vent: people giving me a hard time about being a vegetarian



  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Here's a thought:

    Hold up the largest ear of corn you have.

    Say, see this large ear of corn?

    It has friends.

    Lots of friends.

    And, if you don't back it off, I'm going to beat you with them.

    That should do it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    There are always going to be those who criticize over anything and everything. They wouldn't do things you're doing or the way you're doing them, and that's okay. I agree that I don't understand why people have to make a big deal over the decisions you make on how to proceed with your life.

    I'm sure you didn't choose to be a vegetarian to deprive yourself of certain things!! It's annoying that people act that way.

    I've always felt that if someone's vegetarian, pescatarian, or whatever, then that person obviously feels there is merit to following that lifestyle. It's not my job to tell them whether it's right or wrong or undermine their efforts.

    Don't give those trolls the time of day. Like others have said, just say it's a choice you've made, you're happy with it, and remove yourself from the troll.