Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Tiny rant- My "official" weigh in day is Monday but I weigh myself every morning (sometimes during the day too). I keep telling myself I do it just to see the affects different types of foods have on my body, this is a load of crap. I know last night's pizza was BAD (like almost 3lbs bad). I'm starting to think I should lock the scale in one of BF's toolboxes so only he can get it out for me... Let's hope this mornings numbers don't show up EVER again.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi friends.

    I am back and this month I am determined to get back on the wagon and stay on. I just posted my food for today and I am going to do some exercising right now. I gained weight last month and that makes me MAD but I know it is my own darn fault. I have to get a grip and be responsible for my life and not let it get out of control.

    I've missed all of you and the posts. Thanks Jenn for the message you sent me. It got me motivated again. Phyljen:smile:
  • laurenegst
    I don't know if this is the right place but I will ask anyway. I started 3 weeks ago and lost 2 as of the 2nd week. today i went up 3 which is actually 1 lb more than when i started. A few hours later today i weighed myself and lost 2????? the end product being a loss of 1lb in nearly 3 weeks which isn't good. any ideas??? I bought a book to track calories and have been keeping within my limit and sometimes lower. I just got on again and up 3 i know it isn't good tokeep weighing yourself but i was very upset today. I try to weigh in 2x/week or about every 4 days.
    I would love to weigh 5 less by turkey day. count me in!!!!

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Bru_ sending hugs and lots of sympathy for you and your family at this time. Thinking back to when my grandma died. Still can't believe she is gone and it has been about 15 years. Just remember all the good times and lessons you learned from her.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hello, Hello, Hello!!! I've been reading through Nov's posts so far, and see that I am not the only one who struggled in October. I may be hanging my head in shame, but seems like I am in good company. Let's support each other through Nov, and turn this slump around!!

    Here are my "excuses" for my off-track October, so I can figure out how to battle them in November. My husband started working again, which is great for us, but I've been struggling to adjust and create a new routine. For the first few weeks, he was working late on Tues/Thurs nights, so I missed out on my yoga nights. (Not to mention that the gym scheduled the classes for 7pm instead of 7:30pm, and it's amazing what a difference 30 minutes makes. I am finding it very difficult to get there on time!) My girls now have swimming lessons on Saturday morning, which was my 3rd gym visit of the week. And the cooler weather has put a stop to my lunch time outdoor walks... Plus, with hubby working, we've been making more quick meals that aren't such great health choices or even eating out more often. And with Halloween, I went psycho for sugar.

    SO! With all that being said, today my goal is to cut out the sugar (no Halloween treats!). I am eating "Zone"-style. So far, so good - but I will need to be strong for supper and the rest of the evening. Also, last night, DH did not have to work late, so I was finally able to get to the gym for my Pilates class! I felt like a beginner all over again. And today, I went to the gym at lunch, and started the Couch to 5k program all over again (week 1, day 1). I was in the middle of week 6 at the end of August, but have just taken too much time off to continue, so I'm starting over.

    I weighed myself while at the gym today (since I no longer have a scale at home), and my November start weight is 159 pounds. This is only 0.75 pounds less than my July start weight, so any losses over the summer have been re-gained. Oh well, only myself to blame. Goal weight for the challenge this month is 154.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just re-reading the quote in my signature - how fitting:
    "I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

    So, here I am starting all over again.
    I am also getting out of denial, and have updated my ticker to show my current weight, instead of my summer loss.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Jen - great job on donating the candy! That's awesome! :bigsmile:

    Phyljen - welcome back! Glad to see you again! :flowerforyou:

    dmgaloha - Way to get back at it! I love your quote! I'm kinda in the same mindset as you right now. I need to get back at it! Congrats on restarting C25K - I did finish it a month ago...now I just have to continue doing at least 2 5k runs per week. I'm hoping I can but I love running outside and just can't see myself doing it around the track or on the treadmill. :grumble:

    I decided to change my personal goals today. I really am sick of saying come on ONEderland to myself. It just really needs to come already! So...I gotta do some serious butt kicking! I've been so busy lately that I haven't been logging my food very much. I have tried to be good, but then there is the occasional birthday that has been falling quite often lately! So yesterday I was good all day till I got to my brother's house for my neice's birthday. There I had a few slices of pizza, a big piece of birthday cake, AND some charleston chews and a kit kat from the halloween candy bowl! :angry:

    Sure I'm still working out as much as I can, but REALLY? Its not doing me any good when I have these splurges now and then! :sad: So...I gotta step it up & get back to my regular regimin.

    11/01/10 : 207.4 lbs
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Am in too. I was MIA for the past 2 months and am glad to be back. I like to weigh every 2 wks on Mondays. Starting on November 1st 209lbs. Goal is 5lbs loss this month

    11/1/10 ===== 209lb
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Absolutely! You have done the same for me many times. :happy: Glad to help and so happy you are back!

    I also went psycho for sugar during Halloween, and I have re-gained as well. My hope is that posting on here everyday will give me the motivation to stay on track again.
    ps LOVE the quote! So true, I needed to hear that today

    I feel the same way about the splurges not helping any. Getting back into the routine is hard work!

    Good luck to us all...

    So my update for today is that I have started to walk on my lunch break again. I have walked everyday this week so far and plan to keep it up. I only have an hour, so I walk about 55 minutes, but it is 55 more minutes per day than I walked last week! I am also eating a healthy lunch (dinner and after dinner snacking is another story). I think I am having a hard time with the eating because I have been a little down lately (boyfriend issues-AGAIN, Dmgaloha, insert your quote here) but I know that when I eat well and exercise I always feel better, so I am going to try to improve a little each day and not dwell on the things that aren’t perfect.

    Today I weighed in at 153.7 (cry cry cry)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Phyljen, I was thinking about you this morning wondering where you had gone to and then there you are. welcome back.

    i am dancing on air right now. I just got back from a little shopping trip to get some new jeans. I went to Ross. I picked up some 8's to try on:smile: . tooo big.:happy: so I went for round two with size 6's :noway: they were too big too. so I ended up with 3 pair of size 4 jeans :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I got a pair of kenneth cole, a pair 'not your daughter;s jeans" and stoners with the cutest little ankle zipper. I also went out and bought the sexiest pair of over the knee black suede boots with a nice heel. super hot. DH is gonna love it. :blushing:

    I just really had the best day today and i wanted to share. I wish I could bottle this feeling and drink it when I need a pick me up. :laugh:
  • tatiana_13
    Hi all. I'd like to Join the challenge! As the weather gets colder and the days shorter, I need every ounce of motivation I can muster! Five lbs is a little optimistic for me (I'm short in stature and close to my goal weight) but I'm shooting for 4! My nemesis is exercise!

    Nov 1: - 0 (113.5)
  • poohpooh2007
    I would love to! So u can count me in too.:smile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Phyljen, I was thinking about you this morning wondering where you had gone to and then there you are. welcome back.

    i am dancing on air right now. I just got back from a little shopping trip to get some new jeans. I went to Ross. I picked up some 8's to try on:smile: . tooo big.:happy: so I went for round two with size 6's :noway: they were too big too. so I ended up with 3 pair of size 4 jeans :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I got a pair of kenneth cole, a pair 'not your daughter;s jeans" and stoners with the cutest little ankle zipper. I also went out and bought the sexiest pair of over the knee black suede boots with a nice heel. super hot. DH is gonna love it. :blushing:

    I just really had the best day today and i wanted to share. I wish I could bottle this feeling and drink it when I need a pick me up. :laugh:

    Oh Robin! That is absolutely awesome! SOOOOOOO happy for you! I bet you look smokin! :smokin:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Friends.
    So good to read the posts this morning. WOW I feel so happy that I was missed. I am really dedicated again and I am going to kick butt this month. I just got back from an hour swim. 5:00 to 6:00 am and now I am at school munching on an apple. I did the level one of the 30 day shred last night and plan to do that the days I don't swim. My knee got all better and so maybe I can start to jog a little too. It has been so HOT here this year. Usually by End of Sept it cools down but even in October we were in the 90's some days but the temps are finally dropping a bit and that means lovely jogging weather or nice long walks. YIPPEE. :laugh:

    I dressed up like one of the 7 dwarfs for Halloween. I was HAPPY!:laugh: All the third grade teachers and aides were the dwarfs. Glad I didn't get picked to be DOOPY or GRUMPY. :noway: ( even though I have been grumpy a lit and I know it was because I was not taking care of myself. I was letting stress take over and boy oh boy that is dangerous! :sad:

    Congratulations everyone for the new goals and choices for NOVEMBER and Robin ... May we all be dancing in smaller jeans soon!! Hey I'd be happy for a size 6 or 8. We must have different builds cause we weigh about the same and I could never squeeze into a size 4.

    Have a great NOVEMBER 4th!!! PHYLJEN:tongue:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hi everyone - I survived day 1 of breaking the sugar addiction. Today is day 2, and doing well so far. I had a yummy 'zone' balanced breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs with 1/2 yellow pepper, a small tomato, a kiwi and a glass of milk. I have my lunch planned in advance, and working on planning supper. I am planning on going to yoga class tonight.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello everyone! Did I miss the post where it said this group was moving? Took me forever to find it. October wasn't great for me but I am in it again for November. Only lost 3 lbs. in October. I am coming off of 6 weeks of no weight loss so hopefully I can keep the numbers moving down. Good luck to everyone this month!
    Nov. 1: 144
    Nov 5:
    Nov. 19:
    Nov. 26

    No you did not miss the post. The thread got locked before I could post the link. sorry about that. I have been really busy and not here as often as I should.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all :) Hope you are doing great this week. This is the first week a while that I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something. What are your accomplishments so far this week? Mine are: completing 4/14 days of my shred challenge. I've also donated 3 bags of clothes (both mine and a few of the hubbys) to my old middle school and to Good Will. Let's see, what else? Ah, yes, I VOTED! Last night we had to go suit/dress shopping for this weekend..went to JCP and spent a little over $200 (like $230ish) on a jacket, pants, tie, shirt, and shoes. I found a (size 12!) dress for $31 on clearence ;) We saved $125 in total!! Woot Woot!!

    As for exercise this week, I've been doing 30 day shred, walking, dancing, and cleaning (which was a lot of sweat moving around cabinets and scrubbing a floor on my knees, etc). I plan on finishing up the week with 30 day shred, and thats probably it. Grandma's wake is tomorrow and the funeral is Saturday. The guys that Nick works with have been super sweet and took up a small collection for us since Nick will miss a few extra days, but we plan on donating it to the diabetes foundation that his Grandma had chosen. We also found out that Grandpa may not make it to Christmas like they originally said. It's going to be a long, emotional weekend.

    Have a great day all and I will see you Monday.

    Thanks for your support while my family and I have been going through this. :heart: Bru
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Double post, sorry :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just did my lunchtime walk. It is really nice out today, warm and sunny in California! Is it really November? I forgot how invigorating it is to just walk and think. Feels fabulous to get some me time to decompress and reflect. I am really proud of myself for walking again today, 4 out of 4 days so far! I did indulge a bit for lunch, I work at a school and this week the 8th grade is doing a Spanish Immersion program and is having a Mexican restaurant cater lunch everyday. I have only had my lunch from home all week so today I thought I would have a veggie enchilada. I still had a big salad and for breakfast I was running late and grabbed a banana as I ran out the door, so if I am good for dinner I will still be ok calorie wise. It is really nice for me to make that choice to eat a yummy lunch and not feel bad about myself after. So even though I might not have lost much weight in the last year I am still making mental progress.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone hope all is well with you. Im not having such a healthy week.. today i ate lunch and dinner and it was the most i have eaten in one day all week I have just been too busy. Normally i work 3 days a week and im used to that but its a truck stop so not much for food choices and so this week i worked 6 days and have not been eating so well because of it probably a bag of chips and a soda at work then a small something at home since i get home after dinner time...

    I may or may not post my weight on sunday (my weigh in day) its going to be a rough weekend........ Today my cousin got hit by a car on her way to school, (a block and a half from home) and died from her injuries. She was only 11 years old, turning 12 on december 16th. Thank you to my Husband Tracy and the other emt's for doing everything you could.