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Can overtraining + skipping leg day increase my bench press?
This theory could possibly get you the 'team no-legs-day' broscientist of the year award.
On a side note Id hypothesize that by increasing your training frequency, youre not necessarily automatically overtraining (+ this has been a short term experiment).
Not sure how this is broscience.0 -
I love the sleuthing going on here.
Ver' funny.0 -
There is nothing more comical than seeing a guy who is super huge on top but has spindly legs.
OP, I find your graph pretty but not very useful because all it shows is a continuous line of "calculated 1RM," even when you weren't lifting at all post-surgery. It doesn't show your actual volume or tonnage lifted, so there's really nothing for us to correlate these numbers with except the interventions you've identified with words at various points you believe are most significant. It would be interesting to see where the deloads are. My hunch is that gains will correlate with deloads as JoRocka pointed out... In which case, overtraining is exactly what you wouldn't want to do, right?0 -
Are you weighing and measuring your squats and broscience?0
Are you weighing and measuring your squats and broscience?0
You should train your whole body. How you want to do it is up to you. A couple of ways to increase your bench are by doing different bench press variations. Especially Incline barbell and dumbbell presses. Doing dips also helps. Also, train your BACK if you want to have a strong bench. Have you seen the backs on some of the worlds best benchers? A man with a strong back is a strong man.
This really helped me with my bench:
Pulldown variation: 2 sets of 8
Row variation: 2 sets of 8
Incline Bench(dumbbell or barbell) Press: 4 sets of 6
Pull up variation: As many as I wanted
Dips: As many as I wanted0 -
I am intrigued by your hypothesis, but would need a larger sample size for statistical analysis. Unfortunately, based on popular response it appears that voluntary skipping of leg day for greater knowledge gainz seems unlikely.....0
There is nothing more comical than seeing a guy who is super huge on top but has spindly legs.
OP, I find your graph pretty but not very useful because all it shows is a continuous line of "calculated 1RM," even when you weren't lifting at all post-surgery. It doesn't show your actual volume or tonnage lifted, so there's really nothing for us to correlate these numbers with except the interventions you've identified with words at various points you believe are most significant. It would be interesting to see where the deloads are. My hunch is that gains will correlate with deloads as JoRocka pointed out... In which case, overtraining is exactly what you wouldn't want to do, right?
Some would argue that overtraining is what is responsible for the success that one experiences after a deload...that a deload without some level of overtraining wouldn't be as effective.0 -
I'm curious why so many are convinced that "you should train your whole body" is the One True Way and that to consider otherwise is blasphemous...
...but of course everyone believes in deloading...(because it is written in the brobible, I suppose).
Would it not be possible to deload by body part and not the whole body at all times?
I don't know the answer...but some of you make it sound like no one should ever dare to think otherwise.
It's certainly interesting...(the behavior...*and* the alternative theories.)
But seriously, OP...you should never *ever* under any circumstances skip leg day or consider any approach where it could be interpreted as skipping leg day...(even if you have a lower/upper body imbalance)...because you never *ever* skip leg day...because skipping leg day is what you never *ever* do...and if you think of any ideas that would involve skipping leg day you should reconsider those ideas because you never *ever* skip leg day. Understand?
PS: Never *ever* skip leg day.0 -
I've been training for almost 3 years now. I feel the pain of the non-progressing bench. My best lifts at 220 are 475 squats, 540 deadlift and 255 bench. I've had to claw and scrape for every 5 lbs on the bench. One thing I realize is that bench responds differently than squat or deadlift. For me, volume definitely helps, along with accessories.
You should, however, continue with some kind of leg and back training, even if it is deemphasized. Do just enough to maintain while focusing on bench. And don't worry about over-training. You aren't over-training. You are under-recovering. Over-training usually happens to elite athletes who, even when they recover from the workout, still are losing strength and capacity.
this is basically what i was thinking.
what makes you say you are 'overtraining'? are you doing bench press on consecutive days? I think that would be more defined as imporperly training rather then over training.
personally i think your bench press increased because you focused on chest. don't think it had anything to do with deleting legs.0 -
This theory could possibly get you the 'team no-legs-day' broscientist of the year award.
On a side note Id hypothesize that by increasing your training frequency, youre not necessarily automatically overtraining (+ this has been a short term experiment).
Not sure how this is broscience.
Why do you think this differs from how broscience works? One guy tries something, gets gains, other bros say "hes huge, it must be true" and follow suit.
I mean, my comment was "tongue in cheek", but I dont think this research is ready to be included in a peer reviewed academic journal, lol.
Sample size is too small in terms of participants and timeframe. Not enough data to substantiate cause and effect. I.e. what else changed during the time frame? For example you could of started a cycle of something, who knows....0 -
Wait, you want to take out ALL back work and just bench? You don't know how the bench actually works, nor do you understand how opposing muscles work and the need for them to be balanced.Would it not be possible to deload by body part and not the whole body at all times?0
is there an actual question??
LOL I would die if I skipped leg day for more than a day.
more swquatz is the answer to ALL of life's questions.
Therefor the answer to is "skipping leg day going to increase my bench?"-
No- because more squatz is always the answer.
lol this does seem like the most honest answer for you0 -
his conclusion might involve a little bit of broscience but trying something new and exploring the results is not.
Thinking he would come in here and get anything more then 'you shouldn't skip leg day' was his biggest fail0 -
his conclusion might involve a little bit of broscience but trying something new and exploring the results is not.
Thinking he would come in here and get anything more then 'you shouldn't skip leg day' was his biggest fail
I was just making a no-legs-day joke - the serious part of my comment was that he wasnt necessarily overtraining.0 -
OP, I find your graph pretty but not very useful because all it shows is a continuous line of "calculated 1RM," even when you weren't lifting at all post-surgery. It doesn't show your actual volume or tonnage lifted, so there's really nothing for us to correlate these numbers with except the interventions you've identified with words at various points you believe are most significant. It would be interesting to see where the deloads are. My hunch is that gains will correlate with deloads as JoRocka pointed out... In which case, overtraining is exactly what you wouldn't want to do, right?
As far as overtraining, I tried finding if the capacity for volume can be increased and didn't find much to support or refute this idea. I think "under-recovering" may be a more accurate description, although I am definitely challenging my CNS with this amount of volume, because it has effected my ability to sleep. (Which was one of the goals, to see if it will adapt.) I mean, this is how we make strength gains, by progressive overload. Same concept.0 -
But seriously, OP, never *ever* skip leg day.
Never ever.0 -
his conclusion might involve a little bit of broscience but trying something new and exploring the results is not.
Thinking he would come in here and get anything more then 'you shouldn't skip leg day' was his biggest fail
I was just making a no-legs-day joke - the serious part of my comment was that he wasnt necessarily overtraining.
see what i mean?0 -
You do realize that the stronger your legs are the stronger overall body will be. I hope OP isn't serious.0
Here is the same data with my squats alongside it. I don't think I'm in danger of my legs falling behind.
It will be very interesting to see what this graph does when I start squats/deadlifts again.:bigsmile:
I'm assuming all of these lifts happened on a platform? Because if not, they don't count and you pretty much haven't lifted anything.0 -
Some people are more prone to add muscle in their lower body and vice versa.
i wish I could find the study about this. Anyone?
I vaguely remember it being something about a/b hormones or some crap.
I think a better way to execute your experiment would be to do 1/3 of your typical squat volume while maintaining the same intensity. Thus trying to keep your legs the same while advancing your upper body.
In reality, you had a long recovery and you keep switching programs. There is so many variables its sick. I dunno if you're in a surplus or deficit. It matters. Are those really actual 1RMs or theoretical? That alone would blow this whole thing out of proportion. I ask this because your chart shows your 1RM being the same after a 4 month recovery. That maken NO sense and looks like absolute BS and poor record keeping. You say you were deloading on the last program, but, it may have been a poor program for your diet. Perhaps you were ego lifting and the deloads werent enough to prevent the stall.
One thing is for sure, distribution of muscle gain is not even and linear. It certainly is a possibility that you could add a lot of mass to your legs without adding much to your arms.
increasing volume isnt overtraining, its increasing volume. Yes, you can adapt to that. What you probably cant adapt to is increasing volume while decreasing recovery time. You'll find that out down the road. Then you can have another surgery and another recovery phase and try another silly idea. haaa. i kid i kid.0 -
This theory could possibly get you the 'team no-legs-day' broscientist of the year award.
On a side note Id hypothesize that by increasing your training frequency, youre not necessarily automatically overtraining (+ this has been a short term experiment).
Not sure how this is broscience.
You are missing the part about it being repeatable.
No one else is going to skip leg day to see if your hypothesis is true.0 -
This theory could possibly get you the 'team no-legs-day' broscientist of the year award.
On a side note Id hypothesize that by increasing your training frequency, youre not necessarily automatically overtraining (+ this has been a short term experiment).
Not sure how this is broscience.
You are missing the part about it being repeatable.
No one else is going to skip leg day to see if your hypothesis is true.
No one else would ever skip leg day for any reason because you never *ever* skip leg day.
It simply is never done...for any reason...ever.
People will do all kinds of other crazy things to try to improve a particular lift, but skipping leg day simply isn't one of those things that they would ever do.
[img][/img]0 -
his conclusion might involve a little bit of broscience but trying something new and exploring the results is not.
Thinking he would come in here and get anything more then 'you shouldn't skip leg day' was his biggest fail
2- You have a strange definition of failure.
D- Who said I expected anything more?0 -
Dude, seriously...
...never *ever* skip leg day.0 -
Picture of the OP in the near future:0
This theory could possibly get you the 'team no-legs-day' broscientist of the year award.
On a side note Id hypothesize that by increasing your training frequency, youre not necessarily automatically overtraining (+ this has been a short term experiment).
Not sure how this is broscience.
You are missing the part about it being repeatable.
No one else is going to skip leg day to see if your hypothesis is true.
Will it work for everyone? My answer is "I don't really care." A lot of things do not work for everyone. Especially when you're talking about breaking through a plateau. There are very few guarantees in lifting/training, which is why there is so much broscience out there. I mean, if there were One True Path to strength or mass gains, it would be very easy to prove, everyone would simply do that one thing, and there would be no such thing as broscience.
If anyone else cares enough they are welcome to try, assuming they survive skipping leg day, that is.
But I think the data itself is interesting, and there's only one way that kind of data gets out there. It certainly doesn't come from people who are too afraid to post lest they be second-guessed or criticized or that they might found out they missed something in their analysis.0 -
But the real question is....
How many pizzas did you bench?0 -
Picture of the OP in the near future:
I heard that guy skipped leg day once.
[Skipping leg day/Not even once.gif]0
This discussion has been closed.
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