ladies want 2 try a 30 day no wine *whining* challenge ?



  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    15 days is pretty good. I just went 2 days and then remembered a half drank bottle of vinho verdi in the fridge.

    I read an article yesterday in Allure (yes, I know, intrepid scientific reporting at its finest) that was talking about wine as the last really acceptable drug. (guess they didn't hear about colorado and washington with their legalized pot). But it said that for the first time ever Americans are drinking more wine than the French and that 60% is consumed by women. Then they gave some scary research about wine not really being good for you and causing cancer.

    It still didn't keep me from have a couple glasses last night.
  • StephieHockeyGirl
    StephieHockeyGirl Posts: 7 Member
    I am in on this. I did something a little similar from April to June- What I did was allow myself one bottle of red wine total a week. I would buy a really nice bottle so that I would savor it. I would limit myself to at most half the bottle of wine on one evening. Then, if I was satisfied the next day and didn't feel like drinking it, I would ring up a friend and say, do you want half a bottle of a nice wine? and she would take it :) This worked until end of June-July! Damn summer!!!!! It definitely helped me lose pounds because I didn't just drink the wine when I wasn't controlling intake, I would eat chocolate, stay up late, skip a workout... wake up feeling sluggish. Cutting down on it made me sleep better and wake up earlier ready to take on the day. I want that feeling back!
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I did it for lent, so that's 6ish weeks right? So it's doable. Just not sure I want to do it again. The first glass you have at the end is well worth the wait though :)
  • nelliecunningham
    I think a 30 day wine fast is an excellent idea. I would join you but I started my 30 days on January 1st and still haven't had any alcohol in 2014. Six months and counting. I read a book by a British author Gillian Riley called "Eating Less, Say Goodbye to Overeating". I found it extremely helpful when I wanted to give the wine a month off. It explains how to make the toddler tantrum in your head be quiet, the one that starts complaining bitterly when rational you wants to give the wine a break and emotional you wants WINE RIGHT NOW.
  • hawaiiandream
    hawaiiandream Posts: 43 Member
    I tried to do this once and just ended up drinking Vodka with Sobee water instead.. Now i just try to drink a lot less which works for me, but i still think the weight would come off faster if i didn't drink at all. Oh well, there could be worse things! Maybe I'll try the challenge. All you folks are a lot like me, friend me if I don't friend you first!
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I am already alcohol free due to a recent surgery I had - and it has been a good thing for me. Good luck :)
  • robinsonbiology
    robinsonbiology Posts: 1 Member
    Don't worry about what coworkers and friends say - you can go out and have a good time without *too much* alcohol. It definitely adds a lot of unwanted calories... and once the fun starts, it's hard to limit yourself to just one glass. I'd say what you're doing is reasonable - limiting the number of days you have a drink and trying to only have one or two. If it's something you can't live without, you don't have to be miserable. Just plan a few extra workouts that week and stick to them!

    I'd also like to point out that for myself... when I drink, I tend to overeat. That could be something to watch out/plan for. :)

    Best of luck to you! :smile:
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    i don't drink much anyway (maybe once a month), but I sorta wish I did b/c if that's where my extra calories were coming from it'd be such an easy change! Alas I already drink diet pop & don't drink any of my calories elsewhere (besides coffee + milk and the occassional orange juice). I envy those who can just do those quick fixes. My problem is just that I like food too much.
  • primdaisy
    primdaisy Posts: 21 Member
    I would love to get on board with this as well. I am usually on again off again from either wine, beer or my beloved brandy!! I only care for dark beer, so usually have only 1 Leinenkugels Creamy Dark, but then if my hubby has brandy in the house which he usually does), I can't not have 1-4 oz straight up at room temp. He thinks I'm nuts, but that's the way I like it. But, let's say I drink 3 oz, it's 251kcals!! Alot of calories for such a small amt. And since I'm peri menopausal, it disrupts my sleep. Soo, count me in. I know this is what is keeping the weight loss slow at this time. I'll have to keep that bottle of Red wine I bought yesterday corked for at least a month. Rats! Good luck ladies!!
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    I win - I have not had wine since April 2014. LOL BUT I did indulge in hard liquor last weekend though.
  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    BIggestLoseraddict15 Posts: 72 Member
    I am definitely up for a no wine/alcohol challenge. I need the encouragement!
  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    Haha! This is great!!! This is going to make it a lot more..... well maybe "fun" isn't the word, but..... I don't know? Interesting? I feel like this is a team effort! Yeah!
  • primdaisy
    primdaisy Posts: 21 Member
    So since we're already well into the month, should we just start from here and go until Aug 10? :cry:
  • sweetilemon
    sweetilemon Posts: 122 Member
    Well maybe one month but this is wedding season! Ive given up my mid-week wine/alcohol in honour of the diet though. It must help with a bottle of wine hitting 500cals.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Ok, I'm in! Except for fridays. Fridays I have a glass of wine after work. Oh and Saturdays. Saturdays are date night for me and the hubs. Wait, Sunday. Well because it's Sunday and I am off that day.
  • fowlerly
    fowlerly Posts: 40 Member
    Oh my goodness I wish I could do this! I know without a doubt that beer is definitely hindering my weightloss. I am a social drinker and never drink at home by myself, but it is summer and I am definitely socializing more often! It also doesn't help that I work for a beer wholesaler!!! I probably drink 1-3x a week and I can easily drink 6-7-8 beers without thinking about it. Maybe once the summer is over I can try this challenge!
  • primdaisy
    primdaisy Posts: 21 Member
    To hollie:

    A girl after my own heart!! It totally relate to your logic!! :wink:
  • BIggestLoseraddict15
    BIggestLoseraddict15 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes that is so true. Thanks for accepting! I look forward to getting all the support I need on here to be successful in 3 months
  • bullieforme
    Well all I can say is I've drank wine every night and I've managed to lose just over 5 stone since January !??
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Nope. :) I drink 1 glass of wine, maybe 3 nights a week, if that. Not giving it up, but more power to ya. ;)