Menopause messing with your weight loss!?



  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Women live longer you moaning minnies
  • bombshellcertification
    bombshellcertification Posts: 126 Member
    Men waiting at a traffic intersection hasn't slowed my weight loss. Why you're calling them Men o' pause is fine by me, but I just keep moving. Best of luck folks.

    Amen! And Im need for the details just have to learn and just do it! Support here is key< thank you
  • smrgal144
    smrgal144 Posts: 9
    Hi everyone! New here and would love to join this group! I have gained 10 pounds during this transition due to not being able to work out as strenuous and as much as I was prior. Before this blessed event began, I was working out in the gym 5 times a week and lifting 3 times. I became quite dizzy and sick with the fluctuating hormones so had to stop working out which depressed me to no end. I enjoy working out for those endorphins!!! Now if I am feeling up to it, I walk slow on the treadmill and lift a few weights here and there. I try to keep my calories at 1200 so as not to gain anymore weight but the weight just sticks now. I really think the 1200 is way too many calories for my body to start budging but know I cannot go lower than that for health reasons. Hope to make a few friends here!
  • HikeCalifornia
    Good morning ladies! I'm 48 and the doc says I'm "at least in peri-menopause." I've gained 30 - yes, count them with me - 30 pounds in a year. I know a lot of it is from crap eating and laziness, but really?!?!? Would love to give and get support from women around my age. Please add me - I'd love some friends who "get it." Thanks!! :smile:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Ladies, come join us at the group "Menopause - taking action!" after I started this thread we formed a group. would love to share our journey together!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am 52 and have had so many stops and starts the past nine months,but this time it has been about 4 maybe I am done? LOL, my Doctor is like when it happens, it happens.

    I am losing weight consistently, I log, eat at a deficit (at this point around 1500/day), and exercise at least 5 times per week.
    Since it came back with a vengence, I am obviously not done. My Mom didn't finish till 55, so we will see what happens. :)

    Whatever, but it won't stop me from getting to my goal, which is losing the rest of the fat (about 20 lbs., not really sure what it will be), keeping my muscle, and putting on a bikini and liking what I see. I am already liking what I see, and I am motivated to keep this up and get to my goal, then dedicate myself to maintaining it for the rest of my life.

    Menopause, peri-menopause, wherever it is I am at, it is just not even a factor to me.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Hi everyone! New here and would love to join this group! I have gained 10 pounds during this transition due to not being able to work out as strenuous and as much as I was prior. Before this blessed event began, I was working out in the gym 5 times a week and lifting 3 times. I became quite dizzy and sick with the fluctuating hormones so had to stop working out which depressed me to no end. I enjoy working out for those endorphins!!! Now if I am feeling up to it, I walk slow on the treadmill and lift a few weights here and there. I try to keep my calories at 1200 so as not to gain anymore weight but the weight just sticks now. I really think the 1200 is way too many calories for my body to start budging but know I cannot go lower than that for health reasons. Hope to make a few friends here!
    If you are not in the obese range, you should be eating more. I ate low till I got out of obese range, but now I am trying to get to 1700 and see if I can still lose that 0.5 to 1 lb. (not too much as I am trying to lose fat not muscle) per week. I think the TDEE method might work for me, but it is taking me a while to net that much, even though I only count half my exercise calories. I averaged about 1600 this week and I have still lost about 1 lb. so far.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Don't give up! I married DH at age 50 and went into menopause a year or two later. I did gain weight but part of it was that instead of me throwing together a stir-fry of veggies and adding them to canned soup or a Weight Watchers frozen entrée (not totally healthy but fast and low-cal), DH was making dinner from his good home cooking recipes. At my urging, he made them healthier (less fat, more veggies) but I was not good about exercising portion control and suddenly skirts and pants didn't fit.

    Too bad I gave many of them away. While in my last 50s I stumbled onto 5-2 fasting and kicked up my workouts a notch. I also got a heart rate monitor so I could tell when I was slacking off in my workout. I lost 17 lbs. over a couple of years and I'm in better shape at 61 than I was 5 years ago.

    I know hormones can wreak havoc on your metabolism- I remember having a terrible time maintaining my weight when I was on BC pills in the 1970s- but healthier habits can go a long way.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Ladies, come join us at the group "Menopause - taking action!" after I started this thread we formed a group. would love to share our journey together!
    What is your goal? If it is in line with mine, then I might want to join.

    I am definitely at least in peri-menopause, but I don't and won't use it as an excuse to say I can't, because that is a lie. I can, and I am, and I am full speed ahead till I get there.

    No 1200 calories a week for this lady, and I am doing great lifting heavy and losing lbs., but the other wonderful thing that happens when you lift heavy is you start shrinking in body size, not muscle, fat, even though your weight doesn't go down as much as you think it should for the amount of fat you see gone. It is actually pretty cool.

    I don't believe you either have to age gracefully, or you have to fight it every step of the way, I believe you can do both at the same time. You can age gracefully while being the very best you are capable of being at the age you are. I don't focus on the number, I just focus on doing the best I can in this moment.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 489 Member
    Be Back
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Don't give up! I married DH at age 50 and went into menopause a year or two later. I did gain weight but part of it was that instead of me throwing together a stir-fry of veggies and adding them to canned soup or a Weight Watchers frozen entrée (not totally healthy but fast and low-cal), DH was making dinner from his good home cooking recipes. At my urging, he made them healthier (less fat, more veggies) but I was not good about exercising portion control and suddenly skirts and pants didn't fit.

    Too bad I gave many of them away. While in my last 50s I stumbled onto 5-2 fasting and kicked up my workouts a notch. I also got a heart rate monitor so I could tell when I was slacking off in my workout. I lost 17 lbs. over a couple of years and I'm in better shape at 61 than I was 5 years ago.

    I know hormones can wreak havoc on your metabolism- I remember having a terrible time maintaining my weight when I was on BC pills in the 1970s- but healthier habits can go a long way.
    SO agreed, I also deal with thyroid disease, and having no gallbladder, none of that is stopping me, including whatever phase of menopause I am in, not really sure at this point. There was a time before I was medicated properly that no matter what I did I gained weight, this is the weight I am finally getting rid of for good, and if anybody is not medicated properly for whatever hormone issues they have, time to get proactive about it, you won't get help you need unless you do.