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Is fruit fattening?
2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".
I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.
Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.
Wait... You're saying that when most people stop using their method of diet control, their diet gets out of control?
Are you serious right now? Do you not see the obvious logical failings in your argument?
Of course counting calories doesn't work if you stop counting calories. That seems pretty fundamental.0 -
I always hear about how fruit is loaded with sugar and that it's something to avoid when losing weight.
But I also hear how fruits are also essential because they also encourage weight loss.
Would I be correct to say that the sugar in fruit isn't the same as the sugar in, for example, a soda? I've also heard that the sugar fruits contain, since it's naturally produced, is actually necessary to your body for maintaining adequate levels of blood salts and sugar.
I'd like to rule out the misinformation. I have my doubts that all sugar is created equal. Thoughts?
Fruit in and of itself is not fattening. That said, fruit in and of itself is not a magical weight loss food either... no food is.0 -
The only thing that encourages fat is a surplus of calories, that's any food eaten above maintenance.
Yep...0 -
Four diet groups, all counting calories, all lost weight, and all were on track to regain all that weight by the end of year three.0 -
2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".
I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.
Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.
People put weight back on when they stop doing the things that helped them succeed. To single out calorie counting is silly...0 -
2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".
I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.
Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.
People put weight back on when they stop doing the things that helped them succeed. To single out calorie counting is silly...
Actually, what I have been saying is that it isn't the calorie counting that is the problem, it is the diet. Eat a diet that doesn't require calorie counting. You can't keep eating crap in moderation, because eventually your moderation changes. It is like telling an alcoholic to drink in moderation.0 -
Four diet groups, all counting calories, all lost weight, and all were on track to regain all that weight by the end of year three.However, attendance had a strong association with weight loss, and the association was similar across diet groups. We view attendance at counseling sessions as a proxy for commitment to achieving weight loss and for engagement in the program. Study participants who attended two thirds of the sessions over the course of 2 years lost about 9 kg of weight. Regain after 6 to 12 months was about 20% of the regain reported in earlier trials.28 Several recent trials have also shown that continued contact with participants after weight loss is associated with less regain.12,24,37,38 These findings together point to behavioral factors rather than macronutrient metabolism as the main influences on weight loss.0 -
2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".
I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.
Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.
People put weight back on when they stop doing the things that helped them succeed. To single out calorie counting is silly...
Actually, what I have been saying is that it isn't the calorie counting that is the problem, it is the diet. Eat a diet that doesn't require calorie counting. You can't keep eating crap in moderation, because eventually your moderation changes. It is like telling an alcoholic to drink in moderation.
Judging by your handle, I am going to guess that in your opinion, it is only the vegan diet that does not require calorie counting...0 -
Four diet groups, all counting calories, all lost weight, and all were on track to regain all that weight by the end of year three.
The conclusion of the study clearly indicated that continued participation led to less regain than the average (~20%). So if you've had success with calorie counting, it follows that you will continue to have success calorie counting (into maintenance).
[img][/img]0 -
2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".
I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.
Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.
People put weight back on when they stop doing the things that helped them succeed. To single out calorie counting is silly...
Actually, what I have been saying is that it isn't the calorie counting that is the problem, it is the diet. Eat a diet that doesn't require calorie counting. You can't keep eating crap in moderation, because eventually your moderation changes. It is like telling an alcoholic to drink in moderation.0 -
I give up on posting studies. People just have no clue how to read them.0
I give up on posting studies. People just have no clue how to read them.
I love that two people come to the same conclusion (that differs from yours) after reading the study that you posted, and you start throwing tantrums/stones.0 -
Hands up everyone who is one her trying to lose weight because they ate too many apples!
Wut?0 -
I give up on posting studies. People just have no clue how to read them.
I love that two people come to the same conclusion (that differs from yours) after reading the study that you posted, and you start throwing tantrums/stones.
It's a conspiracy! Clearly.0 -
I give up on posting studies. People just have no clue how to read them.
I love that two people come to the same conclusion (that differs from yours) after reading the study that you posted, and you start throwing tantrums/stones.
It's a conspiracy! Clearly.0 -
I give up on posting studies. People just have no clue how to read them.
I'm sorry the study didn't say what you wanted it to.0 -
Yes it does. People are just ignoring the term "Regain".0
the sugars in fruits are WAY healthier than all the sugars found in artificial processed junk. even if you eat the same number of calories and sugar from an apple and some synthesised piece of crap in a plastic wrapper that probably contains all sorts of chemicals that mess up your hormones and may lead to weight gain in the long term , im all in on natural healthy whole foods
I raise your run on sentence with 4 twinkies. 4 twinkies vs the same calories and sugar content as fruit. Difference? Fruit will probably have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The sugar will be digested the same. My body doesn't care where it comes from. If I've already gotten the necessary nutrients my body needs, there's nothing wrong with twinkies within my calorie goal.
If you're getting your daily nutrients (aka all the vitamins, minerals, etc) that your body needs, there's nothing wrong with any food. You can label it, demonize it, maybe even put some devil horns on it, it doesn't matter. Calories in vs out for weight loss. Balancing your nutrient intake for health.
even if it has the same calories, the compounds in twinkies are certainly a no no for health, have you seen the ingredient list; hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, lard, not to mention all the artificial colours!!!! and its not only about weight loss its about being healthy in your life and that twinkie path is not the right one to take0 -
the sugars in fruits are WAY healthier than all the sugars found in artificial processed junk. even if you eat the same number of calories and sugar from an apple and some synthesised piece of crap in a plastic wrapper that probably contains all sorts of chemicals that mess up your hormones and may lead to weight gain in the long term , im all in on natural healthy whole foods
I raise your run on sentence with 4 twinkies. 4 twinkies vs the same calories and sugar content as fruit. Difference? Fruit will probably have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The sugar will be digested the same. My body doesn't care where it comes from. If I've already gotten the necessary nutrients my body needs, there's nothing wrong with twinkies within my calorie goal.
If you're getting your daily nutrients (aka all the vitamins, minerals, etc) that your body needs, there's nothing wrong with any food. You can label it, demonize it, maybe even put some devil horns on it, it doesn't matter. Calories in vs out for weight loss. Balancing your nutrient intake for health.
even if it has the same calories, the compounds in twinkies are certainly a no no for health, have you seen the ingredient list; hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, lard, not to mention all the artificial colours!!!! and its not only about weight loss its about being healthy in your life and that twinkie path is not the right one to take
Oh the horror..chemicals are in everything. Everything can keeel you. Lol I guess you missed the part about meeting your nutrient needs and moderation, no? Too busy thinking about them delicious twinkies and their cream filling0 -
sugar is sugar is sugar. However, if you're concerned about how the sugar you're eating affects your body, for example - whether or not it causes an insulin spike, check out the glycemic load of a given item. If you ate 11 grams of straight sugar or a small apple, you're getting the same amount of sugar, but the effect of that sugar on your body will be mitigated by the fiber etc in the apple. straight sugar will have a high glycemic load, many fruits and vegetables have a low glycemic load.0
Oh do keep the fear mongering going, you're on a roll.0 -
Don't forget koolaid!
Creeps me out BIG time!
My pants always go missing when wine is involved0 -
Oh do keep the fear mongering going, you're on a roll.
It isn't fear mongering, it is recognizing human psychology. I work with a lot of overweight people as a nutritionist and personal trainer. Every single one of them says the same thing. "I eat in moderation, but I can't lose weight". I ask them for a food log, and I find their concept of moderation is very different what I would consider moderation. Only one cupcake a day to them compared to only two cupcakes a year to me. I tell them "You moderation is purely subjective, and if you are overweight, your subjective view of moderation is obviously not conducive to maintaining a healthy weight. "0 -
"Show me someone that got diabetes from eating too many strawberries and I'll eat my hat."
-a scientist in an article I read a long time ago. It's an oldie but a goodie so I can't help sharing wherever appropriate.0 -
As a rule, no fruit in iteself is not fattening but eating too much of anything is. Overall calories is what matters most.0
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the sugars in fruits are WAY healthier than all the sugars found in artificial processed junk. even if you eat the same number of calories and sugar from an apple and some synthesised piece of crap in a plastic wrapper that probably contains all sorts of chemicals that mess up your hormones and may lead to weight gain in the long term , im all in on natural healthy whole foods
I raise your run on sentence with 4 twinkies. 4 twinkies vs the same calories and sugar content as fruit. Difference? Fruit will probably have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The sugar will be digested the same. My body doesn't care where it comes from. If I've already gotten the necessary nutrients my body needs, there's nothing wrong with twinkies within my calorie goal.
If you're getting your daily nutrients (aka all the vitamins, minerals, etc) that your body needs, there's nothing wrong with any food. You can label it, demonize it, maybe even put some devil horns on it, it doesn't matter. Calories in vs out for weight loss. Balancing your nutrient intake for health.
even if it has the same calories, the compounds in twinkies are certainly a no no for health, have you seen the ingredient list; hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, lard, not to mention all the artificial colours!!!! and its not only about weight loss its about being healthy in your life and that twinkie path is not the right one to take
Oh the horror..chemicals are in everything. Everything can keeel you. Lol I guess you missed the part about meeting your nutrient needs and moderation, no? Too busy thinking about them delicious twinkies and their cream filling
thats exactly the point, ( even though you probably meant to say it in a sarcastic way), there are chemicals in so many of our foods, even innocent things like that crispy apple may contain up to 50 different pesticides, 7 of which are carcinogenic. the only way to ensure you are removing these from your diet is by eating organic produce, oh and those "delicious twinkies and their cream filling" are slices of fake ingredients pumped up with chemicals and additives with a creamy filling of sugar, fat and who the hell knows what0 -
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As a rule, no fruit in iteself is not fattening but eating too much of anything is. Overall calories is what matters most.
Yes there was a study just last week that said fat does not make you fat.0
This discussion has been closed.
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