Why does my Nutritionist hate that I eat Pork rinds??



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    This does not matter at all. Vegetable proteins are not complete. You don't need complete protein. They are all made from amino acids and as long as you get a good variety, it is possible to get whatever you need.

    Do you have any evidence (specifically on the bioavailablity of pork rinds) that supports your stance?

    Do you know for a fact that the protein in porkrinds (collagen) can become bioavailable if you eat complimentary proteins? Do you know what those proteins/foods that complete the protein chain are?

    Im not being facetious or a jerk either - I have looked into this topic quite a bit (love those salty crunchy *kitten*) and the information I have found has been far from conclusive. Im looking for as much info on it as possible. Thanks.

    Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing your evidence either. I don't eat pork rinds, but this one has me curious, particularly your argument that the protein in pork rinds isn't bioavailable. I wouldn't think that the argument that one can create complete proteins by a mix of foods is controversial but again, I'd be interesting in seeing the argument in black and white.

    ETA: I'm also not trying to be facetious or a jerk. My curiosity has definitely been piqued though.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Nutritionists are not licensed. Personally, I wouldn't trust them.

    Mmm. In the UK we have dieticians and nutritionists. Guess which one is employed by the NHS?

    Now, tell me more about these microwaveable pork rinds? Are they better than normal ones?
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    I"m eating like 1/2 ounce. I don't worry too much about the sodium or the fat as its very little for me. When I need a "salt fix" to raise my blood pressure...yes I have low BP 100/60 is normal, I need salt. Keeps the lightheadedness away. :) While this is a snack, I can get some protein out of it. I do not eat chips or anything else. Those are just empty calories and have no room in my diet for those.

    I want to add, that we have been brainwashed by society/media, that certain foods will always be bad for us. They said that with eggs too. I still eat them, they are another source of protein for me. I only have 1 a couple times a week.

    Everything in moderation....is the key to healthy living.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I know nothing about pork rinds. Only that the bioavailability argument is used all the time against vegans. As long as you get a mix of all your amino acids, your body uses what it needs.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Off to retrieve pork rinds from the pantry. We call them 'fluffy bacon' in our house. YUMMY!!!
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    EDIT: @sunofabeach

    Well I have no evidence that you can't complete the chain by combining foods - Im as curious as you are about that.

    The poster I was responding to told me my concerns didn't matter (I was open about not knowing the full extent of the bioavailablity) and she was quite secure in her post, so I was hoping she could help me understand better.

    What I feel confident about is...

    Pork Rinds are not a complete protein, and in fact are basically 100% collagen - which only has 4 amino acids.

    That is literally the extent of my knowledge. What that means is what I am trying to find out LOL
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Nutritionists are not licensed. Personally, I wouldn't trust them.

    Mmm. In the UK we have dieticians and nutritionists. Guess which one is employed by the NHS?

    Now, tell me more about these microwaveable pork rinds? Are they better than normal ones?
    Ahh that is good to know. Here it's the opposite.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I know nothing about pork rinds. Only that the bioavailability argument is used all the time against vegans. As long as you get a mix of all your amino acids, your body uses what it needs.

    You can ensure this is the case with collagen protein? What foods would complete the protein chain?

    Edit: hard to find any info on this topic that isnt a forum post or blog post. Ugh.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    EDIT: @sunofabeach

    Well I have no evidence that you can't complete the chain by combining foods - Im as curious as you are about that.

    The poster I was responding to told me my concerns didn't matter (I was open about not knowing the full extent of the bioavailablity) and she was quite secure in her post, so I was hoping she could help me understand better.

    What I feel confident about is...

    Pork Rinds are not a complete protein, and in fact are basically 100% collagen - which only has 4 amino acids.

    That is literally the extent of my knowledge. What that means is what I am trying to find out LOL

    Okay, cool. And no worries, I'm out of my specialty here too. I'd use the example of vegetarians combining rice and beans to create a meal with a complete protein, but my guess is that the OP isn't going to that much trouble in any event.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Yeah that was my original thinking too. re: beans and rice. But after web surfing - now I really have no idea LOL like with most things...
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    Yes, Lowry's make a microwavable pork rind. They are delicious while they are still crackling and hot. A 1/2 ounce isn't going to kill me and the fat is a "good fat" not a bad fat. I have issues with eating regular Pork. Just too tough to eat for me.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    Ok. So I'm hearing "you need other nutrients and pig skin is nothing but collagen" and I'm wondering where you guys stand on Jello?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    One obvious person to ask....
    Would be your nutritionist :).

    be interesting to hear what their explanation is - and might give you some basis for deciding whether or not you want to continue to use them :).
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Dishes prepared with pork rinds are part of the everyday diet here in Mexico.
    My favorite is " Tacos al Albañil " ( tacos construction worker's style ).
    Make a nice Pico de Gallo, add crumbled up pork rinds, add chopped avocado and serve in warm soft corn tortillas with lime/lemon juice and hot sauce ( red or green to taste ) on top......delicious !
    Add some black beans.....and there you have it....complete protein !
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Dishes prepared with pork rinds are part of the everyday diet here in Mexico.
    My favorite is " Tacos al Albañil " ( tacos construction worker's style ).
    Make a nice Pico de Gallo, add crumbled up pork rinds, add chopped avocado and serve in warm soft corn tortillas with lime/lemon juice and hot sauce ( red or green to taste ) on top......delicious !

    That sounds amazing and I've never even eaten a pork rind.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Probably because pork rinds are gross? lol. I don't really know but I could assume because its processed and probably has a lot of sodium and probably isn't the "best" option even if it fits your macros/micros.
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member

    I am referring to micro nutrients...not Macro nutrients for for clarification.
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    Pork isnt good for your health...that is probably why. If a nutritionist says you shouldn't eat it then I would listen to him/her and not random people on the Internet

    Because nutritionists and doctors always know all, yes?

    If you like them, eat them. Depriving yourself of something you love will end badly.

    Maybe you Nutritionist is Muslim or some other religion that doesn't eat pork at all? I don't like pork rinds personally, but my family eats them and thinks I'm crazy for not eating them too. lol So If you like them and they fit into you calorie allowance then go for it!

    I don't think there is enough evidence to say that Pork is bad for you. As a gastric bypass person, I am in need of high protein foods, for my body to absorb nutrients. While pork rinds are just a once in a while snack for me, they are not what I choose for high quality protein, only as a filler IF I do not fulfill my protein requirement for the day. I need 60-80 grams of protein a day. It's hard to get all that I need in a day with as little as I eat. 900-1200 calories daily.
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    Yum! Enjoy!
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    Off to retrieve pork rinds from the pantry. We call them 'fluffy bacon' in our house. YUMMY!!!

    Ok, that was supposed to go here....enjoy!