25 lbs. lighter and no one has noticed



  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    Keep making progress, some will notice, some will not. Everyone here is spot on. The energy and pleasure you get from your progress will hopefully keep you propelled in the right direction. And when feeling low about your accomplishments comparison photos are always great reminder of the progress. I have noticed how popular they are on here because it helps others gain motivation. This is a supporting community and already you can see how many share similar feelings.

    Congratulation, we are proud of your dedication! :flowerforyou:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think there's some truth to the height thing, for sure. I'm not quite as tall at 5'8" but I do think it's less noticeable when I gain OR lose weight than it is on my shorter friends.

    When my weight crawled up from 260 to slightly over 300, no one really seemed to notice (not that they would have commented) so as I worked my tail off to get back to "normal for me", NO ONE noticed. Granted, it took me a few years to do that (pre-MFP) but my mom was the *only* person to say, "Hmmm you look like you are losing some weight in your thighs" and that was it. Even when I commented to my best friend that I was down 30 lb, she looked taken aback and shocked, kind of like she didn't believe me! That sucked!

    However, somewhere along the line everyone started commenting. Now I feel almost embarrassed about it because it happens constantly. I am sure the same thing will happen for you!! Just be patient - I know it's easier said than done!

    I have not read the other responses yet, but I wanted to add that measurements and clothes from your largest sizes will help you a lot when you may feel that others don't "see the loss" or even if you don't feel that different. Good luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    25 lbs. lighter and no one has noticed

    Have you seen all of the threads here with all of the people complaining when others comment on their weight loss? It's something that people often just don't talk about either way because many people just can't take a compliment and interpret, "wow...you've lost weight...lookin' good" as "wow...you used to look like a big fat *kitten* piece of ****."

    It's highly likely people notice...and highly likely that they just have no comment to be on the safe side. Barring that, my first 20 out of 40 was not tremendously noticeable;...my last 20 was night and day and I think people felt stupid not saying something about it due to it being so blatantly obvious...but really, I was down a good 30 or so Lbs before anyone piped up.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I am 5'8 and I dont think people really noticed unless they had not seen me for a while. I started getting more comments around the 40lb mark...and just recently if I see someone I have not seen in a while, they notice. (now 65lbs down)

    i haven't read further than this. Because this is the correct answer.

    I have lost almost 50 lbs, and the people I see daily haven't really noticed. because they see me daily. And even friends and family members that i see occasionally didn't say anything for the first 30-35 lbs. But the last 10 lbs seems to have made the biggest difference to them.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    People don't comment on weight loss because they either:

    A) Don't care (We often like to think other people think about us more than they actually do)
    B) Don't want to bring up weight loss because it is a touchy subject
    C) They are annoyed with their own weight and rather not talk about yours.

    I have noticed this ^, too, on all accounts.

    There are the few people who will say at some point that you are an inspiration and will want your support. But there are also people who I now feel uncomfortable talking about my "so far" success because I feel they look down on me. It is nice to be noticed but it becomes a personal victory over all. Your body will notice and will thank you. Your health will reward you.
  • golfmonk
    golfmonk Posts: 119 Member
    First off, congratulations OP on losing the 25 pounds. You must be proud of the what you have accomplished so far and I am sure you are well on your way towards your goal weight.

    For myself, I started noticing my weight loss when I dropped about 15 pounds (pants were looser, lost an inch around the waist, blood pressure numbers were better, etc), but only a handful of people said anything. It was not until I lost 25 pounds (and another 2 inches off the waist) that I started getting compliments by coworkers, people at the gym, my friends and family, etc.

    But like others mentioned, I am doing the weight loss for improvement of my health (taking stress off a bad leg/knee, getting off prescription drugs, and so on) and not for the validation and comments from others. I treat the comments as icing on the cake (I do admit it is nice to hear the compliments that my hard work is paying off), but has no impact on my weight loss journey as I slowly get towards by goal weight.

    Best of luck to you (and anyone else reading this) on getting to their goals!
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Congrats. I find that it takes a couple months after losing the weight and in the maintaining stage that suddenly out of no where everyone starts commenting about my weight loss. I lost 10 pounds and no one said anything until after I gave up losing but was motivated not to gain weight. That was Jan 2012. In April everyone started commenting. Same thing happened in 2013 with 25 pounds lost. It was two months after I stopped losing and just maintaining that I got tons of compliments. I've now lost another 20 and no comments.
  • marmain
    marmain Posts: 25 Member

    *not to diminish 25lbs of good progress! Pick up a 25 lb turkey in the supermarket or something and you will see how much of an accomplishment that is! Good work! :)

    I was just thinking of this yesterday when I picked up two pounds of deli meat. One pound is not a small amount for sure.

    I was always told to look at each pound as the equivalent of a package (box) of butter. So, for each pound lost, you've shed 4 sticks of butter. Weird, but it puts it into perspective.

    Congrats OP on losing 100 sticks of butter! Others will notice eventually. As long as you notice and see the effort, that's what counts.
  • Flying_Joe
    Flying_Joe Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't start receiving any comments whatsoever from anyone before I had lost 40 pounds - and then only 4 people. Not until 60 pounds did I get a few more hesitant responses. This was like going from a size 60 waist to 50 so definitely change happening.

    Now I'm at 90 pounds lost, and I think only now would people who know me well and/or people like my corner store owner both finally feel confident enough to say something. (I'm 5'9" and have gone from 360 to 270, so far. I have never volunteered to anyone that I was losing weight, but answer when asked about it)

    I'm going to generalize from my own experience and say that I think it takes at least 30-40 pounds lost for people to feel there's something happening, and at least 60 to 90 pounds to then feel comfortable to risk saying something about it.

    Just the way it is... :)
    I should add that even today, twice I saw some people who had seen me plenty right up to before I started losing weight and I would swear they have no idea I've changed, while some others notice right away. I think most of those who don't notice the change never really saw me as 'the heavy person' but actually saw me... :)