Is fruit fattening?



  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    Oh, well I guess I can put back on my 53 lbs then, cause calorie counting was all a lie

    Nobody suggested that calorie counting won't work. However, it isn't the easiest way. I counted calories for a long time and would lose weight, then gain it back when I stopped counting. Now I eat as much food as I want and have no problem remaining lean. I just eat foods that have a lot of nutrients. Mostly raw fruits and vegetables, and occasionally some nuts. I still eat some processed crap once in a great while, but it is certainly not part of my lifestyle. Someone is having a party and they have a vegan cupcake, and I won't deny myself. But that is less than once a month.

    Hey, if you enjoy the way you do things, I'm not going to knock it. Your way for me is unsustainable. I don't see foods the same way you do, which again, is fine that's personal preference. But there's nothing wrong with the way I do things either. Food is food.
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122

    Oh, well I guess I can put back on my 53 lbs then, cause calorie counting was all a lie

    Nobody suggested that calorie counting won't work. However, it isn't the easiest way. I counted calories for a long time and would lose weight, then gain it back when I stopped counting. Now I eat as much food as I want and have no problem remaining lean. I just eat foods that have a lot of nutrients. Mostly raw fruits and vegetables, and occasionally some nuts. I still eat some processed crap once in a great while, but it is certainly not part of my lifestyle. Someone is having a party and they have a vegan cupcake, and I won't deny myself. But that is less than once a month.

    Hey, if you enjoy the way you do things, I'm not going to knock it. Your way for me is unsustainable. I don't see foods the same way you do, which again, is fine that's personal preference. But there's nothing wrong with the way I do things either. Food is food.

    If it works for you, then fine. I never said it couldn't. It didn't work for me and doesn't work for most people. Calorie counting is very effective at losing weight. But unless you want to do it forever, it is won't be effective at keeping it off. I have remained lean for a decade now.

    And don't be so sure we don't look at food the same way. Food has long been my comfort. I am a huge foodie and I am very gluttonous. I can easily out eat most people. Even obese people I can out eat. I just changed what I eat, not how much I eat. Actually, that isn't quite true. I actually eat a lot more quantity of food now than when I was heavy, and I enjoy it guilt free. I eat fruit like I used to eat candy as a kid.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member

    Oh, well I guess I can put back on my 53 lbs then, cause calorie counting was all a lie

    Nobody suggested that calorie counting won't work. However, it isn't the easiest way. I counted calories for a long time and would lose weight, then gain it back when I stopped counting. Now I eat as much food as I want and have no problem remaining lean. I just eat foods that have a lot of nutrients. Mostly raw fruits and vegetables, and occasionally some nuts. I still eat some processed crap once in a great while, but it is certainly not part of my lifestyle. Someone is having a party and they have a vegan cupcake, and I won't deny myself. But that is less than once a month.

    Maybe calorie counting wasn't easier for YOU, but that's subjective and some people, like myself, find moderation and staying in a calorie deficit much easier than needlessly cutting out foods that we enjoy. Life is too short to squabble about how "unhealthy" an innocent can of soda is. Yeesh.

    By the way, you probably should never say something doesn't work for "most" people. Use the word "some" instead. After all, you're on a calorie counting site, and there are plenty of examples around to rip apart your "most."
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    Oh, well I guess I can put back on my 53 lbs then, cause calorie counting was all a lie

    Nobody suggested that calorie counting won't work. However, it isn't the easiest way. I counted calories for a long time and would lose weight, then gain it back when I stopped counting. Now I eat as much food as I want and have no problem remaining lean. I just eat foods that have a lot of nutrients. Mostly raw fruits and vegetables, and occasionally some nuts. I still eat some processed crap once in a great while, but it is certainly not part of my lifestyle. Someone is having a party and they have a vegan cupcake, and I won't deny myself. But that is less than once a month.

    Hey, if you enjoy the way you do things, I'm not going to knock it. Your way for me is unsustainable. I don't see foods the same way you do, which again, is fine that's personal preference. But there's nothing wrong with the way I do things either. Food is food.

    If it works for you, then fine. I never said it couldn't. It didn't work for me and doesn't work for most people. Calorie counting is very effective at losing weight. But unless you want to do it forever, it is won't be effective at keeping it off. I have remained lean for a decade now.

    And don't be so sure we don't look at food the same way. Food has long been my comfort. I am a huge foodie and I am very gluttonous. I can easily out eat most people. Even obese people I can out eat. I just changed what I eat, not how much I eat. Actually, that isn't quite true. I actually eat a lot more quantity of food now than when I was heavy, and I enjoy it guilt free. I eat fruit like I used to eat candy as a kid.

    Meh. I don't mind it. After a year, it kind of just feels like balancing a check book. The habit of counting is kind of second nature to me. I would be curious to see how I would manage without counting. I'm fairly confident I wouldnt be too far off from maintenance but I do have an unusually high TDEE. In terms of food, I see no need to deny myself things I try enjoy. Ice cream, fast food, etc. If a majority of my foods are coming from nutrient dense sources and I'm meeting my nutrient needs, foods that aren't so nutritious aren't going to hurt. Moderation is key for a lot of people.

    I see many people fail because they think there's a magical pill, or they have to give up everything, or that they need to spend 10+ hours in a gym sweating to get results. It just isn't necessary.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    In for…math?
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    In for…math?

    I can't math but doesn't that mean there are no Americans of normal or below in this realm? Once you reach a certain BMI standard for the US you are hereby banished to another dimension.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

  • palomster
    palomster Posts: 6
    Thanks for the info! Lots of posts with good information. I eat plenty of fruit every day. Along with my eggs in the mornings I eat a cup each of raspberries, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and a sliced banana. Pretty filling. :smile: Glad to know I'm on the right track.

    By the way, does the MFP app calculate your calorie goal by calculating also your BMR/BMI/TDEE?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    In for…math?

    I can't math but doesn't that mean there are no Americans of normal or below in this realm? Once you reach a certain BMI standard for the US you are hereby banished to another dimension.


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The way I eat it, it sure is. MFP, meet... El Bionico!

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    In for…math?

    I can't math but doesn't that mean there are no Americans of normal or below in this realm? Once you reach a certain BMI standard for the US you are hereby banished to another dimension.



    Yer a little late to the party. That already happened.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    In for…math?

    I can't math but doesn't that mean there are no Americans of normal or below in this realm? Once you reach a certain BMI standard for the US you are hereby banished to another dimension.



    Yer a little late to the party. That already happened.

    I performed evasive action

  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.

    Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.
  • VeganCappy
    VeganCappy Posts: 122
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    In for…math?

    I can't math but doesn't that mean there are no Americans of normal or below in this realm? Once you reach a certain BMI standard for the US you are hereby banished to another dimension.

    Those who are obese are also overweight.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    As long as you're not a diabetic (and even if you are) moderation is the key to fruit. My mom's diabetic and has learned that some fruits she just can't have and some are better for when she's having a low sugar day. Bananas are a super sugary one. As long as it fits in your calories for the day i wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.

    Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.

    It would still work for maintenance as well. A lot of people still count when they reach their goal weight. The problem isn't calorie counting it's that people don't have a plan for what to do when they reach goal weight. They then go back to eating how they were, or if they were weighing their foods, they decide to start eyeballing portions instead and the weight creeps back on after awhile.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.

    Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.

    Of course calorie counting isn't going to help someone maintain if they stop doing it. That doesn't mean it doesn't work for those who do.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    2/3's of Americans are overweight, 1/3 are Obese. I have no problem using the term "most".

    I thought you were saying that calorie counting doesn't work for most people trying to lose weight - which is not true.

    Calorie counting works for losing weight, but it doesn't work for most people in keeping the weight off. Most put the weight back on when they get tired of counting or reach their goal.

    Wait... You're saying that when most people stop using their method of diet control, their diet gets out of control?


    Are you serious right now? Do you not see the obvious logical failings in your argument?

    Of course counting calories doesn't work if you stop counting calories. That seems pretty fundamental.