What non-scale victory you most looking forward to?



  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Being able to fit in whatever size clothes fit me when I get to my UGW & look good
    Getting fitter
    Getting stronger
    Being able to look down and see my feet not a fat belly
    Having a flat-ish stomach (I don't think totally flat is possible for me)
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Fitting into my old clothes! I miss them dearly...I think I'm just 8 pounds away from fitting into some of my summer shorts!
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    My big one is to be able to wear tight tops, I haven't done that in years because I hate all the back bulge. I am very happy to see my back fat is diminishing but I still wouldn't wear a tightish top. I also have a pair of jeans that I would like to fit without muffin top (would look great with a tight top lol!)