Unconditional Support Group - November



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey group. I had a sad week, I lost my grandfather on Thursday. I know he was ready to go, he had been struggling for awhile and we've been expecting it for a long time now, but it's still, of course, a shock. He was in Albuquerque (I'm in LA), and they're kind of hippies over there and are not doing a traditional funeral, but I'm trying to figure out how to get there. Driving isn't really practical because since I sprained my back in June, I can't easily sit in a car for that many hours, but flying (last minute, thanksgiving week, not a major hub city) would be about $600 which I unfortunately don't happen to have lying around. It's so horrible to have to worry about organizational things when you're grieving.

    Awe; mcjabber. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I hope something comes up that gets you there. My thoughts are with you during your grief. May the spirit of strength be with you.
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    HI am so sorry to hear about your Grandfather. You and your family are in my prayers.

  • debidoodle
    Courtney - so sorry about your Grandfather. I lost mine about 7.5 years ago now and its still hard. I'll send out good thoughts so you can get to the service. Keep us posted.

    I'm back from my board game extravaganza! It was super fun but I am tired now! And now its the week of Thanksgiving ... goodness!

    I hope everyone else is doing good!

  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Courtney, sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a loved one...the pain never goes away! Debi, glad your vaca was fun. Thanksgiving is really a rough one! I have been VERY bad these last couple of weeks. I am just throwing it all to hell it seems. I need to get back to it, but I'm not ready. Sounds like a bad excuse, I know. It IS a bad excuse. I am going to try to do this, but it is not a good week to get all "food friendly" and eat good things. I'll give it my best.
    I hope everyone is doing well.
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    profjan6 - I know what you mean. Maybe just try doing everything in moderation. Just a little of all the great stuff that is going to be around this week. Deprivation always does me in, but knowing I can have a little that takes the edge off.
    I am so a chocoholic, so I have a little bit. Measure out the serving size on the bag and have that. Figure it in to you calories for the day. Make sure you have good stuff too.
    These holiday times are tough, maybe put in a few extra walks around the block.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy family and friends.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    To all of my MFP friends who live south of the border ... I wish you all the best.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Today's my weigh in day and I'm down 1 more pound ... woo hoo! :happy:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I ordered the Zumba game for Wii earlier this week from Amazon ... IT GOT HERE TODAY!!!! YAY YAY YAY. I only had the chance to try out some of the tutorial because we rented a few movies and the hubby wants to watch them ... but what I did so far seems like fun. I've got a bit of a sweat going on already. I'll let you know how it is as I use it more. I can't believe how fast it got here ... thank you Amazon!!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey everyone! I made it to Albuquerque, I ended up flying. My very generous (and financially comfy) boyfriend offered to help me out with some of the plane fare, as did my father, so I was able to get to my New Mexican family fairly stress free. I'm really glad I went, it was definitely important for me to be there, both for my sake and for my dad's sake.

    I flew back to LA late Wednesday night so I could be with my LA family for Thanksgiving (my mom's side, there are about 40 of us, it's pretty hectic and wonderful). My little brother, who has missed the past few Thanksgivings because he's usually on tour with a band, just HAPPENED to be playing shows in Southern California and had the day off in LA yesterday! Which was a lot better than him being stuck in some motel in Rhode Island eating cup-o-noodles alone, like last year.

    I started the day off yesterday by running a 5k for charity, specifically to feed the hungry, a little tradition I've done for the past few years. It's a nice way to start off a day of gluttony, with a little exercise and a little charity. :bigsmile:

    Magglett--definitely let us know if the Wii Zumba is worthwhile, if it's a blast I definitely want to get it!

    I just wanted to thank everyone for your kind words about my grandfather. And happy Thanksgiving to all of the supporters :flowerforyou:
  • Happy__Feet
    Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!
  • debidoodle
    To all of my MFP friends who live south of the border ... I wish you all the best.

    South of the border! Hahahahhaa :) Thanks!!!!
  • debidoodle
    Courtney - I'm so glad you got to be with your family for the services. And that is awesome that your brother got to be with the family for Thanksgiving too!

    I got a sort of last minute invite from my brother to come to his house in Houston (about a 5 hour drive for me) for the day after Thanksgiving. I hitched a ride with my parents and we had a great time. I'm really glad I went!! Got to spend a lot of fun times with my nephews and niece ... we played a lot of games :)

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    :sad: Last night was a bust ... I ate way too much pizza and suffered trying to digest it all night. I'm way sleepy now. UGH!!!
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Well belated Happy Turkey Day to all.

    I made it thru Thanksgiving without gaining a pound. I ate whatever I wanted, but in small quantites. Just so I could taste and not eat the whole pie.

    17lbs from my goal

    Hope everyone has an AWESOME week.

  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Hope everyone is doing well! I had way too good a time during Thanksgiving...the whole week! Now I am doing much better. Back to logging my foods and doing some exercising. I really let loose, and didn't even feel bad about it. Then, I started to feel so bloated and full and wasn't really hungry, but still eating all the junk. Yesterday was my day to get back into it and I did ok. Wishing everyone a good day!
  • debidoodle
    So I'm sitting here at my desk at work and wanted a snack ... I went to the fridge and got out a yogurt I bought at Target this weekend. It is a holiday flavor - Vanilla Maple. I open it up and DUDE, it looks disgusting! Like cold nasty gravy. But it tastes yummy :)

    Hahahahahaha! Just wanted to share!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... PIZZA IS EVIL!!!! Why is something I love so much so darn mean to me ... I'm up 2 lbs this week. :grumble:
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Okay ... PIZZA IS EVIL!!!! Why is something I love so much so darn mean to me ... I'm up 2 lbs this week. :grumble:

    I LOVE pizza and haven't had any in weeks and lately its all I think about! So, soon I"m gonna give in. I won't pig out, I'll have a nice healthy spinach salad to go along with it so I won't each too much and make myself miserable, but at least I'll satisify this craving!

    I"m not on here much anymore (work is cracking down in internet use) but I"m doing good, slow but steady. I've finally got a diet I can live with for LIFE....portion control is where its at for me and timing my carbs around the busiest part of the day (wt training) My workouts are going great. I have learned that having a plan to follow (nutrition and training) works very well for me. As long as I review my plan a few times a week its been pretty easy to stay on track. A nutrition plan doesn't have to be overly restrictive to be effective IMO. Same thing with training, I do what makes me happy, not what the "experts" say I must do. I've recently discovered live Zumba classes and I'm having a blast! I meet with a couple of friends and we giggle (often we're going in the wrong directios, or one the wrong lead leg) but dam its FUN! Time just flies by
  • debidoodle
    Hey y'all ... we have a new thread for December ... come on over :)
