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What does you do for a living?



  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I work for a new company called Earth Products. It's a Hydrogen Enriched Electrolyte Mineral Water. Only thing on the market like this :) and about to Explode :)
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering. Minor in Mathematics. I work as a Senior Software Developer for a company in the Willis Tower downtown Chicago.
  • BGoodz22
    BGoodz22 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security.

    It sounds a lot cooler than it is :)
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Space Cowboy!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    Group fitness instructor before I got knocked up again atm stay at home mum
  • morey3ml
    morey3ml Posts: 19
    Registered Dietian, working for the State as a Health Care Surveyor.
  • kimmerd37
    kimmerd37 Posts: 24 Member
    I am a property manager.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I am also a full time student. 1 more year and I'll have my AA in Business Administration if I knew that it was going to take 3 years to get it. I would have just gone to Texas A&M for a Bachelors
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    Depending on the time of day, I'm either a radiology student, medical scribe, or an instigator. I also teach yoga on the side..

    Mostly I just drink coffee.
  • I've been disabled; but have rehabilitated myself and am trying to get back into the work force.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Software Auditor by day... flippin houses on the side.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    On disability but I used to do Internet tech support for cable and dsl. Specializing in mac...
  • Justin1434
    Justin1434 Posts: 469 Member
    Produce clerk in a grocery store 14 years in the biz :)
  • benaddict
    benaddict Posts: 1,381 Member
    I just realized that the topic line says "what does you do for a living". My apologies. I had started to write "What does everyone do for a living?" and decided to change it to "what do YOU do for a living" and forgot to delete the 'es"' at the end.

    So sorry! :embarassed:

    I'm guessing your not an English teacher

    I'm guessing you're not either.

    Hahaha I was thinking the same!

    I'm a secondary school French teacher :smile:

    Me too! I teach four levels of French at a local high school. But it's SUMMER now, woo!
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    Full-time student in accounting. One more year for my B.Acy.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Full time NHS Security Liaison in a secure forensic mental health unit, also working part time as a secure transfer driver.
  • running_tall
    running_tall Posts: 213 Member
    I just realized that the topic line says "what does you do for a living". My apologies. I had started to write "What does everyone do for a living?" and decided to change it to "what do YOU do for a living" and forgot to delete the 'es"' at the end.

    So sorry! :embarassed:

    I'm guessing your not an English teacher

    Beat me to it!

    I'm guessing you're not either.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I work at a gym! I'm also a certified personal trainer, choreographer & makeup artist. :)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Retired but former financial advisor. Currently have a hobby job making and selling my own lotions and potions.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    I am a federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security.

    It sounds a lot cooler than it is :)

    I'm a DHS-er too! Are you with ICE, CBP, FEMA...?