how skinny is sexy?



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    On the off chance that you are actually serious:

    95 lbs is way to thin for 5'6". Please, for the sake of your health, put on some weight.

    If you want to know what your husband finds attractive, you need to ask HIM, not "society" or "all men."
  • If he finds you attractive at 95lbs and at 5'6" and you are healthy which I highly doubt because my mom is 5'5" and 95lbs and she is anorexic and suffers from a horrible eating dissorder. Now if you get to a healthy weight whatever that may be (please consult a doctor) and if he doesn't like it, tell him to stick it.

    simple as that but hope this isn't serious because he is your husband, you should know what he wants.
  • Nazy1343
    Nazy1343 Posts: 54 Member
    On the off chance that you are actually serious:

    95 lbs is way to thin for 5'6". Please, for the sake of your health, put on some weight.

    If you want to know what your husband finds attractive, you need to ask HIM, not "society" or "all men."

    I agree. Be happy with yourself first, it is your body and you decide how you like it and how you take care of it.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I'm going to assume that your husband loves you very much and is probably highly concerned about your self image if you think at your height that, that weight is by any stretch of the imagination healthy. You really, really need to see a doctor. I am 5'3.5" 118 lbs and perfectly happy at this weight and I'm actually in the process of putting on weight. Loving yourself shouldn't have a number. Feeling sexy doesn't either. Inside you is the key. That soul within the body can radiate so bright if you free yourself from the torment of thinking you have to fit some self envisioned mold that you believe society has set.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    So today's society confuses me. There are girls who are super skinny that men find attractive, but then there are women who are curvy and a little 'chubby' that is attractive. So what would the ideal sexy weight be for a woman of 5'6"? The reason I ask is because I want my husband to be happy with me and he doesn't seem very happy with me at 95 any advice?
    How about not dangerously thin?

    As with EVERY other thread you've started about your serious issue: your husband is probably worried about your BMI of 15.3. He's probably worried about how much weight you lost and the eating disorder that resulted. I doubt this is really about "sexiness".

    signed: 5'6" 135

    May I ask what threads I have written?

    No, just be flattered that you have a stalker.

    No need to stalk her, she's posted one or two threads a day asking the same things over and over.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    So today's society confuses me. There are girls who are super skinny that men find attractive, but then there are women who are curvy and a little 'chubby' that is attractive. So what would the ideal sexy weight be for a woman of 5'6"? The reason I ask is because I want my husband to be happy with me and he doesn't seem very happy with me at 95 any advice?
    How about not dangerously thin?

    As with EVERY other thread you've started about your serious issue: your husband is probably worried about your BMI of 15.3. He's probably worried about how much weight you lost and the eating disorder that resulted. I doubt this is really about "sexiness".

    signed: 5'6" 135

    May I ask what threads I have written?

    No, just be flattered that you have a stalker.
    Stick around a while. You'll catch on.
  • supersparklies
    supersparklies Posts: 40 Member
    A better question would be, what do YOU find attractive? How do YOU want to look?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    A better question would be, what do YOU find attractive? How do YOU want to look?
    Hopefully not 5'6" and 95Lbs.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    I am not sure about some of the responses here, telling the OP its important that that she be happy with herself, its about what she wants etc when its clear that that the OP is severely underweight and is happy with that.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I think I can speak for all men...

    We don't find women 5'6" attractive, your husband is lying to you.

    Men don't even find women attractive.

    They find beer, wings, and football attractive.
    OP is definitely trolling.

    ^not true. They will sometimes watch the cheerleaders for a minute at football games... But only when they've got a full cup of beer, they're getting bored, and there is nothing else football related going on.....

    Isn't that from American Beauty?
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Your post sounds similar to several that have been posted. Your husband doesn't want you to weigh want to lose more weight (or at least maintain 95lbs). Maybe he wants to have a not so much...

    Just saying...
    In for the man bashing. Battle stations.
  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    I don't know about the aesthetic side of this argument but I'm 5'2" and the one time I was 95lbs it was terrible. I had some hair loss, my nails were too brittle to the point that I count grow them out anymore, my skin were dry and if had no strength watsoever. You mustn't fe very good at your weight right now either.
    I'd say aim for 110 at least at your height may be?
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I am 5'6 and weigh 128lbs and I will not go under 125lbs. I can't imagine only 95lbs at that height yikes!
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    Some of the responses are EPIC....
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Your post sounds similar to several that have been posted. Your husband doesn't want you to weigh want to lose more weight (or at least maintain 95lbs). Maybe he wants to have a not so much...

    Just saying...
    In for the man bashing. Battle stations.

    I'm just going to drink beer and watch baseball

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Your post sounds similar to several that have been posted. Your husband doesn't want you to weigh want to lose more weight (or at least maintain 95lbs). Maybe he wants to have a not so much...

    Just saying...
    In for the man bashing. Battle stations.
    What man bashing? She's 5'6"and 95LBS. She's got a BMI of FIFTEEN. I suspect her husband i freaking out that she lost weight, lost some more, lost some more and is now out of control. (other posts referenced that "they" were trying for a baby... with her with an ED).
  • Your post sounds similar to several that have been posted. Your husband doesn't want you to weigh want to lose more weight (or at least maintain 95lbs). Maybe he wants to have a not so much...

    Just saying...
    In for the man bashing. Battle stations.

    I'm just going to drink beer and watch baseball


    I approve haha

    Anyways all my posts have been about maintanence, and I am completely serious about this because I want to make my husband happy. I want to be healthy and look healthy. Since I should be gaining weight what kinds of meals should I be having? Ice cream ok? Lol hamburgers? Or salads?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Your post sounds similar to several that have been posted. Your husband doesn't want you to weigh want to lose more weight (or at least maintain 95lbs). Maybe he wants to have a not so much...

    Just saying...
    In for the man bashing. Battle stations.

    I'm just going to drink beer and watch baseball


    I approve haha

    Anyways all my posts have been about maintanence, and I am completely serious about this because I want to make my husband happy. I want to be healthy and look healthy. Since I should be gaining weight what kinds of meals should I be having? Ice cream ok? Lol hamburgers? Or salads?

    If you want to gain weight and gain great curves, then start a lifting program and make sure that you are getting plenty of protein. A good general starting point for strength training is 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass and 0.35 grams of fat per pound of total body weight. Fill the rest of carbs, just make sure you also get enough fiber and micronutrients. Hamburgers and ice cream, if done so that they fit your macro requirements, are just fine. Set your calories for a slow gain of maybe 1/2 a pound a week. It's hard to gain for many women, I realize, and dipping your toes into that process is probably the best way. You may also want to force yourself to stay away from the scale for a while and focus instead on your strength numbers and that progress.

    As for lifting programs, I'd start with something like "Stronglifts 5 x 5" or "Starting Strength" but also take a look at "Strong Curves." My wife had ED issues when she was much younger, and has also been through chemo, and weight training has made all the difference.
  • Your post sounds similar to several that have been posted. Your husband doesn't want you to weigh want to lose more weight (or at least maintain 95lbs). Maybe he wants to have a not so much...

    Just saying...
    In for the man bashing. Battle stations.

    I'm just going to drink beer and watch baseball


    I approve haha

    Anyways all my posts have been about maintanence, and I am completely serious about this because I want to make my husband happy. I want to be healthy and look healthy. Since I should be gaining weight what kinds of meals should I be having? Ice cream ok? Lol hamburgers? Or salads?

    If you want to gain weight and gain great curves, then start a lifting program and make sure that you are getting plenty of protein. A good general starting point for strength training is 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass and 0.35 grams of fat per pound of total body weight. Fill the rest of carbs, just make sure you also get enough fiber and micronutrients. Hamburgers and ice cream, if done so that they fit your macro requirements, are just fine. Set your calories for a slow gain of maybe 1/2 a pound a week. It's hard to gain for many women, I realize, and dipping your toes into that process is probably the best way. You may also want to force yourself to stay away from the scale for a while and focus instead on your strength numbers and that progress.

    As for lifting programs, I'd start with something like "Stronglifts 5 x 5" or "Starting Strength" but also take a look at "Strong Curves." My wife had ED issues when she was much younger, and has also been through chemo, and weight training has made all the difference.

    Thank you so much this helps A LOT :) yeah the scale will become my enemy lol it already is....
    How many calories should I eat to gain half a pound a week do you think? Or should I not count and eat whatever?
  • I suggest that you see a nutrionist or registered dietician to get the right answers to your questions. This person will help you reach a healthy weight in a healthy way.