Cat needs a fitness pal



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    have you tried getting him a Mouseology kitten coach?

  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    You should get him a heavy bag, so he can punch out his frustrations of not getting to eat what he wants.


    Looks cool, but my cat won't touch it, unless it's ham
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    You need to calculate his BMI, his BMR, his TDEE, his body fat ratios, height, weight, and fur length. Add it all together, divide it by 7.358, and then add back 0.7 for each gram pf protein he eats per 1 kg body mass (but you need to know his mass WITHOUT FUR, because that will speed up his metabolism of course). When you have done that, the answer will be the meaning of life (as long as it does not fall below his BMR - make sure he eats back half his exercise calories to avoid this, except on Wednesdays).

    Hope that helps.
    Thanks for replying. He is 7 kg, and how do I measure his length - with or without tail?

    No, measure his standing height, front paw to ear. Make sure he doesn't stand on tipitoes to make you think he's taller than he is.

    For fur length, you need to work out the average length so you can calculate the mass of his fur coat, to get accurate BMI. Alternatively, you could shave him before you weigh him.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    have you tried getting him a Mouseology kitten coach?


    ^^^^^This has to be the best response yet.

    Cats are carnivores, an Atkins diet may be needed.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Boogie, a 3-year old neutered male, thick double coat, brown fur, and green eyes IS GUARDING the fridge 24/7, even now as I type. I am still trying to figure out how the F word sounds like in cat language, cuz Boogie is definitely cussing all the time as he yells at me some gibberish, even now as I type. Took him to the vet, turns out he is perfectly healthy. I was told the cat simply manipulates me and I shouldn't give up - but at 3 in the morning, i just can't... So, I decided to quit being a sissy, and feed him properly. What I need to know:
    1) How many calories, carbs, fats, proteins must a cat consume daily? Boogie is not fat, at least no yet, but he is slightly overweight in my opinion. Another thing, he refuses to exercise, or in fact he refuses to step away from the fridge.
    2) Has anyone used myfitnesspal before for their pet? If so, please share the details. Did you find it effective? What problems, if any, did you stumble upon using this app for your pet? etc.
    3) Any alternative methods? Ideas?
    4) We live on the first floor. My fear is that if I restrict Boogie's calorie intake, he might go and find a place to "dine out". The cat is crazy - he currently eats over 1000 calories a day, and demands more! I feed him cooked food (afraid of parasites) for carnivores. Most of the time I make beef meet balls with 1/3 of vegetables or salad leafs. I feed him fish, and he likes an occasional fruit or a tomato. I don't give him milk, because there is so much controversy surrounding it, and it also makes cats' fur fall out - that I know from personal experience.
    Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

    The problem is you are feeding him human food when he should be fed CAT food. You are also feeding him way more than a cat needs to be fed. To be honest, you've created this mess by feeding him every time he "demands" it… although I don't know how a cat demands food.

    I have a 15 lb Ragdoll who is 5 years old. He is "overweight" according to the vet. He eats a few treats and dry food at 4:30AM and doesn't get fed again until 4:30/5PM (wet food).
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Immediately start your cat on an organic low carb cleanse.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    Squirt your cat with a garden hose. That will burn lots of cat calories.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Are you CRAZY?!? The Atkins diet is awful, there's no WAY he'll meet his macros on that. Don't listen to these dangerous fools.
    He should whole foods ONLY, apart from a good quality mouse protein powder.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    have you tried getting him a Mouseology kitten coach?


    Cute kitten, but mine won't chase mice. Once we rented a summerhouse, and when we entered the kitchen, a mouse dropped on Boogie's head. He ran and hid under the bed, and didn't come out for 2 hours. Then, he got hungry......................................... you got it. He quickly recognized the fridge, and assumed the position of a guardian angel.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member

    The problem is you are feeding him human food when he should be fed CAT food. You are also feeding him way more than a cat needs to be fed. To be honest, you've created this mess by feeding him every time he "demands" it… although I don't know how a cat demands food.


    What - raw rats?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why would you give him fruit? Cats are obligate carnivores, fruits are bad for them.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Are you CRAZY?!? The Atkins diet is awful, there's no WAY he'll meet his macros on that. Don't listen to these dangerous fools.
    He should whole foods ONLY, apart from a good quality mouse protein powder.
    Totally agree. I am afraid to give him cat food. Read what they put in it, and decided to never poison him like that. Besides, carnivores living in the wild do not eat cat food, and get along just fine.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Why would you give him fruit? Cats are obligate carnivores, fruits are bad for them.
    I don't give him fruit - he takes it from me when I am about to it, in a way that is violent and mean. Seriously. My cat is not very human-friendly
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Does he have a catnip problem? It gave my kitty (he was heavy too) the munchies. My poor, heavy stoner cat.

    Oh my god, that's just scary. No, i don't drug him. He gets high on food.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Why would you give him fruit? Cats are obligate carnivores, fruits are bad for them.

    As you'll see from my user name, I am a cat. I have a degree in Cat Sport Health Science Nutrition Dietic Fitness COaching. I know EVERYTHING, and studies have proved that avacado and tomatoes are very beneficial for cats. They contain secret souperdouper micro nutrients that give them glossy fur and burn up to 15% more carbs.

    I can prove it through personal experience.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Are you CRAZY?!? The Atkins diet is awful, there's no WAY he'll meet his macros on that. Don't listen to these dangerous fools.
    He should whole foods ONLY, apart from a good quality mouse protein powder.

    Cats are carnivores NOT omnivores, he should be no carb, high protein.....his macros would be way different than a humans. Also don't forget to lose weight a calorie is not a calorie and he must only eat "good foods", any " bad foods" will destroy his diet. Are mice red meat? Maybe an avian diet for lean protein would be better suited.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I dunno what's going on here,
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    You're right, commercial pet food is awful. But you're not doing much better feeding your cat cooked meat. Please consider a vegetarian diet for your pet. Anything else is just cruel, to your pet and the animals you're feeding it.:sad:
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Are you CRAZY?!? The Atkins diet is awful, there's no WAY he'll meet his macros on that. Don't listen to these dangerous fools.
    He should whole foods ONLY, apart from a good quality mouse protein powder.

    Cats are carnivores NOT omnivores, he should be no carb, high protein.....his macros would be way different than a humans. Also don't forget to lose weight a calorie is not a calorie and he must only eat "good foods", any " bad foods" will destroy his diet. Are mice red meat? Maybe an avian diet for lean protein would be better suited.

    But I find him the best foods - like french goose pate, and fresh fish and meat balls. I am a vegetarian, so I hate the idea, but cats need to be cats. Anyway, I can't afford myself what I get for him. Only the BEST!
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49