Things you miss after losing weight



  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    Absofreakinlutely nothing!

  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    A part of me says 'I don't miss a THING'!

    Another part of me misses the 'whatever' attitude - 'I ate half a pizza - WHATEVER'!

    I guess I'd rather care - than be chubby though.


    I miss not thinking about stuff that I ate. I jsut ate and had a great time doing it. But I'd rather think about what I am eating than be the sizeI was.
  • oChristyo
    oChristyo Posts: 61 Member
    I miss eating whatever I wanted when I wanted it without guilt. Really miss a cheeseburger with sweet potato fries. I can't eat it anymore since I had my gallbladder out. Makes me sick. :(
  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    I miss not worrying about WHAT I was eating...and chocolate cheesecake! I just can't bring myself to even have a bite!! :noway:
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    I live in the Canadia prairies... so the insulation against the brutal cold.

    I am also so very aware of the money I will be missing once I reach my final goal so that I may acquire all the nice clothes I would never have otherwise. But the chub? Ain't gonna miss that!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Donating blood is harder! I reacted to the citrate and I've NEVER had a reaction before. Also, when I get down to my goal weight, I'll have to start donating single red vs double red (for a double red donation, females must weigh at least 150 lbs).
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I miss my boobs!

    I have about 20 more pounds to go, and I'm sitting at a low b-cup. I was never a large chested women, the biggest they were was a low C, but I kinda liked having a low C.

    I agree with this entire statement!!

    Absolutely miss nothing at all.....

    ....except my boobs - I do kinda miss those a little lol

    I have started saving for a boob lift, maybe an actual augmentation depending on how they turn out when I'm at goal! I am fine with losing a LOT of things along with the weight, but the girls are NOT one (two?) of them! :grumble:
  • anallydiaz
    anallydiaz Posts: 48 Member
    Alcohol tolerance and how I react to some medicines. I used to not get drowsy if I was taking some medication. Now I do.
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    Boobs and food :(
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    Skipping shaving because my legs were always covered. Even in 100 degree heat. Because I was ashamed of them.

    ^^ This.
  • grim_streaker
    grim_streaker Posts: 129 Member
    Not being able to binge eat anymore :p every cal is now counted for....... Other than that, big fat (no pun tended) nothing
  • crazy4cooking
    crazy4cooking Posts: 4 Member
    Baking delicious desserts. It's just my husband and I, so only us around to consume the calories. I used to bake a dessert weekly, not anymore. :( Oh, well better than being a chubster!
  • celinetmika
    celinetmika Posts: 70 Member
    I agree with most things said here: the "I don;t care" feeling about indulging in 15 cookies at a time., the ability to not be tipsy after one drink (Seriously'?) and not be cold.. And my boobs. haha
    BUT none of these hold a candle to the well being I am feeling now that I am 115lbs lighter!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Baking delicious desserts. It's just my husband and I, so only us around to consume the calories. I used to bake a dessert weekly, not anymore. :( Oh, well better than being a chubster!
    A couple of things that have worked for me are cutting down recipes so that I can bake something delicious in smaller quantities that are easier to fit into my day, and baking things that freeze well in small portions (eg. I've got a brownie recipe that still tastes amazing frozen/defrosted, and freeze raw cookie dough in individual cookie portions to bake.) Still, I do bake less often than I used to.
  • DerFlexo
    DerFlexo Posts: 11 Member
    I miss having an *kitten* that doesn't look like two CD cases standing next to each other.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    Being in complete denial about calories intake. Somehow, it was easier...
  • 15Nov2013
    15Nov2013 Posts: 46 Member
    - More money (extensive shopping)
    - Worrying too much about gaining the weight back
    - Not being noticed by men at all (it's a chore to always want to look attractive, and unsettling when men start to pay attention to you)
    - No negative comments from haters
    - Not cooking, it was more convenient to always order take out
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    - The extra padding on my backside when sitting on unpadded chairs and benches

    Wow, I totally forgot about that. I lost my initial big weight when I was heading to university and it was a time when I took a lot of busses. I remember coming onto a bus, sitting down and just being absolutely uncomfortable from my tailbone and spine pressing into the seat.

    I miss baking.

    I miss getting good deals on junk food. Walmart was having a sale on Oreos. $1.67 instead of the usual $3.99. I got really excited until I realized I'd maybe get through one box in a month.

    I'd miss some of the favourite shirts,pants or dresses that I owned but which didn't fit and I could no longer re-purchase in a smaller size.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Baking delicious desserts. It's just my husband and I, so only us around to consume the calories. I used to bake a dessert weekly, not anymore. :( Oh, well better than being a chubster!


    I made an adorable and delicious mini pound cake this week that totally fit in my calories (well, as long as you don't eat the whole thing), and their cupcake recipes make 4 cupcakes, which isn't too bad at all.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Am I chilly a lot yup...I just have really cute sweaters to wear.
    Did I lose my girls...mostly but now I can wear those cute little bras again
    inattentive eating...maybe a bit but to be frank I still do it, it's just chocolate bar at night...I sit and eat it all without thinking...I enjoy it all tho.

    I still bake all the time just eat less of it, money spent on I just don't have a huge wardrobe anymore (huge being in numbers of items and size)