Working out everyday, eating right, NOT losing weight??



  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    OP as people have already commented your logging and exercise burns must be inaccurate. But I just wanted to point out that once you get that corrected then you shouldn't need to only eat 1200 cals. I eat around 1500, am an inch shorter and 8lbs lighter than you, and am losing, albeit slowly.

    Also while you're not technically overweight, if you want to lose a few vanity lbs then that's ok, but you could also start recomping by lifting heavy and eating at maintenance.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Where do I begin?

    One, toning IS adding muscle. What you are doing when you are toning is you ARE building muscle, and burning fat. You're adding definition. I just wanted to clear that up for you.

    Two, you're eating too many carbs (both good and bad), and not getting enough protein. Carbs absorb into your body and can be stored as fat. Take cereal for example. No matter how healthy they say cereal is, it's not the best carbs to have, ESPECIALLY after a workout. In fact, you shouldn't be getting those carbs into your body at all after a workout. You should be consuming protein after your workout because you need your muscles to rebuild and recover. If you don't, your muscles will not develop. You need for your muscles to develop because it also promotes body strength. Do you really want to be frail? I hope not. With the kettlebell exercises you're doing, even if it is only a 10 lb. kettlebell, you are still using muscles you never thought you had, what you are doing is you are tearing up your muscles (not in a bad way, so don't be alarmed). You are creating microtears in your muscles, and if you do not get the protein you need 30 minutes after a workout, your muscles will not develop. You should really invest in a good protein shake after a workout. It's really the best way. I would suggest getting Rebuild Strength because it has whey and casein proteins, BCAAs, and L-Glutamine, all of which is great for muscle recovery. You will not bulk up. This will help you recover, and it is VERY IMPORTANT that you get these proteins in.

    Three: Protein snacks. You need protein snacks. This is going to be the difference with the results you will get. For the most part, your snacks are good, but you must consume the protein snacks for your metabolism.

    And four: If you are not losing weight after all of the advice I've given you, do not be alarmed or discouraged. Remember, muscle is heavier than fat, and it is better to weigh as much as you do with muscle (and healthier) than it is to weigh as much as you do with fat. If your scale still reads the same, see how many inches you have lost. I guarantee you will lose inches.

    I am happy to help with any advice you may need. I really hope this will help some. :)

    Thanks so much. I know I've been trying to do the best low calorie things to eat, because my BMR is low (1,300-1,400 from the sites I've checked) so I don't know really how to eat enough of certain food groups in fear of not actually ending up with a calorie deficit. I would use protein powder but I am dairy free and trying to avoid arginine (heard of side effects) I'm not sure how many calories to consume so I still have a deficit and still lose weight.

    Is there anything in particular that's confusing you about how to set your calorie goals?

    I have a low BMR so I'm very aware of all my calories because if I end up with maybe 1200 after exercise (which would be normal for someone else and would be a good deficit) i would only have a deficit of 100-200 cals and hardly lose.

    It sounds like you're confusing BMR and TDEE. Your BMR is roughly the number of calories your body would burn in a coma. Your TDEE is the number of calories your body burns in a day, including going to work/school, exercise, brushing your teeth, etc. This is the number of calories you could eat to maintain your current weight.

    You need to take your deficit from your TDEE, not your BMR.

    There are a lot of calculators online to get an estimate of your TDEE:
  • dreamingofskinny2013
    Where do I begin?

    One, toning IS adding muscle. What you are doing when you are toning is you ARE building muscle, and burning fat. You're adding definition. I just wanted to clear that up for you.

    Two, you're eating too many carbs (both good and bad), and not getting enough protein. Carbs absorb into your body and can be stored as fat. Take cereal for example. No matter how healthy they say cereal is, it's not the best carbs to have, ESPECIALLY after a workout. In fact, you shouldn't be getting those carbs into your body at all after a workout. You should be consuming protein after your workout because you need your muscles to rebuild and recover. If you don't, your muscles will not develop. You need for your muscles to develop because it also promotes body strength. Do you really want to be frail? I hope not. With the kettlebell exercises you're doing, even if it is only a 10 lb. kettlebell, you are still using muscles you never thought you had, what you are doing is you are tearing up your muscles (not in a bad way, so don't be alarmed). You are creating microtears in your muscles, and if you do not get the protein you need 30 minutes after a workout, your muscles will not develop. You should really invest in a good protein shake after a workout. It's really the best way. I would suggest getting Rebuild Strength because it has whey and casein proteins, BCAAs, and L-Glutamine, all of which is great for muscle recovery. You will not bulk up. This will help you recover, and it is VERY IMPORTANT that you get these proteins in.

    Three: Protein snacks. You need protein snacks. This is going to be the difference with the results you will get. For the most part, your snacks are good, but you must consume the protein snacks for your metabolism.

    And four: If you are not losing weight after all of the advice I've given you, do not be alarmed or discouraged. Remember, muscle is heavier than fat, and it is better to weigh as much as you do with muscle (and healthier) than it is to weigh as much as you do with fat. If your scale still reads the same, see how many inches you have lost. I guarantee you will lose inches.

    I am happy to help with any advice you may need. I really hope this will help some. :)

    Thanks so much. I know I've been trying to do the best low calorie things to eat, because my BMR is low (1,300-1,400 from the sites I've checked) so I don't know really how to eat enough of certain food groups in fear of not actually ending up with a calorie deficit. I would use protein powder but I am dairy free and trying to avoid arginine (heard of side effects) I'm not sure how many calories to consume so I still have a deficit and still lose weight.

    Is there anything in particular that's confusing you about how to set your calorie goals?

    I have a low BMR so I'm very aware of all my calories because if I end up with maybe 1200 after exercise (which would be normal for someone else and would be a good deficit) i would only have a deficit of 100-200 cals and hardly lose.

    It sounds like you're confusing BMR and TDEE. Your BMR is roughly the number of calories your body would burn in a coma. Your TDEE is the number of calories your body burns in a day, including going to work/school, exercise, brushing your teeth, etc. This is the number of calories you could eat to maintain your current weight.

    You need to take your deficit from your TDEE, not your BMR.

    There are a lot of calculators online to get an estimate of your TDEE:

    I'm quite sedentary during the day, I'm normally confined to a desk and don't move around much until I go and workout. I know it's because I'm naturally inactive through my work and stuff, therefore I just don't burn many calories during the day (not including my workout)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You are in a healthy weight range, therefore any weight loss will be VERY SLOW. Set a reasonable calorie goal and be patient.
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member

    "I plug in my weight in workout machines and I really get in a good hard workout everyday. And I really don't eat much which is why I don't understand how I'm not losing. 130 calories of cheerios is enough for me, it's a one cup serving (100cal) and my almond milk is unsweetened and only 30 calories per cup. I measure it all out. I cut out regular peanut butter because of the high calorie amounts. I am sitting most of the day except for my workouts so I have to maintain a relatively low calorie intake so I'm not gaining."

    Sounds to me like you are not getting ENOUGH food. And you also may be adding some muscle which weighs more than fat. Try playing around with your calories and try to get MORE calories per day and see if that helps.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    No, there is no muscle being added. You need to eat at a surplus and lift heavy in order to do that.
  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    You eat a lot of wheat like in your cereal. Cut that out and the pounds will drop.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    ^has this happened yet, because it should. .Wtf is going on in this thread
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    Where do I begin?

    One, toning IS adding muscle. What you are doing when you are toning is you ARE building muscle, and burning fat. You're adding definition. I just wanted to clear that up for you.

    Two, you're eating too many carbs (both good and bad), and not getting enough protein. Carbs absorb into your body and can be stored as fat. Take cereal for example. No matter how healthy they say cereal is, it's not the best carbs to have, ESPECIALLY after a workout. In fact, you shouldn't be getting those carbs into your body at all after a workout. You should be consuming protein after your workout because you need your muscles to rebuild and recover. If you don't, your muscles will not develop. You need for your muscles to develop because it also promotes body strength. Do you really want to be frail? I hope not. With the kettlebell exercises you're doing, even if it is only a 10 lb. kettlebell, you are still using muscles you never thought you had, what you are doing is you are tearing up your muscles (not in a bad way, so don't be alarmed). You are creating microtears in your muscles, and if you do not get the protein you need 30 minutes after a workout, your muscles will not develop. You should really invest in a good protein shake after a workout. It's really the best way. I would suggest getting Rebuild Strength because it has whey and casein proteins, BCAAs, and L-Glutamine, all of which is great for muscle recovery. You will not bulk up. This will help you recover, and it is VERY IMPORTANT that you get these proteins in.

    Three: Protein snacks. You need protein snacks. This is going to be the difference with the results you will get. For the most part, your snacks are good, but you must consume the protein snacks for your metabolism.

    And four: If you are not losing weight after all of the advice I've given you, do not be alarmed or discouraged. Remember, muscle is heavier than fat, and it is better to weigh as much as you do with muscle (and healthier) than it is to weigh as much as you do with fat. If your scale still reads the same, see how many inches you have lost. I guarantee you will lose inches.

    I am happy to help with any advice you may need. I really hope this will help some. :)

    Thanks so much. I know I've been trying to do the best low calorie things to eat, because my BMR is low (1,300-1,400 from the sites I've checked) so I don't know really how to eat enough of certain food groups in fear of not actually ending up with a calorie deficit. I would use protein powder but I am dairy free and trying to avoid arginine (heard of side effects) I'm not sure how many calories to consume so I still have a deficit and still lose weight.

    Is there anything in particular that's confusing you about how to set your calorie goals?

    I have a low BMR so I'm very aware of all my calories because if I end up with maybe 1200 after exercise (which would be normal for someone else and would be a good deficit) i would only have a deficit of 100-200 cals and hardly lose.

    It sounds like you're confusing BMR and TDEE. Your BMR is roughly the number of calories your body would burn in a coma. Your TDEE is the number of calories your body burns in a day, including going to work/school, exercise, brushing your teeth, etc. This is the number of calories you could eat to maintain your current weight.

    You need to take your deficit from your TDEE, not your BMR.

    There are a lot of calculators online to get an estimate of your TDEE:

    I'm quite sedentary during the day, I'm normally confined to a desk and don't move around much until I go and workout. I know it's because I'm naturally inactive through my work and stuff, therefore I just don't burn many calories during the day (not including my workout)
    You still are missing the point of her post. You are sedentary most of the day, I get that. So your TDEE is low. You keep saying your BMR and that you are eating at a deficit from that.

    NO! You want to figure out your TDEE and eat at a deficit from that staying ABOVE your BMR.
    Here is a good link that will break it all down for you. Please read it.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    If you truly eat that much and truly burn that much, you're leaving your body to have zero extra, and therefore it's going to hold onto every bit of body insulation you have because it needs to fuel it's basic functions no matter what. A month is definitely long enough to impact that survival tactic.

    No matter how many times you keep repeating this, its not going to come true. The body doesn't start to begin burn muscle as its primary fuel source until youre nearly dead.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for some time, and relatively recently I've kicked it into high gear and really cleaned out my eating and started working out everyday.

    I really struggle with losing weight.

    For the past four weeks, I've been working out every single day, and as far as I know my diet is good. I cut out fatty foods and processed things, really overhauling from how I used to eat.
    The first week I really started I lost one pound. And then all I have done is gain from there.
    At the gym, everyday, I do 10-20 minutes of brisk treadmill walking on an incline, and I've incorporated sprints lately.
    I do 5-10 minutes of the rowing machine.
    10-15 minutes of precor
    15 minutes of spin bike.
    Then I do arm exercises with a 10 pound kettlebell ( I know it's not much, but I'm tiny and also don't want to build much muscle in my arms; just tone) and I'll do 50 calf raises with 5 pound weights in each hand.
    This routine normally has me burning 450-500 calories and I do this at least 6 days a week.

    My eating is normally like this;
    every morning one measured serving of raisin bran with flax and unsweetened almond milk. (230 calories)
    lunch is sometimes a small sandwich on whole grain bread with turkey and lettuce/tomato/onions and no cheese(I'm also dairy free) so around 300 calories.
    I'll have either a Kashi healthy bar or an apple and PB2 as a snack(I've also cut peanut butter out of my diet and only have the basically fatless PB2) so around 100-140 calories for my afternoon snack.
    Dinner is ALWAYS healthy, mostly grilled chicken and a salad (no cheese and only olive oil and vinegar as dressing) or a veggie burger and baked sweet potato. Something like that. So probably 350-400 calories I'll assume.
    And after the gym I'll have a small bowl of cereal because I get very hungry after I workout. I have Cheerios so that's only 130 calories at the most with my almond milk.

    I really feel so badly because I look the same as I did over a month ago, and I know it's not a long time for me to be doing this but I expect SOME sort of result after all my hard work :( it makes me feel like giving up when I don't see any sort of result. Why aren't I losing weight?
    By reading this I am gettting the feeling that your logging may not be "on point"...saying that you have a small bowl of cereal that is "at most" 130 calories seems to be an estimate....clean up your logging my dear!

    I do log and before exercise I'm always at 1200 or a bit under. My cereal is 130 exactly measured. I measure all my portions

    Measured how? If you used a measuring cup for your cereal, then you are not doing it correctly. You need a scale for solid foods and those measuring cups/spoons for liquids only. You'd be very surprised by how much that measuring cup will vary on a daily basis based on how it settles in the cup. As a result, it's very easy to go over your calorie goal.

    As someone else mentioned, I think your issue is more one of body comp than weight loss. You can lose another 20 lbs but if your not doing the right exercises to maintain lean muscle then you'll still think you have fat thighs, etc. I would suggest you look up Starting Strength, Strong Lifts 5x5 and/or The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Those will get you where you want to be.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for some time, and relatively recently I've kicked it into high gear and really cleaned out my eating and started working out everyday.

    I really struggle with losing weight.

    For the past four weeks, I've been working out every single day, and as far as I know my diet is good. I cut out fatty foods and processed things, really overhauling from how I used to eat.
    The first week I really started I lost one pound. And then all I have done is gain from there.

    ( I know it's not much, but I'm tiny and also don't want to build much muscle in my arms; just tone) and I'll do 50 calf raises with 5 pound weights in each hand.
    This routine normally has me burning 450-500 calories and I do this at least 6 days a week.

    I really feel so badly because I look the same as I did over a month ago, and I know it's not a long time for me to be doing this but I expect SOME sort of result after all my hard work :( it makes me feel like giving up when I don't see any sort of result. Why aren't I losing weight?

    First what is some time? 4 weeks, a year, 2 years??? Because honestly some time says nothing.

    Second, you have only been doing this for 4 weeks. That's a month not everyone see drastic changes in a month. I have changed everything in 2 months and I have lost roughly 2 pounds. Don't panic things don't happen over night.

    Third being short doesn't matter you are I am assuming a female and you won't just get bulky that happens because people want it to happen. For real.

    Do you wear an HRM to get that calorie burn or are you just guessing at that?

    Do you weight and measure everything (sorry I didn't read all the responses), but your original post sounds like you are guestimating - that could be your problem.

    Stop rushing things and go with it, you will get there eventually but you can't expect things to just change over night you didn't get where you are over night you aren't going to change over night.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm 5'1" and stalled out at 120 for a long time. Nothing changed until I started lifting HEAVY weights along with occasional cardio (now I'm around 107). I deadlift more than my bodyweight but believe me I don't have bulky arms. Don't be scared to increase weight in your workouts. (I also eat around 1500 cal/day and haven't gained in at least 6 months). Good luck!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Where do I begin?

    One, toning IS adding muscle. What you are doing when you are toning is you ARE building muscle, and burning fat. You're adding definition. I just wanted to clear that up for you.

    Agree to disagree?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member

    OMG - STOP with the muscle is heavier than fat! Muscle is DENSER than fat, a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same. I really hope that is what you meant to say.....

    I realize that this is a bit off topic, but it always baffles me when comparing the weight of muscle to the weight of fat, why people would measure the initial amount by weight instead of mass or volume. Why would you measure out a pound of anything and a pound of something else, and then compare their weights? Why wouldn't you measure out a cubic inch, or foot, or whatever, of each and then weight the two? It's so completely illogical to assume that when a person says muscle is heavier than fat, that they mean a pound of muscle vs. a pound of fat, that it just flummoxes me every time I see someone make such a profoundly illogical leap.

    Muscle is heavier than fat. A cubic inch of muscle weighs more than a cubic inch of fat. It's a fact. Stop railing against some imaginary inconsistency that is caused only by your own illogical assumptions.
  • maryh4844
    maryh4844 Posts: 3
    Don't starve your body like that....It causes your metabolism to stop because it thinks you are literally starving...also, remember, muscle weighs more than fat! If you are working out, you may be replacing fat with muscle...Have you seen results in your measurments?
  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    OMG - STOP with the muscle is heavier than fat! Muscle is DENSER than fat, a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same. I really hope that is what you meant to say.....

    Since when did this become such a cool know-it-all thing to point out? Of course a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else. That doesn't mean muscle is "not heavier" than fat. Of course it is. It is heavier than fat by volume because it is denser. To simplify this to "muscle is heavier than fat" is as true as saying "stone is heavier than marshmallow." A person making this statement isn't contemplating pallets of marshmallow, but is implying the weight difference between similar volumes of each material.

    The point of using the "muscle is heavier than fat" conversational shorthand is to reassure people who are trying to "lose weight" (when really they want to lose body fat %) that if they put on muscle mass, they might actually see scale weight increase even though they have not accumulated additional body fat.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Don't starve your body like that....It causes your metabolism to stop because it thinks you are literally starving...also, remember, muscle weighs more than fat! If you are working out, you may be replacing fat with muscle...Have you seen results in your measurments?

    Wow so much fail contained in a single post.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have a low BMR

    How did you determine that?

    Also, why is your diary not open?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I'm 5'1" and stalled out at 120 for a long time. Nothing changed until I started lifting HEAVY weights along with occasional cardio (now I'm around 107). I deadlift more than my bodyweight but believe me I don't have bulky arms. Don't be scared to increase weight in your workouts. (I also eat around 1500 cal/day and haven't gained in at least 6 months). Good luck!

    The benefits of weight training. Good job a girl deadlift more than bodyweight= nice hamstrings.