Nerds Unite!



  • TheTinkerzz
    Video games are pretty much responsible for me being here! Haha, adding you :)
  • BrokeCollegeGirl32
    BrokeCollegeGirl32 Posts: 10 Member
    Yo! Call me Len. 21 year old female.
    I'm just a casual gamer and anime fan. Like the rest of the world my obsession is Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan.
    For the most part I play single player games on Xbox because I'm tired of trolls.
    Haven't been playing my 360 or 3DS lately because of school though. Plus I'm holding out on bigger games until I get a good gaming pc.
  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    I play lots of video games, but not very good at any of them.

  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
  • vancitychic
    vancitychic Posts: 18 Member
    I'm Christel!

    Love video games, especially retro ones, (atari, nes, snes and arcade)
    I fix Macs for a living and love being in an environment with other really nerdy people.

    Most of my friends have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to quotes from various bbc shows or game of thrones references, but when people do pick up on them, it's awesome.

    My SW was 258, GW is 150 and CW is 229 and started all this up in January of this year. I've been using a numbers spreadsheet every month to post progress pictures, track steps, if i worked out, what kind of work out, weight, percentage towards GW, total lost and total lost per month. Its a really nerdy way to do it but i Love it.

    nice to meet y'all!
  • badbritty
    badbritty Posts: 23 Member
    I'm Brittany!

    Huge Star Trek and Game of Thrones fan! I've also been playing World of Warcraft for 8 years! I love anime and I write fanfiction on the side! GO NERDS!
  • Cindyloo01
    Cindyloo01 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, I'm Cindy. I love all the old games and shows and the new stuff is even better. I play skyrim and fallout 3 and new vegas mostly now.
  • dordec78
    dordec78 Posts: 11 Member
    Another nerd here!!

    I'm into X-Files, Fringe, Doctor Who, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, and I'm just getting into Star Trek. I also game a little, but mostly starter level stuff like Sims, Portal, Minecraft and a little WoW. I am also into the retro video games as I still have my original Nintendo, and I still play my PS2 on a regular basis.

    I have been on MFP for a while now (I think 3 years?) and have lost about 60 lbs from where I originally started. Then I was off for a while and gained some back, but now I'm on a mission to lose my final 25-30 lbs.
    I am 35 years old, married and have 3 kids.

    Nice to meet everyone!!
  • rabps
    rabps Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all! 25 yrs old with about 80 lbs to lose. I'm a lover of anime and anything scifi or fantasy. Long time fan of Doctor Who, Big Bang, Firefly, and many others. Hoping to cosplay in the fall. Feel free to add me.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    I'd like some new nerdy friends. Jessica, 30 years old, married with 2 little girls.

    Lover of Firefly, Stargate, Big Bang, Arrow, Game of Thrones, etc.

    Settlers of Catan is my board game of choice.

    I don't watch Star Trek, but I follow George Takei and Wil Wheaton because I find them awesome.

    I also love math and science (that's more geeky than nerdy, I think).

    Currently in school to become a graphic designer. Currently working as an operations analyst for a Fortune 500 company.

    Would love to cosplay once I'm happy with the way I look.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Hey new people! I already posted in here when the thread first started but, I lost that account so figured I'd re-post in here to see if I can make any new nerdy friends/re-friend people I've lost. :)

    My name is Abby, I'm 29 with 200 lbs to lose. I've always wanted to go to an anime convention and do some cosplaying but never have because of my weight. Really hoping that after I get close to the size I want that i'll be able to start doing that.

    I've been an anime fan for 20-some years now. Eventually my love for it got me travelling to Japan and staying in Okinawa for a month with cousins. I'd love to eventually be able to go back.

    I also roleplay, write poetry, and short fantasy stories. All my roleplay has been textual, dating back to the chatrooms of AOL 3.0.... to this day I still keep in touch with some of the buds I RP'd with back when I was like 10.. :D
  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    Well, I guess I should add myself into the nerdy section. I am an older nerdy of 39. Favorite place to buy stuff: I am not plugging it, just giving you an idea of my favorites. I love anything Zelda. Due to my life demands I do not get to play games that much...and now I spend all of my free time dancing to lose weight. I have a fascination with the weather. I can read about the weather continuously. I also have an obsession with Harry Potter. My even bigger obsession: Chris Nolan's Batman trilogy...OMG. Anything super hero's..I am in! My goal is to wear a Jean Grey outfit that I love. I have dedicated an entire room that I lovingly call "the nerd room".
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, DC in general, Marvel as well. LOTR, GOT aka ASOIAF, Sherlock and tons of BBC America among others.

    My goal is to drop 20 pounds. I was always pretty fit and slim but once I hit my 30s it got harder. I am doing a Spartan Race in September with a bunch of younger folk from my job. Gotta keep up with the kids!
  • nerdchiq32
    nerdchiq32 Posts: 20
    OMG!!! a place where I fit in!!!! woohoo!

    Hi I'm Nat, 32 yr old and an addicted otaku! I watch so much anime i can practically speak Japanese now! I also have this thing for mmorpgs... like seriously >.>
    Let's not even talk about my fave sci-fi shows and books.. jeeez louise!
    My brothers call me a neeq all the time lol. Anywho feel free to add meeee!

  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 145 Member
    Hi, I'm Von, and I'm a 43 yr. old nerd. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who (reboot and am now watching the old ones from the 60's on up), anime, RPGs, especially tabletop. Pen and paper D&D rules! We play version 3.5 at home, but my DH and I have been playing since 1st edition in the '70's and early '80's.
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Any Nerds going to Gencon Indy this year :O? I think I will be going for all four days! I can not wait.
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    HI! BOOK NERD here, I read any and all books I can get my hands on. I've considered cos play but I am definitely wanting to meet a few weight loss goals before I do that.

    I am also a disnerd :)

    I obsess over a few small things. :)
  • Alena3883
    Alena3883 Posts: 14 Member
    OMG!!! We need to have a group!!!!!
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    OMG!!! We need to have a group!!!!!

    hey there is a group! look up nerds unite :]
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Awesome, I can not wait to hit my GW and Cosplay more ._.