Just friends?



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hmmmm well I have banged 2 out of 4 of my close guy friends. And the ones I have banged we are just friends....but we did start out dating. One of the ones I haven't banged I'm going to Jamaica with in October....soooooo......yeah. The 2nd one that I haven't banged really wants to bang. I'm hesitant.

    So basically....yes you can bang and still be friends. Or not bang and still be friends.

    Don't know if this is at all relevant. I'm sick and my eyes are kinda blurry. And I'm feeling a little sharey :laugh:

    Whole lotta candy gettin' thrown around!

    Nah, not too much throwing :laugh:
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    GAH what is with people- sex is not some magical thing that necessarily binds two people emotionally. I'd think the number of 1 night stands out there has proved that well enough already.

    We aren't amoebas, we don't all magically react the same way to the same stimulus.

    People can share sex and it be just the same as others sharing a hug, or a pizza. It's not a huge important thing, it's just a thing people do same as eat and walk and talk. It's not inherently special other than all the crazy stuff we assign to it due to insecurity/social mores/religion/ whatnot. It doesn't make you a bad person just because you don't assign a crap-ton of meaning to the act (unless of course your religious belief system dictates otherwise, but that is a personal belief, not an absolute, at least it's not an absolute for those who don't share the same belief system).

    Of course it has the ability to produce babies and STDs so you want to be careful to protect against those things, but much in the same way driving a car can ruin your life if you do it irresponsibly, so can sex. That doesn't mean that sex is necessarily inherently this huge deal.

    I don't understand why people get so weird about it. It's a good time.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Bow Wow Wow song comes mind.