Help! He's withering away!



  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Oatmeal - made with a can of coconut milk - throw in some fruit like blueberries... add some chocolate chips ... it's rich, decadent - and enough calories to probably feed a family in one bowl.

    He is pre diabetic. This could spike him. He needs his doctor.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    Get off the damn internet and go to the doctor.

    This is actually pretty solid advice. If you know he already has existing health issues, he really should be in to see his doctor to make sure it's not something more serious.

    Also, you should check out some of the nutrition bars on the market. They're usually pretty high calorie so good for putting on weight and a quick way to get in a breakfast. However, you have to read labels and be pretty choosing to make sure you're not getting sugary junk. My fave are the Larabars, but I'm not sure if their offered internationally :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    And please don't use "yuck" to describe your husband who seems to be having medical problems. Poor guy.

  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Doctor yes. Also try to make cooking for him or eating out fun and romantic. Seduce him with food.......
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Yup. Time to hit up a doctor and see what they say. I'm sure he'll need to get his blood work done more often to keep track of what's going on and should probably be referred to a nutritionist as he'll need to find high calorie options that don't have a high glycemic load. Pasta is great for adding calories for a non-diabetic, but carbs are not the best choice for diabetics or pre-diabetics.
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member
    reward him with things he enjoys if he starts eating healthier.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    Yuck did offend me. We all have to stop thinking it's ok to be rude when we're talking about thin.
  • ebrggqe
    ebrggqe Posts: 8 Member
    People here are wonderful, but because your husband is diabetic and has lost so much weight he really needs to get immediate help from a doctor or nutritionist. I don't know about "yuck". It seems more like a "yikes" situation to me.

    This ^^ Unintentional weight loss can be the first sign of several serious medical conditions.

  • Car2992
    Car2992 Posts: 4
    See a nutritionist. :-)
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    You've already received good advice from the people who said to have him see a doctor. There are a number of illnesses, most of them serious, that cause unintentional weight loss. Cancer is one of them.

    You described his diet as not being particularly healthy, but PB&J sandwiches and ice cream is probably not the cause of his weight loss (otherwise we'd all be on that diet).
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    PB&J sandwiches and ice cream is probably not the cause of his weight loss (otherwise we'd all be on that diet).

    OP said he eats 2 PB&J sandwiches and a pint of ice cream - that's it.

    Two PB&J sandwiches: roughly 800 calories
    One pint of Breyer's chocolate ice cream: 560 calories
    Total: 1360 calories
    ^^ this is why he's losing weight. Even if he was eating Ben & Jerry's, it wouldn't be enough to sustain his weight, especially with a job that requires him to be on his feet most of the day.

    Seriously, a grown man who eats PB&J sandwiches and ice cream as his only form of sustenance most likely isn't dying of cancer. It's a guy who doesn't care about nutrition or his own health.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    He has a Dr appt this week so hopefully we will get some solid answers. Thank you sooo much for the helpful answers. I try to help him every way I can but I cant keep him away from sugar...hes a grown I cook for him, encourage him, give him tips, advice etc, but Its up to him I guess.

    Thank you for getting back to us to let us now that he has an appointment.

    For now, stop focusing on what he is eating. Leave him be until you both know what is going on.

  • 6yuu
    6yuu Posts: 30 Member
    Make sure he eats lots of veggies and foods that are high in protein and iron. Suggest that he makes big smoothies for breakfast that you can put supplementary powders in (for nutrients). Also nuts and seeds, especially almonds. Good luck!
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    "No offense" doesn't make it better.

    I usually find that people who said "No offense" are about to say something pretty offensive.
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    I started packing my boyfriend's lunches whenever I could. He is also gaining though, but I got him out of the bchelor food lifestyle and he started to put on weight and turned it to muscle by going to the gym. One thing that really helped was I had dinners prepared so he couldn't say they weren't there or that he was too tired to make anything. And on my days off I would make somethin a bit more extravagent, like roast chicken dinner on the weekends with a chicken, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, whole grain stuffing, cranberry sauce.

    I found preparing foods in advance to be greatly beneficial to getting him gain.

    Breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, waffle sticks ( all home made and whole wheat or unbleached white) in the freezer for him to toast or micrwave before leaving or once at work.

    Making excess of meals and having plenty of tuperware on hand. All ectras are basically tuend in to TV dinners and kept in the freezer for easy re-heat and lunches.

    Even when I make homemade burgers, I make extra and layer them with wax paper in a freezer bag in the freezer for easy access for him when I work late.

    If it is prepared, there is no excuse not to eat it.
  • HaelaBaer
    HaelaBaer Posts: 44
    If he's on board with healthy food, then he should be on board with helping himself too. Here's what I do: go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier and make breakfast. Boil an egg for lunch every day and drink a protein shake or the like pre workout. On the weekends cook lots of chicken and bag it for a healthy snack ( this I do for my weight lifting son and hubby, but I add it to my own salads for quick protein dinners).
    Ultimately it's his choice. Pb and j is fine, but I'd stop buying ice cream if he eats so much. IMHO
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    My husband is wasting away...his eating habits are atrocious yet he has lost 20 pounds in 2 years...not trying to. How can I get more calories in him. He's pre diabetic on top of everything else...and he refuses to lift weights. His stats are 5'11 139...yuck. no offense.Help!

    ^that sounds terrible..

    does he consume any alcohol or other substances?

    and.. you really should talk to him about it.. 0_o
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If he's on board with healthy food, then he should be on board with helping himself too. Here's what I do: go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier and make breakfast. Boil an egg for lunch every day and drink a protein shake or the like pre workout. On the weekends cook lots of chicken and bag it for a healthy snack ( this I do for my weight lifting son and hubby, but I add it to my own salads for quick protein dinners).
    Ultimately it's his choice. Pb and j is fine, but I'd stop buying ice cream if he eats so much. IMHO

    What the absolute heck are you talking about...

    Stop buying the food he eats when he is "withering way" and sub with lean protein...

    I can't even right now --
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I started packing my boyfriend's lunches whenever I could. He is also gaining though, but I got him out of the bchelor food lifestyle and he started to put on weight and turned it to muscle by going to the gym. One thing that really helped was I had dinners prepared so he couldn't say they weren't there or that he was too tired to make anything. And on my days off I would make somethin a bit more extravagent, like roast chicken dinner on the weekends with a chicken, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, whole grain stuffing, cranberry sauce.

    I found preparing foods in advance to be greatly beneficial to getting him gain.

    Breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, waffle sticks ( all home made and whole wheat or unbleached white) in the freezer for him to toast or micrwave before leaving or once at work.

    Making excess of meals and having plenty of tuperware on hand. All ectras are basically tuend in to TV dinners and kept in the freezer for easy re-heat and lunches.

    Even when I make homemade burgers, I make extra and layer them with wax paper in a freezer bag in the freezer for easy access for him when I work late.

    If it is prepared, there is no excuse not to eat it.

    marry me? :flowerforyou:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    People here are wonderful, but because your husband is diabetic and has lost so much weight he really needs to get immediate help from a doctor or nutritionist. I don't know about "yuck". It seems more like a "yikes" situation to me.
    ^^this^^ Sounds like it's time to visit a doctor who specializes in nutrition for folks with diabetes.