The average weight ladies bench



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I just want to keep getting better I don't really know when I plan on stopping. The looks don't bother me as it's very rare to see a female in the weights room at all let alone using the bench press at my gym. I think im going to try lower reps more sets and then work on more reps then once I can handle that add more weight and do lower reps again building it up! I started on the Smith machine apparently the bar is 15kg but I can't say how much of that you are actually lifting. What's the whole 1rm? Is that literally the maximum weight you can do for 1 rep? Sorry im knew to this!!

    That is what we all want to just get better...

    To build the strength 1-5 reps 5 sets adding weight each time you get it, staying at the same weight if you fail. I know a lot of women use fractionals and/or weighted collars when doing upper body work as we are not as strong as men and adding 5lbs after certian weight can almost guarantee failure (not always but usually)

    If all possible get away from the smith machine and do free weights.

    The 1RM question has been answered so I wont....

    As for the other discussion, IMHO it would be very difficult for anyone to actually admit that they are above average or elite in anything (even world class athletes often shrug it off) so seeing a chart that indicates that they maybe could make one feel "psh that's a load of crap" and if they did say Yah I am way above average almost elite...wonder how that would go?

    I know I can bench some high weight for my size/ I consider myself intermediate (5 ft 7, 156lbs, benching 125lbs no idea of 1RM according to calculators 139lbs) no way do I consider myself me lifting for 7 months regardless of the weight I am pushing up I am still a beginner.

    I know for sure tho benching bodyweight is a big deal regardless of gender and to me to hit that goal (and I think most men and women would feel this way) I would so do a happy dance and brag a bit (well a lot in my circle of close friends)
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    I didn't say for all girls- but we shouldn't be putting a elite on a weight cap so low. The only ones who can change that are the women. And apparently I'm a fat kid- because all the women on these forums are 5'5" it seems- so for me- who appears to be a real life gigantor- at 170- that is warm up weight. All the girls I lift with- 135 IS WARM UP... and we are by no stretch elite.

    I'm 5'7", weigh 191 and I look forward to my warm ups being 135 lbs! I can only bench 105. I don't know what my 1RM is, but I wish the women that venture in the weight room in my gym would put the heavy weights on. They just do a lot of reps with light weights if they do come in the weight room. I struggle and make some pretty crazy faces lifting the weight that I DO lift, but with struggle comes change and strength.

    I'm always interested in what you have to say about weight lifting. I find it very informative and relative to my experience :flowerforyou:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm 5'7", weigh 191 and I look forward to my warm ups being 135 lbs! I can only bench 105. I don't know what my 1RM is, but I wish the women that venture in the weight room in my gym would put the heavy weights on. They just do a lot of reps with light weights if they do come in the weight room. I struggle and make some pretty crazy faces lifting the weight that I DO lift, but with struggle comes change and strength.

    I'm always interested in what you have to say about weight lifting. I find it very informative and relative to my experience :flowerforyou:

    You can definitely do it. Bench numbers come up slower- especially for women (thankfully not as slow as OHP- but still- it's a process!) - and it seems to me also that there is a very short gap between a very comfortable lift and omg I can't do this.

    I'm totally fine totally fine totally fine and then add a 2.5 or 5 on each side and it becomes a life or death lift it feels like.

    Squats or deads- it gets heavy and it just keeps getting heavy it seems like- but for me bench seems to jump.... but all that aside- you're numbers WILL come up. And it's true- once you start putting that big plate on- you start working above that level it moves up- there is something to be said about it- it makes you feel good putting that wheel on there- so once you start doing it you don't ever want to NOT do it. :)

    If you lift alone and feel like you can't push your weight for training- work in the power cage with a bench and the safety rails- adjust it and test to make sure the bar lands above you still even at the deepest point- will really help you go a long way with your bench. Having the confidence to fail a lift with a proper safety- either spotter or rails will increase your confidence tremendously!!!

  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I'm 5'7", weigh 191 and I look forward to my warm ups being 135 lbs! I can only bench 105. I don't know what my 1RM is, but I wish the women that venture in the weight room in my gym would put the heavy weights on. They just do a lot of reps with light weights if they do come in the weight room. I struggle and make some pretty crazy faces lifting the weight that I DO lift, but with struggle comes change and strength.

    I'm always interested in what you have to say about weight lifting. I find it very informative and relative to my experience :flowerforyou:

    You can definitely do it. Bench numbers come up slower- especially for women (thankfully not as slow as OHP- but still- it's a process!) - and it seems to me also that there is a very short gap between a very comfortable lift and omg I can't do this.

    I'm totally fine totally fine totally fine and then add a 2.5 or 5 on each side and it becomes a life or death lift it feels like.

    Squats or deads- it gets heavy and it just keeps getting heavy it seems like- but for me bench seems to jump.... but all that aside- you're numbers WILL come up. And it's true- once you start putting that big plate on- you start working above that level it moves up- there is something to be said about it- it makes you feel good putting that wheel on there- so once you start doing it you don't ever want to NOT do it. :)

    If you lift alone and feel like you can't push your weight for training- work in the power cage with a bench and the safety rails- adjust it and test to make sure the bar lands above you still even at the deepest point- will really help you go a long way with your bench. Having the confidence to fail a lift with a proper safety- either spotter or rails will increase your confidence tremendously!!!


    Thanks...there's always a guy willing to spot me when I bench, so no worries there. I agree with the short gap, too. That's the way it is for me. I find that most of my fails tend to be mental, also. I don't necessarily tell myself to "stop sucking" :laugh: , but I do tell myself "you're stronger than you think." That seems to help unless I've got some personal issues going on in my life. I agree with finding what motivation works for you. I want to put up big numbers and that's a driving force behind my lifts. Six months in and I'm doing pretty well as far as my lower body goes and I know that my upper body will get there.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I probably can't lift a thing. Can't afford a gym membership and have no equipment of my own. However, I'm getting a new roommate. HE has various kinds of equipment and is obsessed with lifting, so I've conscripted him to be my very own "personal trainer". lol Mostly I just need some more arm muscle to try and fill out some of the skin i have left over now....and better core since the more muscle I've got toned there, the faster I should recover from transplant surgery
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I wouldn't be concerned with what anybody else is lifting. Start with bar and each time you are able to do all the sets with good form, add weight. I recommend getting the 1 1/4 pound plates and progressing slowly with those. You'll be lifting more than you thought you ever would before you know it. Don't compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself today to yourself last week.
  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    I've never tried the whole 1rm think I'll have ago tonight! If I'm honest when starting I never really looked into it as just wanted to lift to shift lbs but slowly I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of lifting weights! Someone suggested a really good app programme so ill be heading to the gym later armed with that lol
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I lift 5x5, 30# on each side using a Smith machine. I don't know how much the bar weighs. I'd appreciate knowing my total if anyone knows. I weigh 130 pounds.

    Look on the machine. The Smiths I used had a 15lb bar according to the label on the machine.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've never tried the whole 1rm think I'll have ago tonight! If I'm honest when starting I never really looked into it as just wanted to lift to shift lbs but slowly I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of lifting weights! Someone suggested a really good app programme so ill be heading to the gym later armed with that lol

    Yes with some of us that happens...obsession becomes part of it...:drinker:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I've never tried the whole 1rm think I'll have ago tonight! If I'm honest when starting I never really looked into it as just wanted to lift to shift lbs but slowly I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of lifting weights! Someone suggested a really good app programme so ill be heading to the gym later armed with that lol

    Yes with some of us that happens...obsession becomes part of it...:drinker:

    indeed- obsession. although obsession probably doesn't even begin to cover it LMAO.

    It's my church of iron. It's where I practice my religion. Where all become equal and humbled under the bar.
    someone should write a manifesto for the church of iron... lol I'd totally be okay with that!!!

    It becomes so much more than just looking good- looking good is nice- looking good is great- but there is something about it- it's a rush- not the same runners high- it's empowering- nothing compares to being able to step under the bar and do things.
  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    Haha yes you've certainly hit the nail on the head!! There is definitely something about approaching that bar!! I used to nervously walk over but now I do it like I own that **** lol
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I've never tried the whole 1rm think I'll have ago tonight! If I'm honest when starting I never really looked into it as just wanted to lift to shift lbs but slowly I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of lifting weights! Someone suggested a really good app programme so ill be heading to the gym later armed with that lol

    Don't. 1RM are for bragging rights and have no real training effect. It's more strain on your tendons and ligaments than you need right now. Stick to progressing on your 5 rep program (if that's what you're doing). There are online calculators that will convert your 5 rep max into a theoretical 1RM if you're curious.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've never tried the whole 1rm think I'll have ago tonight! If I'm honest when starting I never really looked into it as just wanted to lift to shift lbs but slowly I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of lifting weights! Someone suggested a really good app programme so ill be heading to the gym later armed with that lol

    Don't. 1RM are for bragging rights and have no real training effect. It's more strain on your tendons and ligaments than you need right now. Stick to progressing on your 5 rep program (if that's what you're doing). There are online calculators that will convert your 5 rep max into a theoretical 1RM if you're curious.


    I've spent a lot of downtime rehabbing from problems caused by 1RM attempts throughout my life. Any benefits from them are more than offset by the possibility of problems from them.

    (Don't tell the bros I said this though...or they'll revoke my bro-card.)
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5'5", 135 lbs, and I do 12/10/8 reps of 95/105/115 most of the time for bench. I just did a 1RM of 145 last week, though, which was awesome, because it is the first time I've benched more than I weigh :) My sister is 5'6", 145/150 lbs, and she put up 165, and probably could have done more. We have always had strong upper bodies and big shoulders, though, and we've been lifting pretty consistently for the last 6 or 8 months.

    I've found that it is easier to increase your weights incrementally. If you're doing the same weight for all 3 of your sets, try adding an extra 5 or 10 lbs for your first set, then go back down for your 2nd and 3rd. Do that for a few chest days, then add the weight for your 1st AND 2nd set.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    A lot of your abilities will also be dictated by your build. I've been competing for years and have yet to progress past 130 on bench (at 125). However, I can deadlift like a rock star. My monkey arms that make deadlifting so easy for me, make bench difficult.

    Just keep banging away at it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I've never tried the whole 1rm think I'll have ago tonight! If I'm honest when starting I never really looked into it as just wanted to lift to shift lbs but slowly I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of lifting weights! Someone suggested a really good app programme so ill be heading to the gym later armed with that lol

    Don't. 1RM are for bragging rights and have no real training effect. It's more strain on your tendons and ligaments than you need right now. Stick to progressing on your 5 rep program (if that's what you're doing). There are online calculators that will convert your 5 rep max into a theoretical 1RM if you're curious.

    totally this. don't try for a "true" 1RM. like dav said, do a max set of 2-5 and calculate your 1rm.