What's the rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weig



  • First time I met my bf's crazy aunt. I say that because she says the rudest things to everyone about everything... she asked if I was pregnant, and of course I told her I wasn't. But then she kept pushing it for days saying 'well you look pregnant to me.' She even went so far to tell my bf's little nephews and nieces to except a new cousin in the family. They bugged me for weeks wanting to know when because they got all excited. Argh... family :grumble:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Once I had a cousin who saw me walking towards his house say "omg, someone break down the walls, fatso is coming..." *sigh* I was like 30 lbs lighter than than I am now. :cry:

    One time an aunt saw me get all dressed and she said to me, "where you think you're going looking so fat?

    I had a guy tell me once, "so has anyone ever told you how pretty and thin you are?... hahah well trust me, they never will". :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • BikeChick
    BikeChick Posts: 121
    I have a few to add...

    In high school one of my best friends leaned in real close and said:
    "Ya know, you have this really pretty, soft hair, and great big blue eyes. If you would just lose weight, you would be beautiful." I didn't ever talk to him again.

    Also, the first guy I ever thought I was "in love" with had a lot of nicknames for me that had to do with my weight. Stubby and that kind of thing - of course at the time I didn't realize it because I was infatuated, but I told my mother and she said "My God Amy! What hurtful things for him to call you!"

    The worst would have been when I was younger I had a really big crush on a boy for my entire childhood. Years and years, he was it for me. I moved away when I was 13, and one of my best friends at the time told me that he knew I had a huge "crush" on him, and he told everyone he would have to lift up all my fat if he ever tried to have sex with me. :grumble:

    I almost forgot the most recent, my boss supplied me with a new shirt for my uniform, and she said:
    "It's an extra large, I don't know if it will fit you."
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    When I was 11 I was pretty damn chunky. I probably have the same size waist now, and I'm about 7 inches taller...
    anyway, one day my mother told me "you know, if you don't eat for a couple of weeks you won't starve"
    ...ouch, mom.
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    We were in Flagstaff, AZ and we were all swimming. We walked to our room-using the pool towels which was not even big enough to go around my son. When we got to our room, the phone ran and my mother-in-law answered-they said to her-we are far from the ocean, how did two whales make it to AZ.
    They were a group of maybe 18-20 year olds that were staying across from the pool. My husband walked over to them, took off his shirt, lifted one fist and they said sorry and ran into their room. We made sure we ate our dinner at the pool picnic area and had our drinks their too. They wouldn't leave their room. The next morning when my husband took out the luggage, he say one of them at their car. The guy was so scared. When we checked out, we let all the air out of the tires. All 4.

    :laugh: good for you!!!!
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    Once I had a cousin who saw me walking towards his house say "omg, someone break down the walls, fatso is coming..." *sigh* I was like 30 lbs lighter than than I am now. :cry:

    One time an aunt saw me get all dressed and she said to me, "where you think you're going looking so fat?

    I had a guy tell me once, "so has anyone ever told you how pretty and thin you are?... hahah well trust me, they never will". :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    o:cry: uch! well you are beautiful :bigsmile:
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    Gosh, some of these are really bad!! Its makes me sad and mad at the same time!!

    And people wonder why so many people are in therapy these days????

    I have something to add about how people react to my weight loss now. Apart from the usual "oh you look so good NOW, you must feel a lot better!" which i can sort of understand, BUT i had this woman at work (who is much fatter than me now AND ugly!) talk to me in the toilets about my weight loss and saying lots of the above type comments THEN she said

    "Are you going to keep it off this time?" !@*^@! :explode:

    I wanted to say something cutting and sarcastic but was so shocked she actually said it that i just said "yeah" and skulked off!!!
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    love this post...

    my dad frequently is the stem of rudeness regarding my weight...often in front of my partner (who has always stood by me and told me i am beautiful)...

    he says: "oh you are looking moosey" (as in fat like a moose)

    "should you be wearing that on your frame..." (wearing a knee length skirt with thick black tights)

    "should you wear things that are obviously too small for you?"

    and best of all he has always donned the nick name "alberta a**" for me...

    needless to say at the age of 11 i developed anorexia...which swung to bulimia from 15-19 then back to anorexia 20-23...with few wobbles in between...

    but i am not after sympathy but want to say that after all the drama...i am now 25 and finally i am eating healthily with the help of this site...sure i have some off days and things are rough but i now know:

    i am aiming for the person I want to be, not the one others think i should be

  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    May as well go for another page for the forum...

    Ok well in my job I am deployed usually 9-11 months at a time ( only supposed to be 6 mths ) to numerous locations like Iraq, Afganistan, and some state side deployments. Well my last deployent was to Fargo, ND where its -60 all winter it seems and I have a on call job at this site ulike others where I get turn wrenchs for 4 months straight 12-18 hours a day, 7 days a week heat, gun fire, mortars, its a good job to keep me moving. Well I walked into my supervisors offices when I was back at my home office to say hello/goodbye to them being I havent seen them in a long time ( about 8 months), well the head one says " What the hell happened to you? you look like a swollen whale, haven't you heard of a diet?" I immeadiately turned red I don't know if it was from anger or from embarassment, and three others joined in making fun of me. I shrugged it off and said being home eating my lil Racheal Rays home cooking caused me to gain the 35 poundI lost in Iraq. I am pretty used to it ( I grew up huskey, got skiney in H.S, so Ive heard it all ut that all went away in the workplace!) Fat Pat is a reat nick name, I love it:grumble:

    This was about a month ago, I knew then that it was defineatly time to change. They said what everyone that loves me is in denial about. 261 for 6'3 is high. I feel put down, but oh well, they sign the checks, very very good checks at that and I dont see them except maybe twice a year when I go check in, just talk to them on satelite phones but perfer email so its all business.

    Oh well I'm oer it, end vent......:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    One of the ladies who works for me comes in to work and states that her and a former co-worker were talking at church the day before about how much weight I've gained. It's bad enough, but at church - and then to tell me about it. Are you kidding!?
  • Wantabe
    Wantabe Posts: 50 Member
    I remember going to see my Aunt and Uncle whom I haven't seen in quite a few years. As a matter of fact I was into my second marriage. Supposedly, both of them had very bad failing eyesight and had to have a care taker stay with them for this reason. We were sitting on their front porch which was a pretty large porch. I was sitting on the swing on one end and they were sitting probably within the middle of the porch talking to other family members. All of a sudden, my Aunt yelled clear across the porch, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW FAT YOU HAVE GOTTEN. I WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN YOU AGAIN. At that point, I wondered how close to blind she really was!
  • Wantabe
    Wantabe Posts: 50 Member
    I hope you didn't stay with that quack! Hello nice having you.
  • Beth082485
    Beth082485 Posts: 48
    Well.... I was seeing this guy about 3 years ago.... and he told me, "I usually don't date bigger girls" so I asked him "So why are you wasting your time?" He then went on to say that he really liked me blah blah blah... Well.. to make a long story short... after he saw me ... well you know.... he broke up with me the next day.... He never said why... but I think I it's because HE DIDN"T LIKE DATING BIG GIRLS! Needless to say, after that breakup, I was devastated..... Lost 20 pounds in a month b/c I couldn't eat.... but have since gained all that back plus 30 more pounds..... BLAH!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Ugh! I've got a few of these lovely stories lol

    When I was a little kid I was NOT fat, maybe a smidge chunky since some girls were sooo skinny, but I was definately not fat.
    My brother was SKINNNNY though and so he and I would walk to the bus stop together every morning.
    One day our neighbour told my dad that my brother was growing up and I was *Pleasingly plump*...that just killed me as a kid- I thought he meant I was really fat...

    Then when I was about 16 I was having health problems and had gained some weight and I went to the store and a cousin said some rude rude things (she was in her 40's though so she knew better!) and in front of A LOT of people said, "What are you DOING to yourself?!" and went on and on about my weight gain =o(((((((

    Then when I was 19 and having a lovely (sarcasm) 'bout of not eating and over exercising and was down to 124 lbs (I'm 5'8 with med frame, it looked BAD) my BF at the time would complain I wasn't eating, etc BUT he pinched my leg and said I had cellulite.....yeah...thanks.

    I was engaged to him but that ended!!!!!!!! =o))
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    "If you had your sisters body on your face, you would be perfect"

  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    this year about 3 people asked me if i was pregnant and when i was due.
  • bexstar007
    bexstar007 Posts: 9
    had several comments over the years, but the first one I remember - I was 12 years old and on holiday with my family in the south of France, my sister who has always been the stick thin one (well until she hit her 30's) said to me you know you could be stunning if you weren't so fat. At the time I was 12 years old, 5ft 6 weighing in at around 140lbs with 34 DD cup size. I was a young adult in my body rather than the 12 year old I actually was. Looking back I must have looked amazing and not at all like the blimp she made me out to be that comment stayed with me for years and years.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    had several comments over the years, but the first one I remember - I was 12 years old and on holiday with my family in the south of France, my sister who has always been the stick thin one (well until she hit her 30's) said to me you know you could be stunning if you weren't so fat. At the time I was 12 years old, 5ft 6 weighing in at around 140lbs with 34 DD cup size. I was a young adult in my body rather than the 12 year old I actually was. Looking back I must have looked amazing and not at all like the blimp she made me out to be that comment stayed with me for years and years.

    I am sure you looked great!

    It's amazing how quickly we forget the good things people say, but the bad stuff sticks with us for years and years.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    "If you had your sisters body on your face, you would be perfect"


    How about telling them:

    "My foot....your *kitten*...they should meet sometime!!":laugh:
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