Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Mmmmm, doughnuts.

    Nice picture Julie.

    On the job front I work for a music publisher in their 'Business Affairs' department. I handle all the copyright related stuff as well as contracts etc. So not disimilar in some respects to what Tabby might come across.

    Haven't been out for a run today, the weather is still completely foul. Very strong winds (bits of flying tree all over the place) and chucking it down with rain. Might have to wait till Saturday :sad: Not good for the calories.

    Jess - I hope you caught up on your sleep and feel better.

    Leash - I'm glad that it isn't a herniated disc and I really hope that the injection helps (even if it doesn't seem like a pleasant thing to have to go through).

    Keep logging miles and cals! Hope you all have a not hungry, good run day tomorrow :heart:

    Erika x
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Oh my!!! Where to start, what a funny day in the turtle club …… Taco Hell, donuts, dead folk, Leash’s driving a car called Gloria Estafan (Ha! I totally do that, one of my cars years past was the Swamp Donkey…haha)… it all totally cracks me up!

    Love the new profile pic Julie!

    I love hearing about what everyone does (or doesn’t do….haha!).

    With that note, Tabby is right, I travel the world for pain au choclate…haha! I actually get paid to be uptight and stiff-necked all day, and it’s not rigamortis….HA! I manage research & development projects, and travel because a good chunk of my team is in Europe. It’s a great job and I have a great team I work with.

    Sorry for not commenting more, very busy day and have to run figuratively and literally.

    Oh… for the record.....I am not the devil…not on Thursdays....

  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Almost done logging for the night... I have 350 cals left.:drinker: I may or may not have a healthy snack in a few minutes.

    Today was a great day for me. I spent some time feeling a little hungry but not stomach eating itself hungry.

    I am way behind on my water intake today for some reason. Maybe b/c I haven't been running combined with the cooler temps. I have 2 glasses of water prepared. The goal is to finish them before I go to bed tonight.:drinker:

    Thanks for being here everyone! Seeing you on this thread is so encouraging. Even when we're being baumb thwarts. Sorry, I can't remember what Erika said we are.:laugh:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Good job Kechie!

    Taco Hell! :tongue: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Erica, yes, we do some copyright work at our office, though more patent and trademark work. I love trademarks and seeing a brand on a TV commercial or in a magazine and knowing I helped the client to register it.

    I just finished logging and I have 14 calories left, but today was a rest day, and boy was it hard. I was wanting one of those Octoberfests, and I ended up not having one last night, but I am going to stick it out until Sat. I give myself permission to be a little bit bad on Sat. night. :bigsmile: The stress of avoiding donuts and cupcakes is nearly driving me to it though!

    Have a great night everyone, and thanks Julie for keeping me entertained while I DIDN'T work this afternoon. :laugh: :laugh: The weather is nice here for the first time in weeks and knowing it was going to be dark when I left the office was so sad! :sad:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Question on posting -- I spent an hour on this exercise ball, lifting weights, situps, pushups -- how would I log that. It says I didn't burn diddly squat and that really doesn't wipe out today's baby ruth -- any suggestions???

    Oh and my car is Gina -- at least the GPS -- remember that show with the Wayans brothers -- and Gina! When she sends me the wrong way I say "Damn Gina!" (Not funny unless you've seen the show)

    Tabbydog -- thank YOU for entertaining me today. Was a horribly stressful day at work -- you really made me laugh today -- thanks!

    Wendy -- thanks for sharing that recipe -- sounds great! I'll let you know if it passes by my pickies!

    Oh -- and my (excuse me) WTF moment is brought to you by my son -- he got a golf ball stuck on his bottom lip tonight. Stuff like this only happens when my DH is out of town. The ball had a v-shaped crack in it -- and he wanted to see what was inside -- so he tried to pry it open with his teeth -- slipped and voila - golf ball stuck on his lip. Definite oh **** moment -- as he was screaming I was having trouble prying it off. Only in my world!!!!

    Have a great night!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    What do you do when you are actually working? I know Tom is a veterinarian and Ray just travels and eats pain au chocolate all the time...... I am a legal assistant in a law firm working in the intellectual propery group. It is pretty interesting and fun.

    I am spoiled. I don't work. I guess working out is my work.

    LUCKY!! :angry: ... SO jealous, Becky! :bigsmile:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Yay for people born in November!! :drinker: Happy Birthday Kelynn! Mine is the 30th, when's yours? We desparately need a secretary in our group that will show up. The one we hired in July to help me has missed 20-25 days since her hire. :huh:

    This year it's on Thanksgiving... the 25th. I would love to come work with you. Actually, if it weren't for my Dad's reaction, I would be a waitress/bartender right now. But, he has a real problem with that since I have a Bachelor's and Master's degree :ohwell:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Bg that was totally unnecessary!!!! Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm a bad driver, in fact Gloria is very safe to drive in... truce: Gloria Estefan is the name of my car, I know very cool... shes red and it suites her so don't make too much fun! :smile:

    I'm a volleyball coach/full time student in the master's program if anyone didn't already know this was my job.

    ~Leash :drinker:

    Leash, what will your Master's be in?
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    I worked in the past - 2 different careers (engineer & computers/computer networks). My last employer, laid me off on a Friday after I told them I was preggo on Monday. I was able to find work about a month before my dd was born but hubby and I decided to go to one salary for 3 years. 8 years later, I'm still at home. I'm going back to school this fall.

    Life is good,

    What are you going back to school for, Kechie?
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I guess I'm hogging the thread like I did the food at the bar tonight. I was bad. :cry: My motivation is just non-existent these days :sad:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Kechie- The appointment is next week so can't you fly and take me? :bigsmile: Thanks for the offer, your too nice :smile:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who has named my car, yes bg cars can have last names thank you very much!

    Julie- My mom's gps' name is Roada. haha I'm sure her and Gina would be great friends.

    Jess- I'm sorry you slept bad, at least you got it done, thats awesome, hope you feel better.

    Erika- Your job sounds cool!

    Tabby- Way to power through! Damn those cupcakes.

    Wendy- Thanks for the recipe, glad you got back out there!

    Julie- I've seen people log that as like "circuit" or something to that effect... hopefully you were able to figure it out, I'm sure you burned off more than the baby ruth, but seriously I think thats my least favorite candy lol I hope your son is ok, I'm having a hard time imagining what happened!

    Ray- Since when aren't we your first priority, WTF.

    Nitz- Glad your feeling good!!!! Woohoo!

    Becky- I think you made up for tuesday by far!

    Kelynn- Hello, you had the day off, I expected more from you... jk! Hope you enjoyed your day.

    So I went shopping today with my friend and I found this REALLY cute ipad case, yea I know the guys don't care one bit but ladies... so I didn't buy it cause it was 88 dollars :huh: ... I know ridiculous but I really want it AND I have a 50 dollar gift card so it would only be like 30, I need someone to either tell me thats ridiculous or yes you should buy it lol

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    KEYLNN!!! Sorry I totally threw you under the bus for not posting and then BAM there you were! My master's will be in kinesiology.

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks for the recipe Wendy. I say "yummo" too and I love how annoyingly perky "Rach" is. She is someone I would love to have a drink with.

    I also love soups. I am looking forward to trying this one out. This week, I made a yummo spicy black bean soup that my whole family loves. Pm me if you like black beans.

    @Julie: Poor kiddo. Hope that doesn't leave a mark. An inside joke at my house when someone gets injured. There's: That 's gonna leave a mark. That's not gonna leave a mark. And You're ok - That is not going to leave a mark.:laugh:

    @Kelynn: I am studying computer programming this time. I'm taking Spanish too just b/c I want to learn Spanish.

    Night Everyone,
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    KEYLNN!!! Sorry I totally threw you under the bus for not posting and then BAM there you were! My master's will be in kinesiology.

    ~Leash :drinker:

    Very cool. I want to go back in time and re-do my Master's in something other than teaching :sad:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    @Kelynn: I am studying computer programming this time. I'm taking Spanish too just b/c I want to learn Spanish.

    Awesome! I'm sure computer programming is a field that you shouldn't have too hard of a time finding a job in... it must be one of the fastest growing fields!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Turtle County Fair, step up and rank yer week

    Weekly report format
    Xx days on track
    Xx weekly weight loss
    overall rating: (Blue Ribbon, Mediocre, Swine Club), feel free to create your own expression too.

    Rules, guidelines, and maybe more rules:
    > you call it, nobody is your mama here
    > there is no failure in honesty, we all are here to help
    > IF your are in the “swine club”, everyone helps to pry em off the trough the next week (yes, that’s a pig plate)
    > There is no “best in show” at this fair, if you’ve got it, great job, and roll up your sleeves and rescue a lil-piggy
    > Any and all pig jokes are highly welcomed
    > Show starts this weekend, and weigh in can be any time Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, post when you want

    OK? Comments questions or changes?
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Man, you go out of town for 24 hours and this thread moves faster than the old one!

    Man, this logging thing is getting dicouraging. Missed my run today because I was on the road, have been living on salad because that is often the only gluten-free meal you can get when you eat out - supper last night, again for lunch today, again tonight, and I am still over on my calories:explode: WTF? Better go to bed before I break down and raid the pantry
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Tom, we may need to change the title to cattle club, for all that salad grazing you've been doing.... so sorry to be OVER on cals!!!

    I had to take an interview candidate out to lunch, so that did not go well, even eating broccoli as a sub for fries. I'll also be in Nashville next week and that will be very tough, everyone get their clubs out.

    OK, off to bed... till tomorrow!

  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I was hoping you'd call it the rabbit club. At least then I'd be thinking all that lettuce would be making me faster. :wink:

    OK, accountability time. Two days over (just a little) on calories this week. Weigh in this morning - 168.5, down 2.5 pounds. (Maybe there's something to this lettuce diet after all:laugh: )

    On the road again tomorrow, don't know how I am going to fit in my weekend run. Sounds like a lettuce weekend coming up.:ohwell:

    Oh, bonus! The weight loss ticker rounds DOWN!:laugh:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I was doing quite well until about 11am when my colleague offered me a cookie (I had half) and now have just arranged to go out for pizza/pasta with friends tonight (so obviously that means wine). Ugh! I have a feeling I'm swine this week!!

    Hope you're all doing well today?