Breakfast ideas that will get me through to lunch?

Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
I eat breakfast around 5am and don't get a chance to eat anything again until at least 10:45am. That may seem like not too long of a time, but I have a fairly active job and I feel like I am STARVING by the time I get a chance to have lunch. I have found this to be the case no matter what I eat. I have tried high-carb and high-protein and high-fat. Examples:

Bagel and cream cheese or butter
Omelette with spinach
Meat (just straight up meat)
Leftover dinner foods

I will always feel decently full at the time, but by the time 10:45 rolls around I am always starving. I can MAYBE sneak a snack in there if I really try, but it would probably need to be something that could be consumed in less than 10 seconds. I have tried the "handful of almonds" thing (before MFP...would never eat food by the "handful" without measuring nowadays) and it takes way too long to chew and does not satisfy my hunger at all.

Any ideas for foods that will keep me full longer? Do I just need a new job that lets me snack? I have considered protein shakes or something like that, but they are so expensive and I don't even know that they could keep me full as long as real food.


  • RaeRum82
    RaeRum82 Posts: 22 Member
    Sounds like me and my job. Kinda interested in the answers you get!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm hungry at 11 whether I eat breakfast or not. so skip it and have a bigger lunch .
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    I find that a mid-morning glass of skim milk would work for me.
    If you don't have refrigeration where you work, put the milk in a thermos or freeze the milk in advance.
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    I always have either 2 eggs scrambled with 100ml of milk, or 2 hard boiled eggs, with 1 grilled tomato and about 120g of grilled mushrooms. I eat breakfast at about 6:45am and this keeps me pretty full. My next snack is at 11am and by that time I usually feel a bit peckish, but not starving. I could go longer if I had to.

    The other thing I make is protein pancakes, and they do keep me quite full as well. I use 1 scoop of protein powder (about 20g), 1 scoop of almond meal, 1 egg and a little bit of water to make into a batter. Then I top the pancakes with some frozen berries and cinnamon. They are yummy and they keep me quite full.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Greek yogurt? Good amount of protein. Add a glass of milk and you're already up to 20 or more grams of protein. The kind I get is 80 calories and 13 grams of protein. Three of them for 240 Calories and 39 grams of protein.

    I think you'd do best with high protein. Whatever your typical breakfast is, try adding onto it. For example, eat some toast or Greek yogurt with your omelet. Eat a larger breakfast to get you through until lunch.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm hungry at 11 whether I eat breakfast or not. so skip it and have a bigger lunch .

    Huh. Glad that works for you. Definitely not something I'm going to try. I am hungry if I don't eat by 6am. If I were waking up later -- like at 7 or 8 -- I could probably wait until 11, but not when I'm waking up at 4:45am.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    A trick I use to curb my hunger is to drink the high fiber V8 vegetable juice when I get a craving. Fiber makes you feel full and does not store in your body. Any high fiber food you like should work. Drinking a bunch of water works too for some people. I've read that sometimes we can think we are hungry when actually we are dehydrated.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Great tips -- I am going to try those protein pancakes! I think I could get away with a thermos of skim milk or fiber v8 too. I like Greek yogurt -- I will look into getting some more the next time I shop.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    Maybe it's not the type of food but the quantity?

    The most filling breakfast I've had recently was onions and bell peppers sautéed in 1 tbsp. butter, then covered with three scrambled eggs. Its a little high in calories (around 500, if I remember correctly).

    Have you considered protein bars for snacks? I nibble on one protein bar through the morning and it keeps me going strong until lunch. I just open it, but leave the wrapper on, and then fold everything up and stick it in my pocket or purse.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    If taking too long to chew is a real problem, then my idea may not work, but I suggest beef jerky for a snack. 1 oz is 80 calories. I find it satisfying and filling.

    I also chew gum. Not sure if that is acceptable at your job of course. I chew juicy fruit or spearmint full sugar gum. Seems to work better than that sugar free stuff (for me).
  • gregallen549
    I'm doing the ketogenic meal plan. I keep chopped bell pepper, chopped onion, and sliced sausage in my freezer. Each morning I saute onion and pepper in two tbs of butter. I microwave two slices of sausage, chop it, and add it to the onions and peppers. Then I add four large eggs and scramble. When it's nearly done I add a half cup of sharp cheddar. It's delicious and I never have any interest in lunch. It literally sustains me until late afternoon.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Have you considered protein bars for snacks? I nibble on one protein bar through the morning and it keeps me going strong until lunch. I just open it, but leave the wrapper on, and then fold everything up and stick it in my pocket or purse.

    Do you have any brands/types that you recommend? I have yet to meet a protein bar that I can stomach, but I would love to find something easy and fast like that!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    English muffin with peanut butter.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm doing the ketogenic meal plan. I keep chopped bell pepper, chopped onion, and sliced sausage in my freezer. Each morning I saute onion and pepper in two tbs of butter. I microwave two slices of sausage, chop it, and add it to the onions and peppers. Then I add four large eggs and scramble. When it's nearly done I add a half cup of sharp cheddar. It's delicious and I never have any interest in lunch. It literally sustains me until late afternoon.

    I don't know what the ketogenic meal plan is, but that description made my mouth water!
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    I eat breakfast at 5:45 and lunch around 12:30, no snack in between. Every morning I scramble 2 eggs with a giant handful of spinach and mushrooms which are sauteed in butter and garlic, then add 1oz of shredded mozzarella at the end. I am hungry for lunch when it rolls around but not starving and not hungry before 12 or so. Something to remember is that fat keeps you satiated longer than carbs do, so perhaps have something with a higher fat content to start your day.
  • SouthFloridaHolly
    SouthFloridaHolly Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely Oatmeal has been the most filling food for me personally. I cook Steel Cut Oatmeal with organic whole milk, fruit, and nuts in the crockpot over night. I also frequently make a baked oatmeal, again with organic whole milk, fruit, nuts, and honey.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I've found that consuming tea or water as a midmorning snack tends to hold me over, that may or may not work for you :)

    For breakfast I usually do a green smoothie and a café au lait with a piece of fruit.
  • ykomar
    ykomar Posts: 19
    First thing I do when I get up is drink a glass of water. For breakfast, I usually have a smoothie with lots of protein in it. This is what I use:
    Hemp seed
    Flaxseed meal
    Almond butter


    I then usually have an apple with about a tablespoon of peanut butter. The nut butters I buy are the non-sugar/ salt added varieties.

    Then I have 2 more glasses of water.

    That pretty much holds me off for about 4-5 hours.

    Good luck!
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I agree that protein, with some fats and carbs is the way to go. One of my power breakfasts is 2 eggs cooked with EVOO, a slice of cheese and veggies wrapped in a Mission Carb Balance tortilla wrap, with a cup of milk or greek yogurt. Sometimes I'll add a little bacon or sausage if we have any just for variety.

    Oatmeal made with milk and topped with berries, wheat toast with peanut butter, greek yogurt with berries or banana slices are good options. As snacks, I find milk to be filling. Cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, protein bars, cashews, anything with protein.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Oh my gosh. You are all so helpful! I am getting excited to try some of these ideas! Normally I dread having to find something to eat in the morning because it has seemed like nothing will do the job properly, but these are all sounding like tasty and satisfying options for me to try! I also appreciate the reminders about quantity! I think I forget that I may just need to make breakfast a bigger meal in order to properly prep my body for the rest of the day.