now that I've conquered depression, I'm going to conquer my weight and health problem!!