Does the time you eat affect weightloss?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    i do not log in any workouts. I do not log in all my food. I never log salad dressings.. Never log condiments. I barely count calories in other words. I do not weigh my food out. I do not see the need to do any of this stuff. And plus people don't believe what I have been saying because I am still big. So when I make my success story maybe people will start to read what i say. This weight loss is way easier this time around because there is more than calories in<calories out. Way more factors to look at .There is so much more behind this simple answer because if it was that easy then we would all be able to do it and keep weight off.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You said it yourself. How can I know something works if im not at the end result and really experience it. I hope that is not how you have been learning. I have already answer the metabolism question you have. You know what you did you disregard my evidence which was a article. You want to know what other people did? They thanked me for the article. Now I am helping them with there weight loss. All of this will come up again during my success story. Maybe then you will actually have a open mind to listen when I am thinner and stronger then the major of Americans ( Where I live). My outlandish claims. LOL
    The first line makes no sense at all. Yes I said how can you claim something works for you if you haven't actually done it. That is true. You are making claims about these things you read in an article working for you, you are asked to explain and your response is that if we don't believe it then fine but it's working for you. Then you are asked for evidence and you reference an article from the same website. That's just dumb.

    You hope I haven't been learning how? By reading, understanding, applying the methods and "achieving" the goal? Yes that is one of the ways I've learn. Reading and gathering information is another way. What you fail to realize is you make claims that things can be done that most people dispute and say it can be because of an article when anyone can do that. That means nothing. I can sit here and say I can run a properly structured carb refeed and look much more vascular the next day ready for the beach because I have read about it, however, there is a big difference when I can say I have studied it, have attempted it many times and have gotten consistent positive results by applying what I learned. You unfortunately are missing the application part of your arguments which unfortunately for you is very important given the outlandish claims you like to make.

    A perfect example was a claim you just made in another thread where you think you can be in the 200's with a low bf and high lbm "easily" Nd that it's all diet. That's just absolutely delusional. Those are the types of claims you have no right to make. Why? Because you have never done that before. On the other hand me saying something like I can get down to 10% bf while still being able to deadlift over 325 lbs and not even have to blink during the process and it being a walk in the park, is a fact. Why? Because I've been there, myself. Not that I simply read it somewhere.

    You claiming people thank you and now you are helping them with their weight loss doesn't impress me. As I've stated in the past, those people are obviously very gullible and naive to believe what you claim just because you link them a T Nation article.

    I do not think you got the memo about me stopping using T nation although it is majority of what I have been using. My evidence will only be scholar sources.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    i do not log in any workouts. I do not log in all my food. I never log salad dressings.. Never log condiments. I barely count calories in other words. I do not weigh my food out. I do not see the need to do any of this stuff. And plus people don't believe what I have been saying because I am still big. So when I make my success story maybe people will start to read what i say. This weight loss is way easier this time around because there is more than calories in<calories out. Way more factors to look at .There is so much more behind this simple answer because if it was that easy then we would all be able to do it and keep weight off.

    So, for all we know, you're eating 500 calories a day....can you at least understand why your word might be difficult to accept when it goes against the current science and you have absolutely no proof to show us?
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    As others have said time doesn't really matter. I am one who if I eat breakfast I am starving all day, but if I wait to eat till lunch I do much better and it has not effected me at all.

    Me too. I eat the majority of my cals at 8 pm 1200- 1400 or so before bed.
  • blong146
    blong146 Posts: 2
    i like to make sure i have a couple hours or more for digestion before going to sleep after a meal or snack, where no nervous energy is digestion food and insulin is down so it wont hinder the body from it's natural hormone production that is produced while your body is sleeping. seen this in a few articles hope this help's
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    As others have said time doesn't really matter. I am one who if I eat breakfast I am starving all day, but if I wait to eat till lunch I do much better and it has not effected me at all.

    Me too. I eat the majority of my cals at 8 pm 1200- 1400 or so before bed.

    Same here...if I eat breakfast, I end up snacking half the night. If I skip it and delay lunch a little, I can barely squeeze in my calories. Plus, dividing the bulk of my calories between lunch and dinner, instead of three meals, allows me to eat more of the things I love, like pizza, burgers, burritos and wings.
  • Kamirose9047
    If time mattered, Spaniards would all be massively overweight (traditionally, a very large dinner is eaten around 10pm).
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    i do not log in any workouts. I do not log in all my food. I never log salad dressings.. Never log condiments. I barely count calories in other words. I do not weigh my food out. I do not see the need to do any of this stuff. And plus people don't believe what I have been saying because I am still big. So when I make my success story maybe people will start to read what i say. This weight loss is way easier this time around because there is more than calories in<calories out. Way more factors to look at .There is so much more behind this simple answer because if it was that easy then we would all be able to do it and keep weight off.

    So, for all we know, you're eating 500 calories a day....can you at least understand why your word might be difficult to accept when it goes against the current science and you have absolutely no proof to show us?

    My daily goal in calories is 1750 which I changed manually from 1500.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    i do not log in any workouts. I do not log in all my food. I never log salad dressings.. Never log condiments. I barely count calories in other words. I do not weigh my food out. I do not see the need to do any of this stuff. And plus people don't believe what I have been saying because I am still big. So when I make my success story maybe people will start to read what i say. This weight loss is way easier this time around because there is more than calories in<calories out. Way more factors to look at .There is so much more behind this simple answer because if it was that easy then we would all be able to do it and keep weight off.

    So, for all we know, you're eating 500 calories a day....can you at least understand why your word might be difficult to accept when it goes against the current science and you have absolutely no proof to show us?

    My daily goal in calories is 1750 which I changed manually from 1500.
    And how would you know how much you eat it you don't weigh and measure anything?

    That the point to get to where you don't have to count calories to maintain weight. I know my meat portions are higher than a serving. I know my veggies portions are smaller than a serving. Serving of spinach is huge. I log fruits cuz there easy. Everything else is just a close estimate.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    i do not log in any workouts. I do not log in all my food. I never log salad dressings.. Never log condiments. I barely count calories in other words. I do not weigh my food out. I do not see the need to do any of this stuff. And plus people don't believe what I have been saying because I am still big. So when I make my success story maybe people will start to read what i say. This weight loss is way easier this time around because there is more than calories in<calories out. Way more factors to look at .There is so much more behind this simple answer because if it was that easy then we would all be able to do it and keep weight off.

    So, for all we know, you're eating 500 calories a day....can you at least understand why your word might be difficult to accept when it goes against the current science and you have absolutely no proof to show us?

    My daily goal in calories is 1750 which I changed manually from 1500.

    Dude, I eat between 1500 and 1750, depending on my activity level, and I'm a 5'3" girl. You seriously expect us to believe that's not a calorie deficit? Are you severely vertically challenged or something?

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    1750 is my goal with no exercise. I apparently workout at a very advance level. Roommates talking smack had to prove them wrong with my jump rope by doing 60 revolution jumps in 20 sec. Which is nothing I can do 100 revolution in 30 sec. My workouts increase my metabolism. I am solely working out to increase it even more and keep my muscles that I training years for.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    1750 is my goal with no exercise. I apparently workout at a very advance level. Roommates talking smack had to prove them wrong with my jump rope by doing 60 revolution jumps in 20 sec. Which is nothing I can do 100 revolution in 30 sec. My workouts increase my metabolism. I am solely working out to increase it even more and keep my muscles that I training years for.

    The point being that you are eating at a deficit. You are losing weight because you are eating at a deficit. You are burning more calories than you eat. There is no magic time of day or frequency of meals that is allowing you to eat MORE than what you burn and still lose weight. Do you understand? Because it really seems as though you don't understand. You keep making replies that have nothing to do with the comments and questions you're replying to.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    1750 is my goal with no exercise. I apparently workout at a very advance level. Roommates talking smack had to prove them wrong with my jump rope by doing 60 revolution jumps in 20 sec. Which is nothing I can do 100 revolution in 30 sec. My workouts increase my metabolism. I am solely working out to increase it even more and keep my muscles that I training years for.

    The point being that you are eating at a deficit. You are losing weight because you are eating at a deficit. You are burning more calories than you eat. There is no magic time of day or frequency of meals that is allowing you to eat MORE than what you burn and still lose weight. Do you understand? Because it really seems as though you don't understand. You keep making replies that have nothing to do with the comments and questions you're replying to.


    I said the timing pre and post workout meals do affect weight loss.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member

    I said the timing pre and post workout meals do affect weight loss.

    No. What you said was this:
    You do not wake up hungry. I wake up starving and if I do not eat within a half hour my body does something where my stomach feels awful to the point where I have to drink water slowly. There is debate going on now that is trying to figure out if eating smaller frequent meal is better than three standards meal. My nutrition class says it makes no difference but it does for me. I have no fact about it but I think skipping breakfast decline metabolism a lot and when you eat lunch it will digest very slowly because there is a such thing as starvation mode. There are articles on that. I know in me that my body definitely has a starvation mode point.

    It had nothing at all to do with workouts. It had to do with breakfast, and how you believe that skipping breakfast slows your metabolism, and how you believe that eating small meals more frequently throughout the day increases metabolism, despite the fact that your nutrition class and the current science told you that's not true. You also mentioned that if you skip breakfast you'll put yourself in starvation mode.

    It's all there at the top of this page if you need a refresher on what you said.

    ETA: Also, that last thing you said is also not true. Timing your meals pre and post workout does not effect weight loss.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    No only this nutrition timing affects is pre workouts and post workouts.

    My very first post.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Page 2 if you need a refresher.