Nerds Unite!



  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm not the gaming type of nerd, I'm much more the books & Star Wars type. I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs and always looking for friends to help motivate & swap ideas with. I'm going to Comic-con this weekend with my Doctor Who son & nephew, but Im going as R2D2 hence my dress in my profile pic.
  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    I got through about half of this thread and decided I had to post. I'll read more later.

    I'm a big geek. I am speaking this year at GenCon (best four days of gaming!) in Indianapolis this August. I love all kinds of gaming -- mostly Euro board games like Carcassone and Catan. I also played WoW for years but quit when my daughter was born. I love all things Star Trek, Firefly, Twilight Zone.. you name it. I also worked as a reader's guide in the Young Adult department of a public library so I read a heck of a lot of scifi and fantasy for teens and adults.

    Add me! I love geeks!
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    If Doctor Who and an unhealthy obsession with pokemon is nerdy then sign me up! ;)
    I'd love more friends on here so as long as you are understanding about strange eating habits feel free to add me! I am not really at a place where I want to change how I'm eating, so I can't handle negativity, but I'm very supportive of whatever is working for you! :)
  • MiXish
    MiXish Posts: 1

    I recently joined this site. I've been using it to help track my goals, but when I came across this thread I felt compelled to introduce myself. I'm a gamer, mostly MMOs. Unsurprisingly, I gained most of my weight while working for a gaming company in Austin; I worked the graveyard shift, behind a computer all night, and ate nothing but Jack In The Box (opened 24hrs!). I enjoy comics, and cos-play (especially steampunk style) but have been too embarrassed to dress up due to being a fatty. Also, Whedonverse and Supernatural all the way!

    For a few years I've been wishing I could lose these extra pounds (its amazing how they creep up on you when you're distracted by life in general). This past year was especially hard on me health-wise. My blood-pressure skyrocketed, I suffered from migraines, and overall just wasn't a happy person. But "wishing" the weight away only does so much.

    One night I was laying in bed (feeling cruddy as usual) and instead of Youtube-ing PVP strategies for World of Warcraft, I looked up "weight-loss, before and afters". The next morning I made the decision to get fit. At 5'2" I shouldn't be 213 pounds.

    That was a month ago. I have about 70 lbs to go (already down 12!). Seeing how others progressed with their weight-loss is really an inspiration to me. I hope y'all continue to post on these forums.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Unrelated to anything but my favorite episode of the series was probably the mid-series rescue from New Caprica... thought they outdid themselves on that one.

    That was absolutely EPIC. Goosebumps epic. I would say the same thing if asked to throw out a BSG "amazing moment"

    I think I remember my hubby leaping up and yelling in amazement.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    you'r a nerd..I know
    you'r a nerd..I know

    gud spellingk bra, u brned us so baaaad
  • NerdySamoan
    Huge Green Lantern fan growing up. Followed Kyle Rayner from the start of emerald twilight up until the rebirth series in 2005.
    Even named my daughter JAde after the first Green Lanterns Daughter.
    Collected comic books up until i was 22 now my kids read them all.

    Loved anime my whole life, watch alot of it with my kids. read alot of manga.
    Sill play video games.
  • Rabadasher
    Hi I'm a nerdy gamer Trekkie, my name is Michael I am 35 years old, at the moment I am playing FFXIV on the Leviathan server, I played FFXI for 10 years with some WOW sprinkled in. But I will play almost anything from COD to Mario Kart. I lost alot of weight 15 years or so ago and through the year have gained it all back. I am looking to lost around 125 lbs just for the reason if anything to be healthier for my family. I tried fitness pal before but wasn't successful with it because I really didn't post or get involved to much hoping to change that by trying more this time.
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member

    First time poster here. My name is Candace and I'm a nerd.

    I absolutely LOVE Marvel comics. My favorite is Spider-man (Amazing, Spectacular, 2099, Friendly Neighborhood, the ultimate spider-man with Miles Morales, the only one I disliked was Superior, sooo glad that's over with). I also really enjoy Daredevil, Deadpool, Hawkeye, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Savage Wolverine, Moon Knight, Scarlet Spider. I'm waiting for the trades to get into the new MS Marvel, the new Daredevil, Punisher, Loki Agent of Asgard, the new Moon knight. I'm sure I'm missing a few titles. I also want to start reading Deadpool, the few I've read so far has been awesome. DC can mostly suck it, although I do follow some stuff from the new 52 (Aquaman and Catwoman).
    Outside of the big two I really enjoy Fables, East of West, Walking Dead, Cowboy Ninja Viking, Fuse, Rising Stars, Thief of Thieves, Saga, X, Pretty Deadly, Hinterkind One of my favorites was something that ran in Dragon magazine back in the day, Zogonia. There's only the one collected edition but it was sooo good! Trees just came out and seems pretty good so far. There's a couple other that I just started and they seem pretty cool too.

    As you can see there's comics but I do have other nerdy interests such as Game of Thrones (I read the books before it became a show, I do watch the show too), Walking Dead, Grimm, Once Upon a Time, Marvel's Agents of Shield, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Stargate SGI, Stargate Atlantis to name a few. I have started to go to the gym every second day which leaves less time for watching tv. Even though I read tons of comics I still find myself able to really enjoy the new Marvel movies that have been released. I'm really looking forward to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie in August (I am a little worried about how Groot will be played but I was assured at commiccon last month by Nick Bradshaw that I won't be dissapointed so I've got my fingers crossed!)

    I'm also a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. I've tried playing World of Darkness in the past but that always fell through. Currently I'm in two campaigns, one for D&D Next and the other is a Pathfinder game. I'm considering running my own game but I'm waiting for the rule books to be published for the new version of D&D. Even then I might not have the time to organize it all.
  • MeganElizabeth474
    Hey all, this would be my first post (considering I joined today) and I have to say this thread really appealed to me! I'd definitely consider myself nerdy. Even my workout method is a tad nerdy.

    I use an app (one of those couch to 5K sorta things) called Zombies, Run! and Zombies, Run! 5K Training. I'm in my second week of the 5K Training and I have to say I love it so far! Basically, it's an IRL RPG and an audiobook and DayZ all had a wonderful manchild together. You listen to a story of this zombie apocalypse as you run, and you collect items and build up a base. It's a very gentle introduction for people who are used to just sitting on their butts all day, and I'd love to know if anyone else has tried it!

    Besides, Zombies, I enjoy anime, manga, gaming, linguistics, tabletops, and writing. I watch almost any sort of anime. Some favorites would include Higurashi, Elfen Lied, Yu Yu Hakusho, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya. I mostly read slice-of-life manga, and some favorites would include: Kuragehime (the anime was great too), 1/2 Prince (I believe that's the title anyway), and Fruitbasket. I'm VERY big into gaming. Mostly RPGs, Surival, and Indie games. Some favorite games would include The Fallout Series, The Fable Series, The Elder Scrolls series, Don't Starve, Starbound, Terraria, and plenty more! Linguistics-wise, I speak English and a very little Spanish, but I'm learning German and Japanese fairly soon. I find languages and accents and voices and cultures all utterly fascinating. And for tabletops, I LOVE DnD nd quite a few other tabletop RPGs. I've recently started playing Neverwinter just for a little more DnD in my life. :P

    Feel free to add me if you'd like to talk! I don't bite, promise. :D

    - Megan
  • rystraum
    rystraum Posts: 10 Member
    Apps make tracking so much easier!

    I use Stronglifts 5x5 app for Android to keep track of my Stronglifts progress. Nowadays, I just go to the gym, look at the app how much weight I should lift and just do it. It adds 5lbs to what I should lift every exercise and it does the deloading for me when I've hit a plateau for 3x in a row. It even tells me to start my next set after 90s/180s.

    I'm deciding if I should add running into my regiment. Maybe I'll give the app that you use a try.

    Also, Don't Starve and Elder Scrolls fan here!
    I speak English, Filipino and Norwegian. I'm learning Japanese too (albeit casually).
    Hey all, this would be my first post (considering I joined today) and I have to say this thread really appealed to me! I'd definitely consider myself nerdy. Even my workout method is a tad nerdy.

    I use an app (one of those couch to 5K sorta things) called Zombies, Run! and Zombies, Run! 5K Training. I'm in my second week of the 5K Training and I have to say I love it so far! Basically, it's an IRL RPG and an audiobook and DayZ all had a wonderful manchild together. You listen to a story of this zombie apocalypse as you run, and you collect items and build up a base. It's a very gentle introduction for people who are used to just sitting on their butts all day, and I'd love to know if anyone else has tried it!

    Besides, Zombies, I enjoy anime, manga, gaming, linguistics, tabletops, and writing. I watch almost any sort of anime. Some favorites would include Higurashi, Elfen Lied, Yu Yu Hakusho, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya. I mostly read slice-of-life manga, and some favorites would include: Kuragehime (the anime was great too), 1/2 Prince (I believe that's the title anyway), and Fruitbasket. I'm VERY big into gaming. Mostly RPGs, Surival, and Indie games. Some favorite games would include The Fallout Series, The Fable Series, The Elder Scrolls series, Don't Starve, Starbound, Terraria, and plenty more! Linguistics-wise, I speak English and a very little Spanish, but I'm learning German and Japanese fairly soon. I find languages and accents and voices and cultures all utterly fascinating. And for tabletops, I LOVE DnD nd quite a few other tabletop RPGs. I've recently started playing Neverwinter just for a little more DnD in my life. :P

    Feel free to add me if you'd like to talk! I don't bite, promise. :D

    - Megan
  • MeganElizabeth474
    If you ever need a really good reason to actually get up and bother running or walking, I really recommend the app! To me the two together were totally worth the 6 or so dollars I spent. And wow, another Don't Starve fan? :D That's new.
    Apps make tracking so much easier!

    I use Stronglifts 5x5 app for Android to keep track of my Stronglifts progress. Nowadays, I just go to the gym, look at the app how much weight I should lift and just do it. It adds 5lbs to what I should lift every exercise and it does the deloading for me when I've hit a plateau for 3x in a row. It even tells me to start my next set after 90s/180s.

    I'm deciding if I should add running into my regiment. Maybe I'll give the app that you use a try.

    Also, Don't Starve and Elder Scrolls fan here!
    I speak English, Filipino and Norwegian. I'm learning Japanese too (albeit casually).
  • reset111
    reset111 Posts: 7 Member
    Huge GoT fan here and hoping to as other fans as friends before tonight's episode.

    Other things I love include Marvel, Disney, Star Wars, Lost, Clever/geeky T-shirt designs, Tabletop games(currently loving Marvel Legendary, Resistance Avalon, and Cards against Humanity), Sims, WoW, Zombies, Civ V.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Here here. :drinker:

    I am a nerd. I must confess. I'm a proud one, though. I play World of Warcraft. I'm a level 90 blood elf paladin, though I do enjoy my 90 Pandaren priest, too. Retribution and shadow, respectively. Off specs are prot and holy. I tried tanking once, but got mad at the way people treat tanks. So, I gave up. I just don't like people. I've tried LoL. People always tell me "If you like WoW, you'll love LoL". That's totally not true. I have played other MMOs that I enjoyed, though. So, there's that. I still play Pokemon. I probably will as long as they keep making them. I'm not one of those Pokemon fans that only likes the first gen, though. Gen II was my favorite, Raichu is my favorite Pokemon, Unova was my favorite region, and the newest gen has my favorite plotline. I like them all, essentially. I love collecting knowledge. I read about dogs and psychology for fun. Yes. For fun. I'm known as a walking encyclopedia on dogs. Ask me anything. I do text based RP. On forums. Harry Potter, zombies, things like that. I liked Harry Potter before it was cool. Pottermore put me in Slytherin. Some sorting quizzes say Hufflepuff. I'm that rare Slytherpuff or Hufflerin? I love manga. Chobits, Fruits basket, Bleach, Crimson Hero, Sailor Moon, Love Attack, .Hack. Manga is awesome. I dn't watch anime much, but some are interesting. I loved When They Cry. I do love video games of all sorts. Fable is awesome. Anything to do with the zombie genre is awesome. And graphic novels, in general, are awesome.

    Feel free to add me. And don't be afraid to talk if you do. Lots of people add and only like things .Which is awesome and stuff. But sometimes I like talking, too. :flowerforyou:
  • sharyntg
    sharyntg Posts: 33
    I'm a total nerd. Grew up on Star Wars and GI Joe, still have them and even my Twin Pod Cloud Car, and my Wacky Packages and Garbage Pail Kids. Love retro foods and almost any sugar cereal, love playing video games, love comics, love sci-Fi, war, and horror books and movies. I'm a Super Geek, I'm 42 and am also an ex-Marine. I'm what happens to you if you have one kid and you let them grow up in a neighborhood with only boys :) I abhor anything girly and prefer hot, fat, muscle cars and belt-fed weapons. Love LEGOS! I have the Castle system and Blackbeard's pirate that nerdy enough? Also love ALIENS, Blade Runner, Terminator, Full Metal Jacket, etc..........
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Wow who would have thought that there are so many of us on here :P

    Thank you for all the adds!
  • Alice_in_VVonderland
    Alice_in_VVonderland Posts: 67 Member
    One of my major plans after the weight loss is to never dress like a normal person again.

    I want to make/buy the following costumes for everyday wear:
    Probably half of the dresses from Alice: Madness Returns
    Bayonetta (I'm doubtful I'll ever be able to pull this one off, but I probably have the hair for it at least lol)
    (and several dress sphere variations of the YRP gals)

    There are others I can't think of offhand. Bottom line, every day should be a cosplay day because I'm tired of jeans and baggy shirts.

    I'm on Perfect World (PWI)- Lost City Server, and my Rebirth x2 Assassin's name is AliceAdams (if you're interested in joining it's a free-to-play MMO). I'm a bit of a gamer; not into FPS, but I love tons of other stuff. D3 was disappointing, and I was sad that Deckard Cain passed away after such a long battle with Horadric Staff Infection...

    Blood+ is probably my favorite anime series, followed by Bleach (which I probably need to start over or at least pick back up around episode 175).

    I have a long list of favorite movies that range from Miyazaki films to Pippi Longstocking, to Sin City, to the original Nutty Professor with Jerry Lewis. And I don't care what ANYONE says, I LOVE the Mario Brothers movie. *hangs head in mock shame*

    I enjoy reading, though hardly have the time. I think Candide is my all time favorite, but may be a tie with Utopia. Ginsberg, Poe, Stephen King/Richard Bachman.

    Hm... I think that about covers everything.

    Add me if you like!
  • CanaryNoire
    CanaryNoire Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there!

    I think I fit in this category well. I am a huge GoT fan, Star Wars, Comics. Play Cards against humanity and think it is so wonderfully wrong. I am looking forward to being able to do a little Black Canary Cosplay. I am a PS4 gamer too and looking to find more people to game with.

    I was on this site a long while back and looking to get back in the groove of things.

    Feel free to add me.