25 lbs. lighter and no one has noticed



  • LilyMammoth
    LilyMammoth Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for all your feedback! I am losing weight for myself, but sometimes it's nice to know people notice. My boyfriend claims he sees a difference, but I think he's just being nice. I honestly haven't really noticed it myself yet either. I don't have any really good before pics but there are a few I took right before I started eating healthier. I haven't taken any recently. I haven't really told my friends I've been losing weight either, but I thought my close friends would at least notice. But based on your feedback, I probably shouldn't expect anything until later on because 1. I'm so tall and 2. I have a lot of weight to lose.

    Thanks everyone for helping me be less discouraged. :)
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Soooo I've lost almost 25 lbs. and no one has really noticed. People I haven't seen since before I started weight haven't noticed. People I see every day haven't notice. It's discouraging. I have a lot of weight to lose but I thought 25 lbs. would be more noticeable.

    Didn't read the other replies.

    Usually means you carry your weight well.
  • LilyMammoth
    LilyMammoth Posts: 38 Member
    Hmmm that's a very good point. I've had people on several occasions under estimate my weight on several occasions. Maybe they're being nice or maybe it's true. Haha
  • CarolinaStarfish
    CarolinaStarfish Posts: 5 Member

    First -hurray for that first 25 pounds gone!

    I agree with much of what has been said. I have over well 100 pounds to lose. Sadly I've lost that same 'over 100 pounds' before (grrr!). at 5'8" and larger framed my weight has never been terribly noticeable unless there are big changes. I can easily wear much of the same clothes over a 30-40 pound weight range. People regularly underestimated my weight in college. The first time around I lost well over 50 pounds before it became noticeable enough for comments and I think that was probably about this time it really started to show in my face. I also think that people don't pay as much attention to our bodies as we do. Casual friends and co-workers are generally in their own world and may or may not notice it or may not want to risk offending. Good friends/family see you for YOU so unless they know you're trying to lose weight it might not even occur to them until it's blatantly obvious.

    I do understand wanting someone (anyone!) to notice. I too am doing this for me - every drop on the scale, that ticker with 'pounds lost' moving down, the fact I feel better already and my wedding ring isn't strangling my finger is all positive reinforcement. But there's something about someone saying "Hey, you've lost weight!" that just makes the sun a little brighter for a moment for me ;-)
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Hmmm that's a very good point. I've had people on several occasions under estimate my weight on several occasions. Maybe they're being nice or maybe it's true. Haha

    Dude, I weight 430ish pounds right now, was 485 at the highest, and the very highest guess I've ever received for my weight from a visual assertion was 290.

    It's very possible you carry it well, or it just melts overall. If the boyfriend is telling you he sees it, don't write him off as just being nice if you can get yourself to not do that. Whether he is or isn't, you don't want to discourage him from saying it!!!
  • Linda8989
    Linda8989 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't feel too disappointed because after another 10 or so, they'll probably notice. I started out over 300 and it took about 40-50 lbs before people really took note. That's fine, because the only person who it truly needs to matter for is yourself, and you KNOW you're doing great!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    It's also possible that people do notice but aren't sure how to gracefully say anything because they don't want to imply that they thought you looked bad before.

    definitely this. I have lost a little over 50lbs, and only my parents and one family friend has said something. Don't feel bad. I am also tall, 5'9"
  • rocketblaster
    rocketblaster Posts: 50 Member
    Hey There,

    I'm in the same boat as you, other than my bf (who was away working for several months while I lost 30 lbs) and my sister no one has commented on my weight loss. I've lost 30 lbs (and I'm 5'3") and have about 25 left to go. I really think that it's noticeable and I started to get discouraged that no one noticed. Then I realized that people really are not that interested in other people's day to day because they are just trying to get through their own day. Maybe they are not sure if I have, maybe then are too into their own troubles to care...who knows...what I've decided is that this time, unlike that last time I lost weight, I don't care about other people's opinions of my weight loss are. I got quite discouraged and gave up last time partly due to "no one noticing" but not this time. I'm in smaller clothes, I'm running and I'm set to meet my goal (by October I hope) and even then, if no one notices it's okay because I'm feeling proud, getting healthy and accomplishing a goal.

    I hope that you celebrate your loss and try not to worry about others. I think that a lot of people are simply stuck in their own heads (and they probably thought you looked fab before you lost so they still think the same thing).
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I have lost 150 pounds and no one said anything at family christmas dinner

    its weird but it happens disappointing yeah sure but oh well

    someone will notice
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Yes, what everyone else has said. The taller and heavier you are, the more you have to lose for people to notice. The plus side of this, the more you can weigh. I lost 60lbs last summer and no one really noticed at work. Combination of many things. I was wearing the same clothes, so they just got really baggy and unflattering. So, when they did notice, it was basically, get some new clothes already, you look like MC Hammer type of thing. And the other is I tend to go up and down really quickly. Those 60lbs, yeah, I gained them all back the next 6 months and still wore the same clothes.

    What everyone else has said, it is AMAZING what you see though when you take side by side pictures. Same outfit (tight) same position. I have been blown away to see other people do this and to see what a difference just 10lbs make. We don't even see it in the mirror on ourselves, but a picture can capture that. I just can't stand to see the truth the camera tells quite yet to do that. I'm a diaper baby.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Put your before and after pic on here and we will notice. We will encourage you! I love before and after photos! :flowerforyou: Here's a first cheer for losing 25lbs!!!
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I don't want to sound preachy. But I have found that if I lose weight for myself I could care less what other people think. I feel like you shouldn't wait or rely on people to dictate how you feel or your motivation.If you've lost the weight than that should be good enough.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I have lost 36 and no one actually said anything until I lost around 30-35. It can be very discouraging but remember who you're doing this for: YOURSELF. The comments will follow.

    And I second the statement that people don't comment sometimes because it's a touchy subject. I try to steer very clear of it, myself. However, the other day I told an acquaintance that I hadn't seen in at least 6 months that he was looking very slim and he started beaming and thanked me for being the only woman to actually compliment him on his recent weight loss. He looks fantastic and it is super noticeable (I'd estimate he lost at least 40-50 pounds).

    Chin up. It's about how YOU feel. The rest of the world is soon to follow.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    Not many people noticed till I had lost about 30 pounds. And when I started buying newer smaller clothes, then they REALLY started noticing. It was kind of funny actually. I work in a busy salon, and it seemed to be as my clothes got smaller people really took notice. :) That and 92 lbs off my 5'3" body too, lol
  • caseys29
    caseys29 Posts: 63 Member
    It took a while before people noticed I'd lost weight, also. I can't remember exactly when, but probably around 40 pounds before I started getting comments. I've lost 60 pounds now and get comments daily, but sometimes I'm reluctant to admit how much I've lost, since I still have so much to go. I just had someone at work ask me how I'd lost and I told her 62 pounds. She said, "You weren't THAT big, were you?!" and then came around my desk to look at me. Kind of makes you feel like a freak. I'm proud of my weight loss, but I'm not sure that as I get closer to 100 pounds lost, I'll keep telling people how much I've really lost when they ask. I don't really want people looking at me and doing the math when they hear a huge number like 100 pounds and see a 200+ pound person in front of them.

    Anyway, keep up the good work! Take pictures and measurements, if you're not already. I have a hard time seeing the weight loss myself, but just looked at comparison pictures from when I was down 20 pounds and now and the difference is amazing. It's great motivation to keep going.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Just because they don't say it, doesn't mean they don't notice.

    That being said. I've lost 17 pounds but I'm only 5'0" tall so you'd think it would make a difference. No one seemed to notice and I didn't see much of a difference for the first 10 or 12. Then I started weight lifting. The next FEW pounds were much more noticeable as I also dropped two pant sizes as well.
  • sparklefrogz
    sparklefrogz Posts: 281 Member
    I honestly haven't really noticed it myself yet either. I don't have any really good before pics but there are a few I took right before I started eating healthier. I haven't taken any recently.

    Well scoot and go take some now, to compare to the ones you do have, and measure yourself while you're at it. :P

    I have a little reminder in my calendar to do this once a month. It definitely helps me see the progress.

    Also +1 to the comments about people noticing but not saying anything. That is the dominant culture in my geographic area and social group -- only close family members or friends would ever bring up the fact you've lost weight, unless you bring it up first.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I +1 everything everyone else has said. I will add that you should take some pictures now! You'll wish you did later. Even though you don't have ones from when you first started, it can really help you see the loss later.
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    Most people are not going to notice for all the reasons said above. I would like to add that wearing the same clothing hides the fact too. It wasn't until i had stuff taken in or better yet bought some new wardrobe stuff that it was too obvious to ignore. I'm in for treating myself to new stuff after hitting goals (and bringing out old clothes that now fit well). I've lost 80lbs. in a little over a year and half and just now folks are commenting - Ironic since i've passed the phase of looking for compliments - could've used them 6 months ago...
  • B32Roden
    B32Roden Posts: 11
    I lost 20lbs the year before last and only one person I work with noticed.

    You're not doing it for them, you're doing it for you.